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Everything posted by Lafaucheuse

  1. Lafaucheuse

    Mysterious thread…

    But Why did they leave their camp first ? And Why did some of them get so badly injured
  2. Lafaucheuse

    24. Jean-Marie Le Pen

    You beat me to it. Don’t think he looks better at all. Stop shaving apparently and his voice is rough, gasping for air at some point and looks really tired.
  3. Lafaucheuse

    Mysterious thread…

    Yeah, Jon Benet was probably killed by her own parents. Really sad but I don't think there is much to search for here. Maddie McCan is a much more mysterious child disappearance I think
  4. Lafaucheuse

    Twisted DL 2022-2023

    no worry, thanks !
  5. Lafaucheuse

    Twisted DL 2022-2023

    @Insane : you still have 2 subs to fulfill if I'm not mistaking !
  6. Lafaucheuse

    Tina Turner

    Some news of Tina Turner coming from an unexpected source : Touche Pas A Mon Poste. French far right emission, constantly criticized by basically everyone in France for being misogynist, racist, homophobic etc… and still watch daily by more than 2,5 million people… ANYWAY : Queen of France Afida Turner made her debut on the show in december and said that Ronnie Turner was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer on the 3rd of december, and died on the 8th. Apparently this is also Afida who discovered the body of Craig in 2018. She talks about Tina at the end of the video telling that she is currently in a clinic in Swiss because she feels "a little tired" and has some medical issues apparently. She insists on the fact that she can't say anything else because it's her private life but the whole thing looks a bit gloomy to me. A good returnee for this year.
  7. Lafaucheuse

    Vladimir Putin

    The use of body doubles has been debated for a long time now and it wouldn’t surprise me but Zelensky is just trying to fool us right now imo
  8. Lafaucheuse

    Angie Dickinson

    Completely agree, this is Why people always say that Van Dyke looks great.
  9. Lafaucheuse

    Twisted DL 2022-2023

    And Marcel Zanini is a hit for me : congrats, please choose another sub lol
  10. Lafaucheuse

    Twisted DL 2022-2023

    Lucile Randon aka Soeur André has passed away at the grand old age of 118 providing Summer in transylvania, Captain Chorizo, Book, Buffalophil and myself with one point each. Congrats to you all ! @Summer in Transylvania : Rob Burrow in at n°13 @CaptainChorizo : Siiri Rantamen in at n°11 @Book : Jango Edwards in at n°9 @BuffaloPhil : Boris Spassky in at n°19, please choose another sub
  11. Lafaucheuse

    The 100 Club

    New video of Iris Aprel. Beginning to look her age I think but still mentally sharp and active. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnhxifKLz7w/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  12. Lafaucheuse

    9. Noam Chomsky

    I always thought he was a risky drop. Even if he’s active, he’s way more frail than other active nonagenarians on the list (DVD, Greenspan or Brooks to quote only a few)
  13. Lafaucheuse

    Each Year's Most Significant Death.

    franklin was a legend. The queen of soul. One of the very last giant singers of the 50-60's. Of course all of this is subjective but for me, Hawking and her are the most significant of 2018. As you said, McCain is not "THAT" famous outside of US. I've never heard of him before deathlist and I remember that when he died, even friend in politic studies or older people whom I talked to just answer "who ?". I had to explain them and then they were like "oh yeah, him". It didn't happen when I spoke about Aretha's passing for example.
  14. Lafaucheuse

    French speaking deathlist

    Pas encore de point sur ma liste française, je ne pense pas faire aussi bien que l'année derniere (14/50) car j'ai mis des personnes parfois plus jeunes et en meilleure forme mais plus connus… à voir ! En tout cas pas mal de perte ces temps ci dans le milieu français. Soeur André hier a beaucoup fait parler, je ne pensais pas que ce serait le cas !
  15. Lafaucheuse

    French speaking deathlist

    j'ai vu d'autres extraits de l'emission sur les centenaires de Ca Commence Aujourd'hui mais n'avais absolument pas réalisé qu'il y avait Michel Klein dedans ! Il a l'ai particulièrement en forme en effet ! Diriez-vous qu'il est suffisamment célèbre pour apparaitre sur une liste ? j'ai laissé tomber quelques centenaires cette année par manque de place en me disant qu'ils ne l'étaient pas : Michel Klein, Léon Gautier, Claude Alphandéry, Marcel Boiteux… Je ne suis pas de la génération du club Dorothée donc j'ai du mal à me rendre compte si Klein est vraiment aussi célèbre que les autres centenaires dont on parle tout le temps… Pareil pour Zanini, je ne savais pas s'il était suffisamment connu, et dans le doute j'ai donné sa place à Mona Ozouf (en bien meilleure forme et moins agée que lui mai plus célèbre…). Je regrette
  16. Lafaucheuse

    French speaking deathlist

    je connais ce compte mais j'avais completement loupé cette vidéo ! merci beaucoup pour le partage ! en effet, elle a l'air en forme, je ne pense pas qu'elle soit à considerer pour l'instant. Morin avait l'air particulièrement fatigué et affaibli sur la derniere vidéo de lui que j'ai vu (je ne sais plus où mais elle a été posté ici, je ne la retrouve pas)… Cependant, il donne encore des interviews et je l'ai vu il y a quelques semaines dans un journal (du genre Télérama ou le Nouvel Obs). Pas de nouvelles de Philippe de Gaulle ni d'André Chandernagor et Francoise Gilot non plus…
  17. Lafaucheuse

    French speaking deathlist

    Un premier loupé pour moi ! Je l’ai remplacé par Mona Ozouf au dernier moment… j’ai ce feeling depuis quelque temps qu’un des centenaires va nous quitter incessement sous peu… à vérifier
  18. Lafaucheuse

    Death By Jazz

    F*ck, just dropped him this year… first miss for my french list. His only son, Marc Edouard Nabe (wiki) is an asshole : he’s an « artist » from far far right (friend with Le Pen) who pop up sometimes to spread conspiracy theories. He created his own wikipedia site called « wikinabia » in which he writes himself all the articles about people or things he believes in. I’ve never seen such an ego !
  19. Lafaucheuse

    Mysterious thread…

    don't know any of these cases. Would you mind sum them up briefly for me ?
  20. I think so yes ! But I wouldn’t be surprised if a more prominent singer pass away in the closing days of january.
  21. Pretty sure all of them will die this year except Scales. I think Woodward will be one of the very first hits, Delors and Carter one of the lasts. Like I said, I think we’ll have some health scare from Carter (death hoax, hospitalisations) in the second half of the year and that he will either pass on january 2024 or between september-december 2023.
  22. Lafaucheuse

    World's Oldest

    Surprisingly, the reactions on the 110 forum are much less theatrical than expected, compared to What happened When Tanaka passed for example. Was Randon less popular ? I find this gem and am waiting for other ones anyway, the new french doyenne is Marie Rose Tessier. She is 112. Quite big drop in age.
  23. Lafaucheuse

    World's Oldest

    She said it in several interview since she was 114 or something like that. David Tavella the guy who worked at her nursing home also said that she died at 2am and that she wanted it, that she wanted to join her brother and that it was a relief for her apparently.
  24. Lafaucheuse

    World's Oldest

    Yep, dropping at 116 becomes quite boring now..

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