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Posts posted by Bentrovato

  1. 23 minutes ago, Brad252 said:

    IMO no-one alive today has done more damage to the world as a whole than this one individual.

    Tony Blair, George Bush.  But maybe you are right. He gave them the publicity to say they were right. 

  2. On 27/06/2009 at 20:48, BrunoBrimley said:

    She was rather frightening in Logan's Runyon (the unknown sequel to Logan's Run based on the unknown chef of Damon Runyon and his relationship to the Aga Khan).



    I will try to miss her but didn't follow her carreer too much. Hope she's at peace now.

    This for TQR. This is the entry on Farrah Fawcett I was replying to. "Obviously off your tits on somethingetc etc 

    • Like 1
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  3. 1 hour ago, YoungWillz said:

    He was in Ukraine for mental heath conference, only to be whisked off to an air raid shelter: https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/breaking-stephen-fry-rushed-ukrainian-30883190


    Yes, Ukraine.


    Where next, Stephen? Afghanistan for a dinner party? A Mexican drug lord's dance at the town hall?

    For Stephen and his mate Zelensky. 5 Russian Novels That Will Help You Beat Your Depression | Books Are Our Superpower (baos.pub)


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