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Slackhurst Broadcasting

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Everything posted by Slackhurst Broadcasting

  1. Slackhurst Broadcasting


    Imagine what people would be hinting if Schofield had presented One Man And His Dog.
  2. Slackhurst Broadcasting


    The newspapers aren't even giving the younger man's name. You get the feeling that nobody wants to be the first to have it out with Schofield's lawyers.
  3. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Everybody who ever played a dying person in a movie went on to die in real life, or will do!?
  4. Slackhurst Broadcasting


    Looks like Schofield's career is defunct. ITV and his agent have dropped him.
  5. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Rolf Harris

    On one occasion Jimmy Savile abused a young girl and boy together, while he was dressed in a Womble costume with the head removed.
  6. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Rolf Harris

    Interesting to see "Rot in Hell" trending on Twitter.
  7. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Rolf Harris

    Looks as if he actually had died when the mystery van came, and his family have managed to cover it up and have the funeral without publicity.
  8. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Also his mother was Nico, Velvet Underground chanteuse, Warhol superstar, Chanel model and famous junkie. Nico herself told the story of how she took him to the cinema when he was a kid, he needed to go to the toilet and she was too interested in the film so she told him to piss where he was sitting.
  9. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Dead Pop Stars

    Seven little S Clubbers back to their old tricks, One was found dead at home, then there were six, Six little S Clubbers planning to play live, One pulled out unexpectedly, then there were five....
  10. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Rolf Harris

    When Rolf dies there's going to be an enormous amount of publicity in which the word "paedophile" will figure prominently. You couldn't blame his family for trying to delay/evade it as long as possible.
  11. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Dead Pop Stars

    Too weird. I had a look at the case decision. Interesting to see that the plaintiff was Dave Lawson, formerly of Greenslade. From progressive rock to jingles.
  12. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Dead Pop Stars

    I can well believe it generated that much, given PRS royalty rates for the use of music on TV and its being played about 70 times a week.
  13. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Dead Pop Stars

    Back in the Eighties it brought him something like £1000 a week in royalties from being played on TV multiple times every day.
  14. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Dead Pop Stars

    David Dundas also composed the original Channel 4 intro music, which used to be played before every programme. You'd think they'd have got someone like Cornelius Cardew to do it....
  15. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Ideas and possibilities for 2024

    No mention of Bulle Ogier? I'm really surprised. She's still alive, too (b.1939).
  16. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Pop culture you've merged in your head

    One treats kids, the other treats feet. And sometimes a podiatrist must treat kids' feet.
  17. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Pop culture you've merged in your head

    Ingmar Bergman had a daughter named Ingrid and she worked on the film too.
  18. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Reality TV

    There used to be British daytime talk shows that at least tried to be serious and deal with real subjects, with people like Mavis Nicholson. Then in the 90s the influence of American trash corrupted the whole genre beyond redemption.
  19. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Reality TV

    There's a bit of vandalism on his Wikipedia page at the moment.
  20. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Dead Pop Stars

    A friend of mine used to work in insurance, and the company handled some of Freddie Mercury's business in relation to Mary Austin and other people. Apparently he set up a trust fund with £100,000 as a gift for someone young.
  21. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Passed-Punks & No-Wavers

    Always thought Mark Stewart sounded like Arthur Brown: Arthur's still with us, by the way, though he must be going on for 80 now.
  22. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Earl Holliman also starred in "Where Is Everybody?", the first episode of The Twilight Zone. Probably his most-seen role in the long run.
  23. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Dead Pop Stars

    I wonder is there a Booker Newberry IV, or V even.
  24. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    Dead Pop Stars

    Paper Lace's gimmick was to dress up in costume for each single. Not something that worked for long.
  25. Slackhurst Broadcasting

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Nora Forster's daughter Ariane was Ari Up of the Slits.

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