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Great Uncle Bulgaria

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Everything posted by Great Uncle Bulgaria

  1. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    50/50 Reboot

    I don't mind, It's your game Sean, you choose the rules (Lesley Gore's 'it's my party' rule...) . Having entered with a team of people * mostly not much older than me all of whom probably have more money/access to better private healthcare than me should they ever need it, * over half of whom are women * only half a dozen of which have anything wrong with them I shall be amazed to outlive 25 of them, and there's absolutely no chance I'll survive all of them. Still, it's only a bit of fun, not as if it's life or death, is it...
  2. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Ginger Baker

    drug-ridden, you mean
  3. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Ginger Baker

    Yes and no (I feel free, as it happens).
  4. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Ginger Baker

    Actually I don't think he is. If you're a rock fan, certainly, but Cream never had a top ten single and putting the question to a random gathering of older family members over the weekend - several of whom grew up in that era or were rock or pop fans in the late 60s and 70s - while most had heard of Cream, none could name any members apart from Clapton (or more than 2 of their songs). He's certainly more famous than Johnny Clegg, but if you asked 100 'ordinary' people to name members of Cream on Pointless (a UK Quiz Show) 90% + would say 'who are Cream?' and I'd be amazed if more than 1 or 2 could name him.
  5. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    that's the one, Jackie Lee had a hit with uit in 1970. sorry for slight misdorection, I always think of Ruoert as a cartoon as it was a cartoon strip in the rupert bear annuals that were knoicking around at home when I waas growing up
  6. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    no (right year though) and no respectively
  7. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    TV cartoon theme song which was a UK top ten hit nearly 50 years ago. Not as big a hit as The Wombling Song, obviously.
  8. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Kirk Douglas

    For 102 he's looking OK. Reckon he'll be fine for another year at no 1 come 1st Jan.
  9. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Saw her live about 12 years ago in a double bill with Alvin Stardust. she cut a verse out of devilgate drive and can the can and there were a couple of breaks during which she sat down and talked and asked the audience to ask her questions (hardly anyone did , which killed the atmosphere). More disconcertingly she kept turning round and waggling her backside at the audience. Sadly - but understandably - it was considerably larger and less appealing sight in 2006 than it was in 1974, slightly embarrassing really. Alvin Stardust was better, he surprisingly died less than a year later, he looked in decent shape when I saw him.
  10. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    A Joke

    I remember that one doing the rounds in the 80s
  11. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    It was a shame for the Royal family that Diana died when she did. She went through quite a lot of men of varying degrees of 'suitability' in her last years and I remember her getting plenty of stick at the time in press comment pieces for doing so in the full glare of the media and potentially bringing embarrassment on her children. This increasingly maverick behaviour was conveniently forgotten post car crash of course, but she became a lot less popular in the mid 90s and might well have continued to become so had she lived longer. Death performed a similar immortalising/reputation-saving function for Queen, for example. History forgets that when Freddie died he had become the increasingly pantomime camp figurehead of an irrelevant band that hadn't produced anything worth listening to for 6-7 years and whose best days had finished another 4-5 years prior to that.
  12. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Given he is (a) male and (b) 5 years older, bit less than 10% assuming genetic parity. Factor in her mother lived to be 100+ despite some unhealthy habits, in practice probably some way less than that
  13. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Loretta Lynn

    Doesn't look too bad. Lured into choosing her for ABC by some fake news around at the time and her alliterative pointscoring potential (see what I did there?). Big sister Vera's going first...
  14. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Deathlist Football Prediction League 2019/2020

    Liverpool v Newcastle 5-0 Brighton v Burnley 1-2 Man U v Leicester 1-3 Sheff Utd v Southampton 1-0 Spurs v Palace 1-1 Wolves v Chelsea 2-1 Norwich v Man City 1-3 Bournemouth v Everton 0-0 Watford v Arsenal 1-2 Villa v West Ham 1-2 Derby v Cardiff 2-1 Fulham v WBA 2-0 Blackburn v Millwall 2-1 Charlton v Birmingham 1-2 Hull v Wigan 1-0 M'boro v Reading 2-0 Preston NE v Brentford 1-0 QPR v Luton 0-1 Stoke v Bristol City 1-0 Swansea v Forest 2-1 Huddersfield v Sheff Wed 1-1 Barnsley v Leeds 3-1 Buckie Thistle v Fort William 3-0
  15. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    They Say We're Sick

    BBC says the Dad is the suspect...
  16. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    How much longer will Queen Elizabeth reign?

    Healthy (as far as we know), access to the best healthcare money can buy and a mother who lived to 101. If I had to bet on one sub-95 person in the world to see 100 it would be her.
  17. Great Uncle Bulgaria


    Belatedly noting Harper my first hit here. No sign of anything more than a bad cold amongst most of the other 29...
  18. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Yeah, but she's living in the land of make believe...
  19. Sister's eldest's wife produced a son. I am indeed a Great Uncle. To Tomsk, Orinoco, Bungo et al add.....Arthur. At least Ford Prefect or Zaphod would have been funny...
  20. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Deathlist Football Prediction League 2019/2020

    yep agree with the others, whatever works for you
  21. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Deathlist Football Prediction League 2019/2020

    Thanks. Off for a nap after that lot.
  22. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Deathlist Football Prediction League 2019/2020

    Charlton 0 Brentford 2.
  23. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Larry King

    She looks good for someone who is 3 months off 60, no doubt all plastic when you get close but even so could pass for his granddaughter.

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