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Everything posted by runebomme

  1. runebomme

    World's Oldest

    it's called being senile
  2. give me five minutes and I'll sing and dance for my supper
  3. runebomme

    The Weather

    you can send trump a thank you letter
  4. runebomme

    Curse Of The Eurovision

  5. runebomme

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    I am surprised Lordi have not drank themselves to death yet
  6. and bladan can drink some Mickey Finn
  7. drinking some Mickey Slim might also work
  8. runebomme

    John McCain

    wouldn't a purple heart be more appropriate
  9. runebomme

    The Weather

    I am pissed of with all the sunshine, prefer the usual gloomy rainy summers
  10. runebomme

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Theresa May is wearing black
  11. runebomme

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    love songs are all the same
  12. runebomme

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    which to you prefer this
  13. runebomme

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    or from hysterical laughter https://www.unbelievable-facts.com/2017/11/people-who-died-laughing.html
  14. runebomme

    Brian Cox

    are you saying that Brian Cox the younger might get sucked into a black hole
  15. runebomme

    Room 101

    live a little there are fare better vegetables out there than carrots okra and artichokes for a start

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