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Cruyff's Turn

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Everything posted by Cruyff's Turn

  1. Cruyff's Turn

    Burt Bacharach

    What amazed me was how small the guy was. I always assumed he was six footish. He looked tiny in that chair being interviewd by Grade.
  2. Cruyff's Turn

    Burt Bacharach

    Probably one of the few times that there has been not a negative comment on a demise. Bacharach and David may not have been the best songwriting duo, but certainly in the top one. ( Apolgies to Cloughie)
  3. Cruyff's Turn

    Boris Johnson

    To add to the woes of one Mr.Tubs de Pfeffel the rumour mill is saying that the third Mrs,J has drawn stumps and gorn orf with Mr. Zacharia Goldsmug. Apparently a super injunction is in place.
  4. Cruyff's Turn

    UK Singles Chart

    I was reading the thread and found it interesting and informative before I saw the interjection. Why would you want it banned?
  5. Cruyff's Turn

    Norman Tebbit

    It hurts deeply to say anything good about the old bastard but his administration looks to be a veritable pillar of truth and rectitude compared to the current one. I must admit to enjoying the breakfast news on the morning of the bombing more than any other I can recall. Me and Paddy McGee.
  6. Cruyff's Turn

    Queen Elizabeth II

    She will be nearer to Ponce Andrew
  7. Cruyff's Turn

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Or one of Trump's deluded acolytes did.
  8. Cruyff's Turn

    Queen Elizabeth II

    I doubt that anyone is rooting for the old biddy to hit the deck. I'm not especially looking forward to the griefest that will ensue. It will be interesting to see the fight for headlines between Vlad and Liz. I'm guessing that Ukraine will take a back seat unless Vlad goes nuclear and we all get invited to the cremation.
  9. Cruyff's Turn

    Nazi of SS

    That wasn't unusual towards the end of WW2. As their resources became more depleted they threw in everything they had so a 16 y/o working in a camp was probably quite common. In the defence of Berlin kids as young as 12 were thrown into the battle. One can only imagine their casualty rates facing the Red Army. Presumably the more savvy ones kept their heads down.
  10. Cruyff's Turn

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Private Eye seem to have some inside info.
  11. Cruyff's Turn

    Queen Elizabeth II

    The Old Crem's theory is gaining credence with me.
  12. Cruyff's Turn

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Serge gave her quite a few strokes.
  13. Cruyff's Turn

    When will Harry and meghan divorce if at all?

    Come on, we all know who she is. Chip off the old block.
  14. Cruyff's Turn

    Rush Limbaugh

    Rush in Limbo
  15. Cruyff's Turn

    Captain Tom Moore

    Par for the course given the long running little local difficulty between Perfidious Albion and The Emerald Isle.
  16. Cruyff's Turn

    Captain Tom Moore

    His classroom was in Chester le Street so may have popped off a couple of Mackems, or a stray Geordie.
  17. Cruyff's Turn

    Captain Tom Moore

    I doubt he shot anyone. He was a tank gunnery instructor.
  18. Cruyff's Turn

    Captain Tom Moore

    He did like Tubs de Pfeffel so, in a sense, he had it coming.
  19. Cruyff's Turn

    Captain Tom Moore

    His circuit's dead...there's something wrong!
  20. Cruyff's Turn

    Tony Blair

    I'd have a florin on Blair outliving Tubs de Pfeffel.
  21. Cruyff's Turn

    Vera Lynn

    We'll not meet again.
  22. Cruyff's Turn

    The Dead of 2020

    Just a mathematical/ statistical point. Presumably in a high scoring year such as 2020 we should expect things to slow as the year progresses. There are now only 42 possibilities. Also interesting that there appears to be grouping in the 1-10 and 20-30's . Just feeding my aspergers.
  23. Cruyff's Turn

    Stirling Moss

    Taken the chequered flag!
  24. Cruyff's Turn

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    Anybody else see the resemblance between Raab C Brexit and the late lamented Geoffrey Fairbrother of Maplin's ?
  25. Ftse100 down another 130 today after the recovery. Could be profit taking or a Dead Bat Bounce.

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