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Everything posted by Lafaucheuse

  1. Lafaucheuse

    2. Dick Van Dyke

    Yeah he looks really healthy. Could pass for 19 years less…
  2. Lafaucheuse

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Yeah he looks awful. Might have been more serious than I thought. He will be ok though.
  3. Lafaucheuse


    Renner still in intensive care after two operations
  4. Rolling Stones has published their updated list of the top 200 greatest singers of all time. Quite controversial to say the least. Sza, Billie Eilish, Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift instead of Madonna, Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel, Callas, Montserrat Caballe, Pavarotti, Cesare Evoria or Edith Piaf ? And Ariana Grande listed above James Brown, Elton John or even Roy Orbison and Joni Mitchell ? Let’s not talk about Mariah Carey being 5, above Prince and Freddie Mercury. A fucked up list which made the magazine lose all its credibility to me.
  5. Lafaucheuse


    Photo of his body from his daughter Instagram. We don’t see much but god how he looks changed https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7Z4rApAAh/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  6. Lafaucheuse

    Martina Navratilova

    Chris evert yes !! Thank you so much I was mistaken damn! Both legends though
  7. Lafaucheuse

    In Memoriam Award 2022

    I’ll let you until tomorrow to submit your team by pm or to change them. The results will be published before the end of the week
  8. Lafaucheuse

    Martina Navratilova

    I’m sure it was cancer. Did another tenniswoman announced breast cancer last year ?
  9. Lafaucheuse

    Martina Navratilova

    Pretty sure I red that elsewhere 4-5 months ago. I can’t find it though
  10. Lafaucheuse

    Ideas and possibilities for 2024

    Isn’t it a tad to soon to talk about drops already ?
  11. Lafaucheuse

    Martina Navratilova

    Didn’t she announced her breast cancer back in September ?
  12. Lafaucheuse

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    Thanks a lot then
  13. Lafaucheuse

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    when will the derby site be updated ?
  14. Lafaucheuse

    Who are the immortals?

    As I mentionned in the world’s oldests thread, Randon also recovered from a stroke at 91… 27 years ago. she also lived in a nursing home since age 75… 46 years ago.
  15. Lafaucheuse

    Who are the immortals?

    Oh thanks for the clarification, I thought each new class would replace the last one which I find odd. Makes more sense now
  16. Lafaucheuse


    The Kobe Bryant/Gaspard Ulliel/Sophie/Emiliano Sala/Dolores O’Rierden of 2023 ?
  17. Lafaucheuse

    Ideas and possibilities for 2023

    Jacques Sereys dead at 94. The first one to kick the bucket from this list.
  18. Lafaucheuse

    The 100 Club

    Well that’s embarrassing, I used to pick her in AO every year and just dropped her this Time. It could have been a solo hit + 2 in one day with McGarvey… damn
  19. Lafaucheuse

    Alt Obituaries Deadpool

    One thing I never understood for pools in general is Why the absence of qualifying obit is a problem to mark points. The person is dead either way so we don’t really care about the obit, do we ?
  20. Lafaucheuse

    1st Crowdsourced Deathlist hit

    Vialli for me
  21. Lafaucheuse

    Thoughts on 2023 Deathlist

    Vialli and Whale are wtf omissions
  22. Lafaucheuse

    Ask A Deathlister

    how can you do to mask your signature unless you click on the "reveal hidden content" button
  23. Lafaucheuse

