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Great Uncle Bulgaria

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Everything posted by Great Uncle Bulgaria

  1. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Yep, you win, well done..
  2. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    nope to both of these admittedly very plausible suggestions. 1970s.
  3. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Top ten hit for someone much discussed in these parts, a jaunty little number about murdering your other half
  4. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Alt-J - Breezeblocks?
  5. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    I think Time is probably right, but if they cant use the toilet guess it might be Elton John with 'guess that's why they call it the blues' instead
  6. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Posted 13 minutes ago I'm Mandy Fly Me - How Dare You?. 10cc. Yep, very good.
  7. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Top 10 hit inspired by an airline poster. Taken from an album whose title is an expression of outrage.
  8. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Madonna - frozen?
  9. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    what's new pussycat - Tom Jones. woody allen was in it, who must be connected to/have worked with a number of luvvies/luvettes on the list
  10. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Posted 1 hour ago Yes. Also best lip synchers in the business. Great Uncle Bulgaria must be having a nap. Damn, nipped out to Sainsburys and missed one I knew... :-). Don't know GUN's one...
  11. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Soley Soley. Middle of the road. Yep, that was the one, redrumours wins. Excellent research with the hot pants MPFC :-).
  12. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Jump-starting this thread...this doubly sunny smash was the third of this group's 5 hits and followed its two predecessors into the top 5. The band's name reflects their genre and their lead singer filled a pair of hot pants very pleasingly in the early 70s...
  13. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Read Caine Mutiny by our very own Herman Wouk recently, if only so I can agree or disagree with comments made about it when the inevitable happens. Dated and slow moving but still quite powerful in its way. Just finished 'Iron Curtain' by Anne Applebaum, which somehow makes a fascinating subject (the sovietisation of East Germany, Hungary and Poland 1944 - 1956) a lot less interesting than it might be. For some low-middlebrow fiction quite enjoyed 'Our House' by Louise Candlish.
  14. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    The Skids, Into The Valley Coincidentally I saw them on Friday night and was shouting out "Albert Tatlock!" along with everyone else Awesome gig. Yep, very good. I saw them live on 'The Absolute Game' tour ca 1981, our gang shouted for it and they refused to play it. There were quite a few new romantic hairstyles in the audience, the band seemed to be trying to reposition themselves somewhat away from their fans of the previous couple of years. That didn't end well...still got the limited edition LP ('Strength through Joy') that came out free with the Absolute game, hope one day it might prove to be worth something. Only ever played it once though, it was rubbish....
  15. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Debut (top 10) hit for a new wave band who had a few more afterwards. The chorus of the B side involved shouting the name of a character from Coronation Street several times.
  16. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Reet - I'm on it, so... Opening track on a multi-platinum album. The band strike up a leisurely groove which lasts longer than the intro to many songs (approx. 20 seconds) before the singer wades in. The first words sung are the title of the album, but not the title of this song (which is a hit single in its own right) Diamond Life (album), song = smooth operator, Sade?
  17. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    The Sweet - Love is Like Oxygen yep, that's the one.
  18. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    This band had one UK no 1 and 5 no 2s hit singles between 1971 and 1975, at which point their chart career appeared over. However they had a 'comeback' top 10 hit in 1978, only to disappear into commercial obscurity thereafter, having sacked their lead singer for being permanently stoned and unable to sing any more. Name the band and the 'comeback' hit.
  19. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Posted Saturday at 21:51 While everyone digs through albums they've never heard of for the crossword ones, here's something a bit more mainstream and easier. An exclamation that (unless you count the Interto Cup) has alluded Newcastle this century so far. Simply the best! - Tina Turner We are the champions! Queen Too darn hot! Cole Porter
  20. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    you win again! - hot chocolate
  21. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Inverse Dead Pool 2019

    Please can I move everyone else (below Carol Channing) up one, June Brown in at 25 and Angela Lansbury new sub. Thanks.
  22. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    The night, Frankie Valli?
  23. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Inverse Dead Pool 2019

    1. Donald Trump 2.Paul Gascoigne 3.Linda nolan 4. Queen Elizabeth II 5. Terry Jones 6. Prunella Scales 7. Pope `emeritus Benedict 8. Carol Channing 9. Dick Van Dyke 10. Ruth Bader Ginsburg 11. Jimmy Carter 12. Billy Connolly 13. Beth Chapman 14. Olivia Newton-John 15. Michael Robinson 16. Prince Philip 17. Greg Gilbert 18. Marieke Verwort 19. Olivia De Havilland 20. Doris Day 21. Betty White 22. John McCririck 23. John Andretti 24. Jill Gascoine 25. Clive James sub June Brown. Thanks for running.
  24. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    The 2019 Deathlist Cup

    add me too please. Ta
  25. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Deathlist correctlist 2019

    1. Kirk 2. Wouk 3. Leah B 4. Vera Lynn 5. Kissinger 6. Murray Walker 7. Gordon B`nks 8. Stirling Moss 9. Bob Hawke (joker) 10. Nobby Stiles 11. Tony Britton 12. Clive James 13. Litte Richard 14. Johnny Clegg 15. Jimmy Greaves 16. Bob Barker\ 17. Robert Mugabe 18. Javier Perez de C

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