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Everything posted by Banana

  1. Banana

    Derby Dead Pool 2024

    Same thing happens as with premature joker deaths. I will get in contact with any teams that need replacements in the off chance that 4 or more members perish prematurely. This is why it is strongly urged to send in 3 subs.
  2. Banana

    Derby Dead Pool 2024

    All uk.(whatever).yahoo.com links can be changed to uk.news.yahoo.com (to my knowledge) so any uk.(whatever).yahoo.com link should be acceptable.
  3. Banana

    Derby Dead Pool 2024

    Yes, go ahead. Please just specify your team name in the email. For reference for all other players, I will do my best to get into contact with you if your joker dies prematurely for a replacement. If I do not receive any response the next highest pick becomes your joker.
  4. Banana

    Advent game 2023

    Jason Smith, Newcastle councillor. Amazed I even remembered this name considering I’m not home and completely forgot this started today. Ryan Minor was the pick to have.
  5. Banana

    Ice Hockey Players

    What possible evidence could there be that you seem to think will change anything
  6. Banana

    Ice Hockey Players

    I think what makes this a different case from boxing deaths and other sports related deaths is that this type of incident is not a regular part of the sport, albeit a freak accident that falls outside typical play. Should be noted whoever was arrested (pretty obvious who) was only arrested, doesn't seem like they were charged with anything. I wouldn't expect anything to come of this, just seems like they're doing their due diligence and following the legal process. Nope. It's a pretty divided issue it seems. It's mandatory as a minor, but once you hit a certain level/age it's not mandated. Kind of ridiculous seeing as how I've personally never played without one and never had an issue with wearing it. Some claim it's a nuisance, but I wouldn't particularly take those people very seriously. I could understand players not wanting to wear a mouthguard or a cage, but not wearing a neckguard can be lethal.
  7. Banana

    Ice Hockey Players

    Being held on life support for organ donation.
  8. Banana

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    Clearly I need a new hobby…
  9. Banana

    Comedians & Comedy Writers

    I was shocked to find that this topic was trending and dismayed when I found out that my absolute devastation from the passing of Geechy Guy was not shared among the forum...
  10. Banana

    The deaD of 2023

    Never really considered her too much for the main squad as I don’t recall the severity of her cancer and she seemed to being well. And like you I even thought she was on the mend judging by me dropping her from DbyN.
  11. Banana

    Ice Hockey Players

    Rocky Wirtz, owner of the Chicago Blackhawks, dead at 70. https://chicago.suntimes.com/blackhawks/2023/7/25/23807793/rocky-wirtz-dies-blackhawks-chairman-bill-danny-wirtz-breakthru-beverage
  12. Banana


    As if this hobby wasn’t gross enough, people are seriously taking time out of their day speculating about which random C-lister did some diddling and the prospects of them offing themselves. There is nothing more to discuss past “they have had bouts with depression.” There’s zero need for 4 pages of this. Just my two cents.
  13. Banana


    I envy the day this forum section is actually used correctly.
  14. Banana

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    Mutulu Shakur QO https://uk.news.yahoo.com/news/mutulu-shakur-tupac-shakur-stepfather-194643338.html
  15. Banana

    Deathlist Cup 2023

    Another year, another semis finish.... Good luck @gcreptile
  16. Banana

    Death By Numbers 2023

    OUT: Ethan Davies Faye Fantarrow Rhod Gilbert Richard Holliday Kate Keltie IN: Graham Caveney Tylee Craft (Black Bart if not accepted) Nick Hungerford Jeanette Lee Linda Nolan
  17. Banana

    Windy City Deadpool 2023-2024

    Durrance has a Yahoo QO https://uk.news.yahoo.com/samuel-durrance-astronaut-flew-telescope-120055948.html?guccounter=1
  18. Banana

    Passed-Punks & No-Wavers

    Idk how people can even doubt the obitability of someone akin to Teresa Taylor in the Yahoo game. Was basically guaranteed. Like Joey said, pretty big cult following and fairly influential in the scene.
  19. Banana

    Deathlist Cup 2023

    Both my top 2 subs died (Catt/Markopoulos) and would’ve put me in the lead.
  20. Banana

    Deathlist Cup 2023

  21. Banana

    Deathlist Cup 2023

    2nd sub. Couldn’t find any news on them that wasnt multiple weeks old.
  22. Banana

    Deathlist Cup 2023

    Aaaaaaaaand we’re drawing even https://www.theadvertiser.com/story/sports/2023/06/05/state-champion-coach-ronnie-coker-loses-battle-with-cancer-captain-shreve-parkway/70291246007/
  23. Banana

    Deathlist Cup 2023

    Im like 90% sure those Pat Travers are not the same people. Came across that name as well and came to that conclusion. They don’t particularly look like and Anchorage and Tijuana are slightly a ways away.
  24. Banana

    Derby Dead Pool 2023

    It finally happened, Robert Zimmer QO https://uk.news.yahoo.com/jim-dey-fond-farewell-champion-145100338.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
  25. Banana

    Deathlist Cup 2023


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