    Shadow Lists

    International shadowlist : Jimmy Carter (1924) former president Gianlucca Vialli (1964) italian footballer Rolf Harris (1930) Australian actor and pedophile James Whale (1951) British journalist Bob Barker (1923) the price is right Henri Kissinger (1923) The Kiss of death for Mr. Kissinger ? Iris Apfel (1921) fashion icon Dick Van Dyke (1925) actor Tony Benett (1926) crooner Sandra Day O Connor (1930) juge supreme Robert Wagner (1930) murderer of Natalie Wood (and actor) Bob Newhart (1929) actor Giorgio Napolitano (1925) former italian president Gina Lollobrigida (1927) italian icon Glynis Johns (1923) British icon Alan Greenspan (1926) economist Robert Solow (1924) economist Nobel prize winner Joanne Woodward (1930) actress and wife of Paul Newmann Mohamed Al-fayed (1929) businessman and father of Dodi Noam Chomsky (1928) intellectual Milan Kundera (1929) author Tippi Hedren (1930) Hitchcock’s blond Vera Miles (1929) « Psychose »’s legend Burt Bucharach (1928) singer Hary Belafonte (1927) singer Eva Marie Saint (1924) Academy Award Winner Sonny Rollins (1930) jazzman Lee Grant (1925) Hollywood actress Rosalynn Carter (1927) FLOTUS Petula Clark (1932) english singer Andy Taylor (1961) Duran Duran Leontyne Price (1927) soprano Frank Gehry (1929) architect Buzz Aldrin (1930) Apollo 11 Quentin Blake (1932) illustrator Katherine Jackson (1930) matriarch David Attenborough (1926) British presenter and TV personality Constantin II (1940) Greek king Mel Brooks (1926) actor Willie Nelson (1933) country singer Federico Bahamontes (1928) l’aigle de Tolède Raoni (1930) brazilian indigenous chief Quincy Jones (1933) composer, producer, musician, arranger etc… Mary Quant (1930) miniskirt creator Jordi Pujol (1930) catalan independentist Imelda Marcos (1929) shoes addict Raul Castro (1931) Cuban president Isabel Peron (1931) Argentinian president Yoko Ono (1933) the reason the Beatles broke up Liza Minnelli (1946) Liza with a Z and french one : Roland Dumas (ancien ministre) Micheline Presle (actrice) Edgar Morin (philosophe) Francoise Gilot (danseuse et femme de Picasso) Philippe de Gaulle (un De Gaulle Bernadette Chirac (mère supérieure) Jean Malaurie (explorateur) André Chandernagor (politicien) Catherine Laborde (weathergirl) Jean Marie le Pen (néonazi) Pierre Menès (présentateur et pervers) Jacques Delors (ancien président de la commission européenne) Robert Badinter (peine de mort !) Edouard Balladur (premiere ministre) Jean Pierre Serre (mathémicien) Helene Langevin Joliot (scientifique et membre de la famille Joliot-Curie) Laurent de Brunhoff (père de Babar) Renaud (Mister Renard) Claude Sarraute (auteure et fille de…) Alain Touraine (sociologue) Martial Solal (jazzman) Marcel Amont (chanteur) Charles Dumont (parolier) Phillippe Bouvard (présentateur) Genevieve de Galard Tarraube (l’ange de Dien-Bien Phu) Claude Bessy (danseuse étoile) François Cheng (académicien) Laurence Badie (actrice) Yvon Gattaz (président du Medef) Yvonne Furneaux (actrice et ex de VGE) Anne Vernon (actrice) Marie-France Garaud (ministre) Jean Tulard (historien) Helene Ahrweiler (médiéviste et universitaire) Hugues Aufray (chanteur) Judith Magre (actrice) Pierre Joliot (scientifique et membre de la famille Joliot-Curie, mari d’Helene) Jacqueline de Ribe (muse et icone) Mona Ozouf (autrice) Geneviève de Fontenay (Miss de Fontenay) Hubert Reeves (astronome et universitaire) Liliane Rovère (10 pour cent) Raphael Geminiani (cycliste) André Darrigade (cycliste) Anouk Aimée (icône et actrice) Anne-Aymone Giscard d’Estaing (1ere dame) Emmanuel Leroy Ladurie (Le Roi des historiens) Pierre Nora (historien) Just Fontaine (ah il n’a pas de nom ?) Line Renaud (la Line)
  24. Lafaucheuse

    French speaking deathlist

    belle liste je trouve ! j'ai a peu près les mêmes à part quelques un.es que je suis reticent à ajouter (sans que je sache pourquoi) : Oleg, Pivot, Condé… liste prometteuse, bonne à vous/toi et j'espere que tu auras au moins autant de point que l'année dernière
  25. Lafaucheuse

    French speaking deathlist

    et voila ma deathlist française ! Roland Dumas (ancien ministre) Micheline Presle (actrice) Edgar Morin (philosophe) Francoise Gilot (danseuse et femme de Picasso) Philippe de Gaulle (un De Gaulle Bernadette Chirac (mère supérieure) Jean Malaurie (explorateur) André Chandernagor (politicien) Catherine Laborde (weathergirl) Jean Marie le Pen (néonazi) Pierre Menès (présentateur et pervers) Jacques Delors (ancien président de la commission européenne) Robert Badinter (peine de mort !) Edouard Balladur (premiere ministre) Jean Pierre Serre (mathémicien) Helene Langevin Joliot (scientifique et membre de la famille Joliot-Curie) Laurent de Brunhoff (père de Babar) Renaud (Mister Renard) Claude Sarraute (auteure et fille de…) Alain Touraine (sociologue) Martial Solal (jazzman) Marcel Amont (chanteur) Charles Dumont (parolier) Phillippe Bouvard (présentateur) Genevieve de Galard Tarraube (l’ange de Dien-Bien Phu) Claude Bessy (danseuse étoile) François Cheng (académicien) Laurence Badie (actrice) Yvon Gattaz (président du Medef) Yvonne Furneaux (actrice et ex de VGE) Anne Vernon (actrice) Marie-France Garaud (ministre) Jean Tulard (historien) Helene Ahrweiler (médiéviste et universitaire) Hugues Aufray (chanteur) Judith Magre (actrice) Pierre Joliot (scientifique et membre de la famille Joliot-Curie, mari d’Helene) Jacqueline de Ribe (muse et icone) Mona Ozouf (autrice) Geneviève de Fontenay (Miss de Fontenay) Hubert Reeves (astronome et universitaire) Liliane Rovère (10 pour cent) Raphael Geminiani (cycliste) André Darrigade (cycliste) Anouk Aimée (icône et actrice) Anne-Aymone Giscard d’Estaing (1ere dame) Emmanuel Leroy Ladurie (Le Roi des historiens) Pierre Nora (historien) Just Fontaine (ah il n’a pas de nom ?) Line Renaud (la Line) si quelqu'un a un avis, je prends

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