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Everything posted by misswhisp

  1. misswhisp

    Elizabeth Taylor

    God bless you Dame Elizabeth, one of the most beautiful natural beauties to ever grace the silver screen i hope you find the peace and happiness you were looking for, so much in life, now in death
  2. misswhisp

    Jake Lamotta

    sorry about that, i was tired, hit the wrong button and went to bed, so next time i will make sure it is not late at night,therefore inconveniencing others.,which is the height of bad manners.
  3. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    I'm sorry for everyone that has lost someone in terrorist bombings , etc i know how it feels, and for anyone that has lost anyone in wars, unneccessary outright murder, and there is no other way to explain it, lets just hope and pray(for the ones with a religion) that it all stops and the peoples of the world finds a way to live in peace with one another, and it all stops!All of us have ot be tolerant of one another and accept each others beliefs and customs , unless ofcourse it is very wrong!Like going round murdering people!and all the greedy politicians stop their wars!Aworld of peace and harmony, what a lovely dream!but we can hope!
  4. misswhisp

    Jake Lamotta

    Jake la motta is a distant relative of mine, that side of the family live a long time, they keep fit, and are active, so hopefully, even though he is 89 he lives another decade.I have an uncle that is 84 and walks everywhere every day still helps run a business, he is on the la motta side, my mother is nearly 80 she walks for miles every day is fitter than me, without a doubt!anyway i hope the american side of my family keeps going strong, keep going jake!Keep fit!and God Bless
  5. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    Carol ann well said and i applaud you for beleiving in world peace, i just wish others would think the same way and stop these atrocities, and use relgion as an excuse to commit them, we can only hope and pray there will be a solution to this evil "catastrophe" because this is how i see it, it would be a lovely dream come true if we could live with one another side by side without discrimination, hatred, etc!Lets just hope as you never know~!have a happy new year
  6. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    no i am far from being a fruit loop!considering i have had friends of friends and people i knew even though it would only be to say hello, to die at the hands( bombs) of islamic fanatics, so i am well aware how much some of these people hate christians and the west, obviously you have never been in this predicament, so you do not, nor wish to know.But if you are americans then i suggest you take a look at 911 and how many americans died because of these extremists!And for what?who did these people hurt?who did they insult?Absolutely no one!so as far as i am concerned the ones that pick soft targets (un armed civilians,) are cowards of the worst kind!
  7. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    and with that windsor i rest my case!I have no more to say to you!hopefully next christmas and easter, you will hold your tongue against your fellow baptised christians, show a bit of respect for your own kind, as if we don't have enough trouble as it is on this earth at present without our own turning on us also!Our enemies would jump for joy at your comments!Traitor see?they would say, these christians are not even faithful to themselves!
  8. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    Once again everyone else has to stick their bib into other peoples arguments, and as far as me taking a bath and taking a razor blade with me!speak for yourself!I have better things to do than sit on a computer all day insulting people!I suggest YOU get a LIFE!I have one!I promise you!And as far as the rest of you that could not mind their own business, as the argument did not involve any of you!the same applies to you lot!And for the person who commented about our christian values concerning Jesus, if you are an islamic, i suggest you read the old testament where it sayes abrahams God is the same God to islam, judaism and christianity, and this is not a religious forum!I merely reprimanded a baptised christian not to insult christians at christmas!
  9. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    British men have a reputation of being extremely well mannered espescially when it comes to the ladies, you dear sir, certainly do not fit into this category, you are ill mannered and disrespectful,you have let your side down, lucky for most of us, we know the brits still do have an amiable disposition towards the gentler sex!So not to be put off by yourself!
  10. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    My mistake atheism is no religion at all, made a stupid statement there.I was well aware the meaning of atheism but made a mistake grammer wise.But i shan't appologise windsor as you have not appologised to me either for your awful comment 2 years ago,which, mind you was also in bad taste considering the man had only recently been deceased!Shame!Isen't it?I could of told you where you could of found his family there in scotland!And told them!
  11. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    windsor no doubt, to start with you would of been a christian had you later decided to convert to atheism or else another non christian religion is your business, but to insult christian heirachy at christmas is in very bad taste and extremely bad mannered!and as far as your "fans" on this website are concerned to each their own, i find it very weak that you need the help of others to attack a female?????????I had previously stated the argument was between us and did not involve anyone else in this forum.It IS NONE of their business~!I suggest they find something to DO!Instead of sticking their bibs into other peoples arguments
  12. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    windsor no doubt, to start with you would of been a christian had you later decided to convert to atheism or else another non christian religion is your business, but to insult christ
  13. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    Btw i do have better things to do than sit around all day discussing people on public forums i am one of these people that have jobs, you know?We do not have time to sit around insulting people on the internet all day, we go to work, pay our taxes, so as the unemployed get their doles cheques!touche!sorry you asked for that one
  14. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    No!I' m just sick and tired of him always insulting people!he never has a nice word to say about anyone!and here we are christmas and hes insulting the pope!He should give it a rest!@seriously!
  15. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    tomb raider, yes i made a comment about jade goody, the girl was too young to die.But~Before that, and windsor knows damn well what i am talking about!Was an argument that start a couple of years ago was it?about elizabeth taylor, i think the man that runs the forum deleted most of the argument, it got out of hand, and windsor told me that he was going to go and p on my dead fiancees grave, little did he know, that my dead fiancee was also a scot like himself!and had even tried it!there would of been hell to pay, as he is well aware!anyway this argument is between windsor and myself, not anyone else that wants to stick their bib in~!it concerns none of the rest of you!but if you want to start an argument with me, you are quite welcome!
  16. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    tomb raider no its not that time of the month, but windsor in the past has attacked females with ferocity, it was like he hated the lot of us.In the past he told me he would p...on my dead fiancee's grave, and that was the last time i made a comment in this forum.I was so disgusted that i decided not to come back, but after seeing the pope attacked, i had to, the pope has hurt no one, and really the only ones, usually, that verbally attack the pope are the ones that are staging a holy war at present and have done so for the past 1,000 years on and off, and mind you, thats not everyone, as not everyone wants to go round causing trouble, so i do not tar everyone with the same brush.Or else, of course!The atheist who have no religion or faith whatsoever!So thats all i have to say, and to all the people who are celebrating christmas ( as christmas is a christian festival), merry christmas and God bless , that means you too windsor!
  17. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    Sorry "how" and whores, sorry for the spelling mistakes, we all mistakes at times!One thing is for sure i don't go round insulting other peoples religions!
  18. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    Notice hoe elizabeth taylor is still with us?You gave her massive insults also!She a whore too?all women, are we all whore?Or what?
  19. misswhisp

