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Everything posted by Lafaucheuse

  1. Lafaucheuse

    Barbara Bush

    this is absolutely why I keep saying that there won't be a lot of deaths this year : at the same period in 2016 we had 6 deaths and even if at the same time last year we had also 4 deaths, the year was absolutely shocking because of the simultaneity of the deaths of the end of the year. This year, if we have one death per month, we will hardly reach 12.
  2. Lafaucheuse

    The Dead of 2018

    No, she was Belgian but her career was really influent in France and she was considered as a French singer by many people… She has spend a lot of her career in France btw
  3. Lafaucheuse

    The Dead of 2018

    Completly shocked and sad about the death of Maurane, France Is crying one of her most talented singer today...
  4. Lafaucheuse

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    You know, this is not because we don't agree that it allows u to be mean and disrespectful. Your respect and kindness have obvisouly died à long Time ago..
  5. Lafaucheuse

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    I predict that there won't be more than 10 deaths this year : bracknell, mccain, Douglas and bush may not reach the year but for the other one, i don't think there will be any other good hit...
  6. Lafaucheuse

    French speaking deathlist

    U agree with dutronc ! Yes i thought i Made a mistake putting him in my list but now i feel confident ^^ and the other that are not in bold ?
  7. Lafaucheuse

    Ask A Deathlister

    I can't find the thread of art… I don't know what's the problem with my search button but I don't have any relevant results…
  8. Lafaucheuse

    Rupaul And Other Drag Queens

    don't take Katya please
  9. Lafaucheuse

    Ask A Deathlister

    I can't find anything with the search… but thanks I will check
  10. Lafaucheuse

    French speaking deathlist

    Shadowlistfrench ma shadow list 100% française (moins Givenchy et Bocuse) : - Lucette Destouches - Georges Loinger - Renée Simonot - George Emmanuel Clancier - Suzy Delair - Robert Marchand - René de Obaldia - Hubert de Lapparent - Pierre Soulages - Edgar Morin - Jean Pierre richard - Jean Piat - Jean Graton - Bernard Tapie - Juliette Gréco - Yvette Horner - Serge Dassault - Jacques Dessanges - Jacques Chirac - Belmondo - Marthe mercadier - Badinter - VGE - Uderzo - Claude Sarraute - Roland Dumas - Aznavour - Zizi Jeanmaire - Jacques Dutronc - Michel Polnareff - Françoise Hardy - Dominique Ferrugia
  11. Lafaucheuse

    Ask A Deathlister

    is there a thread for painters and another thread for musicians or actors ?
  12. Lafaucheuse

    Chirac's couple

    so my thread is not as useless as it seemed
  13. Lafaucheuse

    Chirac's couple

    I swear I won't, even if I wanted to dedicate you a new thread to thank you for my recent freedom
  14. Lafaucheuse

    French speaking deathlist

    yeah on ouvrira le champagne, félicitation c'est compliqué parfois
  15. Lafaucheuse

    Chirac's couple

    Can anyone liberate me from that censure that block every one of my posts ???? I'm not mean or disrespectful i swear :'( :'(
  16. Lafaucheuse

    Widow(er) Shopping

    Did anyone mention Lucette Destouches ? Louis Ferdinand Celine's widow is now 106 and is known for being à great dancer back in her youth.
  17. Lafaucheuse

    French speaking deathlist

    Est ce que quelqu'un a deja pris en considération Marthe Mercadier ? Elle va avoir 90 ans, elle a alzeihmer et de graves problèmes financiers (elle était d'ailleurs SDF pendant un moment) : Ca ne m'étonnerait pas Si on apprenait sa mort dans quelques temps...
  18. Lafaucheuse

    French speaking deathlist

    Oui, dorleac, la sozur de Deneuve. Je suis très triste de voir cette nouvelle sur l'état de santé de cette actrice de talent mais je ne pense pas que ce soir aussi grave qu'ils nous le disent. Enfin j'espère...
  19. Lafaucheuse

    George Bush Senior

    Will he finally be solidary to his wife ?
  20. Lafaucheuse

    Charles Aznavour

    Lollll ! Aznavour won't die this year, he came to hospital for à sore back, not something important. Plus, he was hospitalized several times before and always recover very fast and well. He has some show till the end of the year So...
  21. Lafaucheuse

    The 5th Death of 2018

    do you guys think that Bracknell will last long ?
  22. Lafaucheuse

    The 5th Death of 2018

    I would be really surprise if George Bush is the 5th death and leaves right after his wife. I think that je will probably die this year but not before a 5th or maybe a 6th hit.
  23. Lafaucheuse

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

  24. Lafaucheuse

    Shadow Lists

    I also though that Hawking could reach the end of the year and even more but I put him in my list however
  25. Lafaucheuse

    Shadow Lists

    who's your 8 hits ?

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