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The Great Cornholio

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Everything posted by The Great Cornholio

  1. The Great Cornholio

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Monday: 115
  2. The Great Cornholio

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Writer and former Deathlist favourite, Herman Wouk, was checked off the death list a year ago today.
  3. The Great Cornholio

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Ffs xD Why am I reading this quote in his voice?
  4. The Great Cornholio

    Dead Relatives - old photos from the 20th century and before

    Before you ask, no this is not a dirty piece of card. This is a picture of my great x3 grandfather. This was taken in the 1890s (not sure which year exactly). I don't know a lot about him but he was said to have been a poultry merchant. He was my mum's dad's dad's mum's dad. (The picture of my great x4 grandmother that I posted earlier was his mother). As you can tell I was not the first person to handle this photograph, my great grandfather was really careless with everything he owned.
  5. The Great Cornholio

    The Dead of 2020

  6. The Great Cornholio

    37. Dick Cheney

    From what I was told, MK was a nice place when my parents moved there in ''92. Apparently it got shit a few years after when all the chavs came in. But yeah things got forgotten about and eventually became a shithole. Not to mention that all of our MPs have been relatively shit - including the Tory snob we have in charge rn. I wrote him a letter once when I was in my mid teens about animals being banned in circuses and how we should go through with making it a thing of the past (due to the abuse the animals had to endure). His response was basically 'Noted and I'll think about it' so yeah I don't rate MK but I've defo lived in much worse places. Try Jamestown Rd in Camden for one.
  7. The Great Cornholio

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    I've had this happen to me. See a dentist IMMEDIATELY. Otherwise your root canal will die or worse, get infected. I had one of my teeth chipped last year and I ignored it for ages. A year later, I had like 12 cavities on the right side of my mouth as it was so painful to brush around it. I went to the dentist and got a root canal and my total bill came to 2,600+ pounds. Don't do the typical guy thing and ignore it for ages like what I did. Go see a dentist whenever you can. Firstly they'll put a dental bandage on it and maybe some medicine depending on the sensitivity of the root of the tooth then they'll likely go through with the actual procedure a few weeks after. Stay away from anything too crunchy too.
  8. The Great Cornholio

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Friday: 295
  9. The Great Cornholio

    37. Dick Cheney

    Ngl I thought you were making the comparison to me xDDD But what is everyone's beef with Milkon Beynes? Surely Northampton is worse.
  10. The Great Cornholio

    Who will win the 2020 US Presidential Election?

    I'm confident Trump has this in the bag. Trump can talk himself out of any criticism the media has of him. Biden will continue to be 'meh' in the eyes of the Democrats. The fact that Biden of all people got the nomination goes to show that the Dems have learned nothing since 2016.
  11. The Great Cornholio

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Thursday 475
  12. The Great Cornholio

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    So just a random question. Who hates online shopping? I always feel really angsty getting something online as I like to check the item directly before I buy. Like I know whatever food I order will probably be maybe the smallest one in the batch or maybe whatever I'm given wont have a good sell-by date. Plus I just have an overall uneasy feeling when it comes to paying for something and getting it 3 days later. Cant wait to go out shopping again without risking killing mum.
  13. The Great Cornholio

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Another one who passed away today was Frank Sinatra 22 years ago
  14. The Great Cornholio

    Death Anniversary Thread

    BB-KING dead for 5 years. RIP
  15. The Great Cornholio

    Which Heavyweight to go first, Vera Lynn or Olivia de havilland

    I mean you have a fat centenarian vs someone who is still someone active. I'm going for Vera Lynn as logic doesn't mean shit in this day and age. xD
  16. The Great Cornholio


  17. The Great Cornholio

    Little Richard

    Just because certain people are dropped for someone more likely doesn't mean they were considered healthy overall. Also if you're selecting people just because they are old then you're not doing it right.
  18. The Great Cornholio

    Dead Relatives - old photos from the 20th century and before

    Yep This was taken around that time. This is my grandfather who served in the national guard just after the war (considering he was just shy of 16 when it ended and he essentially wanted to do his bit). So yeah here is my grandad Gordon Flowers (1929-2007) in uniform.
  19. The Great Cornholio

    2020 What next?

    Guys this is a fair prediction. Just goes to show half of you are willing to argue about anything... And yeah Quim hates anything that doesn't fuel his depression. And y'know what? I reckon it will be all good when this pandemic is over. People will appreciate the things they took for granted, for example maybe people will choose to go outside more often instead of being stuck indoors watching TV or arguing with strangers on Deathlist etc... I honestly think we will never live in the same way again. I think handshakes will start slowly becoming a thing of the past and everyone will be far more wary of germs. So yeah not a dumb prediction... Bloody cynics...
  20. The Great Cornholio

    Death Anniversary Thread

    J.E.B Stuart, high ranking confederate General died today at the age of 31. Yeah nobody important died on the 12th of May...
  21. The Great Cornholio

    The 10th Death of 2020

    I shut my eyes and wiggled my mouse and clicked. Prunella Scales. I mean its possible...
  22. The Great Cornholio

    Jerry Stiller

    Literally a couple of days since my last hit (Little Richard) there goes the next! RIP Jerry Stiller.
  23. The Great Cornholio

    Little Richard

    Another off my list, RIP

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