    Pope Benedict XVI

    Vatican sources reported that the woman involved was 'mentally unstable'. As opposed to the rest of the audience who spend much of thier time on their knees speaking to an 'invisible man'. and here we are again windsor!A year or 2 on and your still insulting people!the main reason i stayed away was because of your nasty references to your (mind you countryman) who was my fiancee who is deceased!And now , you attack the pope!In all honesty, do you belong yo some religion that opposes the christian religion, and women in general?I notice you refferred to the princess of wales as a whore?show your hand windsor!seriously!You do not act like a scotsman at all!Except for your argumentive personality!
  20. misswhisp

    Jane Goodie

    Guest i have one thing to say to you no matter what heath ledger died of, hes still smarter than most people that sit on computers all day talking a heap of rubbish.And again, about Jane goodies poverty, i myself do not come from a poor family, and yes i was educated, but i do not feel its right to laugh and ridicule the less fortunate than yourself!
  21. misswhisp

    Jane Goodie

    this is my reply to the person that called heath ledger a "smart aussie b" at the beginning of this thread.He certainly was much smarter than you, now wasen't he?At 28 he won an academy award,posthumously, he made a hell of a lot of money and certainly did not sit behind a computer talking about people all day!And as far as Jane Goodie is concerned, not everyone was born with a silver spoon hanging out of their mouths, and not everyone have dream parents, Jane Goodie was most unfortunate, she had drug addicts for parents,hardly any education at all,grew up in absolute poverty, and poverty produces ignorance, and at 27, with 2 small children i feel very sorry for her.!So people show a bit of compassion for this poor young woman, because you never know when the wind is going to change, and you yourself could find yourself very ill, or else very poor!
  22. misswhisp

    Ruby Muhammad

    I have just hit the search engine to find what this woman looks like, i found her pic on this site,mustafaamuhammad.blogspot.com/72k.anyway she seems livley to me~107!!!!!and thats good innings!
  23. misswhisp

    Saddam Hussein

    Yes saddam hussein was executed, and i do not beleive in the death penalty, even though he was a vile mass murderer.
  24. misswhisp

    Gerald Ford

    so the ex president of the United States is dead, was he a bad president?why is everyone happy hes dead????????????He must of been a bad president!Saddam Hussein was a bad dictator, how come no one predicted his death...hes due to be hanged in 30 days..............
  25. misswhisp

    Elizabeth Taylor

    You are right, she should take care of her diet .I do personally know women of her age that are slim, but they do walk every day and watch what they eat..so yes your right....

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