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Everything posted by runebomme

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/16/ukraine-claims-dolphin-army-captured-by-russia-went-on-hunger-strike
  2. runebomme

    WTF is happening in London?

    what no stockings
  3. runebomme

    Old Folkies Home

  4. runebomme

    Lookie Likey

    don't know why but this photo makes me want to punch someone in the face
  5. runebomme

    WTF is happening in London?

    some year back I was looking at the murder rates in the world and was surprised to find that Italy had a very low one then I looked at the rates for missing people and Italy was one of the highest
  6. runebomme

    A Joke

    it is the Christmas Eve and a man has lost his job, wife and all his money he climbs up a tall building and is about to jump off when he hears HO HO HO he looks around and there is Santa Claus standing behind him smoking a large cigar he tells the man if he can take him from behind he will grant him three wishes the man thinks he has nothing to lose and lowers his trousers, after Santa Claus is finished he walks off the man shouts after him what about my three wishes the Santa replies "how old are you" "thirty nine" answers the man "and you still believe in Santa Claus"
  7. runebomme

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    "more importantly, watchable" only watched half of it, average at best not a new concept and a boring story line
  8. I often take a stroll at night I am just surprised that people run when they look under my hood
  9. a point worth remembrance but as such the devil is the leaded end of the stick which one only sees after signing the contract but the true understanding of death sets us free
  10. death is the master of nothingness devil is the master of pain worshiped by many in error
  11. even more nature friendly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Silence
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-43921050
  13. runebomme

    George Bush Senior

  14. better than wicker coffin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkaline_hydrolysis_(body_disposal)

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