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Everything posted by runebomme

  1. "Before I die I must know: Is this word derived from Bastet, the Egyptian goddess" nah it's probably because they are both hairy
  2. runebomme

    Death Anniversary Thread

    most annoying face and voice combo ever
  3. runebomme

    A Joke

  4. runebomme

    A Joke

    a man walks into a zoo the only animal in the entire zoo is a dog. it's a shitzo
  5. that's a pussy drink are you sure your not part Swedish why not try this with vodka https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pussy_(energy_drink)
  6. its made withe the use of benzene which is a carcinogen is few extra percent of purity worth risking cancer
  7. runebomme

    Kirk Douglas

    Déjà Vu
  8. you can get some here https://www.masterofmalt.com/spirit/bartex/spirytus-duch-puszczy/?utm_content=bartex/spirytus-duch-puszczy&currencyCode=GBP&utm_source=database&utm_medium=base&utm_campaign=mom_base_1&gclid=CjwKCAjwsIbpBRBNEiwAZF8-z8f7cpeXpXqVAhBsqMwwmw77uTO8p7xiomkpbzEHkdKyEAk5Z4ss7xoCwkQQAvD_BwE its good for camping
  9. the best way: go to your 96 percent dealer and buy 1L of it then take one large swig from the bottle quickly followed by downing a small beer bottle
  10. runebomme

    So... What Games Are You Playing?

    you have to learn to roll and upgrade weapons and armor
  11. runebomme

    John McCririck

    he was a jewel though
  12. runebomme

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    I have actually read it but I remembered it as Sinuhe
  13. runebomme

    So... What Games Are You Playing?

    I have played dark souls 1 and 2 as you said it has a steep learning curve but I think they are one of the best games ever made once you get into it
  14. runebomme

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    I prefer nuns https://anunslife.org/blog/nun-talk/how-do-nuns-deal-with-sexual-urges
  15. runebomme

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    Ronia The Robber's Daughter Studio Ghibli
  16. runebomme

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    "Please read it in Finnish" screw that for a laugh
  17. runebomme

    A Joke

    Child to his mum; 'Mummy, what is dark humour?' 'Well sweetheart, you see that man over there with no arms?' 'No Mummy, I'm blind' 'Exactly.'
  18. Mr bladan I will push you off and drink all your bottles
  19. runebomme

    A Joke

    there is that
  20. runebomme

    Olivia De Havilland

    her blood supplier sucks in that case she did look sexy though

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