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Everything posted by Six

  1. Six

    Room 101

    I've always loved Play-Doh. I loved it as a child and now my children have loads of it, which means I get to play with it all the time too. And now I discover that my birthday is the same day as Play-Doh day! I completely agree with you on the Archers thing though. My hubby listens to every episode and refuses to accept that it is a soap, and sh*t. Grrr to the Archers.
  2. Six

    Who's Going To Be Around For A While?

    Ok. I guess I did misunderstand... thanks for explaining, Bald Rick And I'd just like to add that I can flop out meaningless one-liners just as much as any other user of this forum, thank you very much Mr Grumpy-Guts-Star-Crossed. And, just to stay on topic, Bill Cosby will be around for a while, I think... or he won't. But I think he will.
  3. Six

    Who's Going To Be Around For A While?

    No, no, no, no, no, no. Peter Falk isn't going to die. Silly you. Please, Six, try understanding the post you're replying to before before flopping out another meaningless one-liner. What did I not understand in the post? You suggested that Peter Falk would possibly be following Van Dyke and Forsyth in their deaths at some point in the future. I simply informed you of your mistake. As I said before, Peter Falk is not going to die. So, explain to me what I didn't understand. Oh, and thank you Lady Die for defending me
  4. Six

    Lay Kenneth Down To Rest

    I'm with you on this one TF. I really can't stand either of the annoying, smarmy, self righteous b*****ds.
  5. Six

    Anonymous In Life...

    Too bad it wasn't strangulation then she would have better appreciated the torture she put her daughter through. For once, I actually agree with you BC!
  6. Six

    Who's Going To Be Around For A While?

    No, no, no, no, no, no. Peter Falk isn't going to die. Silly you.
  7. Six


    Leave Windsor alone. He's such a cute little-wittle boy and he needs us to look out for him. I'll look after you Windsor- you're safe with me. ( He's only 19, bless him. )
  8. Six

    Caption Competitions

    "Come on then, lions. Give it your best shot."
  9. Six

    Richard O'Sullivan

    I haven't yet, but I will now. How exciting
  10. Six

    Near misses 2006

    I'm guessing we wouldn't get to select the country, but I could be wrong.
  11. Six

    Paul O'Grady

    That's great news for Paul, but my neice will be miffed. He's her joker in our family pool.
  12. Six

    Room 101

    These are excellent suggestions and I WILL be carrying them out with the next annoying, unwanted sh*t that is posted through my door Thank you so much LG. My sister uses Avon and looks a lot like a clown most of the time. May be best to keep away from them. More excellent suggestions. Wow! If LG's don't do the trick, I'll be trying yours out. Hey, why don't we have that here????
  13. Six

    Near misses 2006

    Near Miss - Ohhh, that was close... apparently.
  14. What a little ray of sunshine you are! Bringing light and happiness into the lives of others - you're a true Star ( Crossed )
  15. Happy... birthday ( ? ), anniversary (?) or just happy day? I don't know which it is, but Happy It anyway
  16. I looked at your profile, Banshees, to see what your interests were, and you appear to have none. That's a shame. Interests can be quite... interesting when you're really interested in them. _____ Yes, CP, it does make me feel better that you made the same mistake as me. If a person of your esteem and calibre can get it wrong, then I'll be fine ... oh yes, spit spit and grrrr. Just staying on topic.
  17. You know, I knew something was wrong with that, but my brain just wasn't working at full speed. I think I should get some sleep. Maybe I will when the children are older?
  18. Six

    Brinsworth House and Denville Hall

    You should definately join the DL, Dan. You could be a very useful resource!
  19. Six

    Frosties Kid

    And isn't number 6578 that bloke from ER? This bloke...
  20. Yup, last time I looked. There are many things with an 'ing' on and I'm very good at lots of them. Nagging. Moaning. Crying. Cleaning. Ironing. I'm just getting the list started, I'm sure you would have suggested these things yourself, eh Banshees?
  21. Six

    Caption Competitions

    Wanted: Dead or Even More Dead.
  22. Do some funky dancing with Tony Blair or George Bush. Wooohooo!
  23. Excellent fun, especially the mood I'm in! Surely if it was a real girl throwing rocks at boys, the rocks would merely fall to the ground 3 feet in front of her? In my case, you're absolutely right. I couldn't throw even if my life depended on it... although I can't think why it would. This is precisely the reason I thoroughly enjoyed the game. I actually HIT what I was aiming at!
  24. Here here! So, Banshees, are you going to provoke and offend all of us, or just some? I agree that it's been quite slow around here recently and I will join you in a round of ' Who can be the most offensive?' I'm not particularly good at it normally, but I'm having a bad week and need to get some frustration off my chest. So, shall we begin?

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