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The Immortal

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Everything posted by The Immortal

  1. The Immortal

    Lookie Likey

    Young Jean-Pierre Jabouille and young Romain Grosjean have enough of a resemblance that it ended up becoming a meme in the Formula 1 community in recent years. Doesn't help that they are both French either.
  2. The Immortal


    Guess it wasn't the same since you lost your namesake wrestling counterpart?
  3. The Immortal

    Shadow DeathList Competition 2023

    I had Ted Kaczynski, so I'm up to 6 hits now.
  4. The Immortal

    Tic-Tac-Toe Tag

    Henri Pescarolo John Blaha Brian Wilson (b. 1942) Jack Nicklaus Jerry Bruckheimer Johnny Mathis (J) George Eastham Brian Blessed Kris Kristofferson (b. 1936) (athletes) (B) (musicians) This is the team I'm bringing in.
  5. The Immortal

    Tic-Tac-Toe Tag

    I like this concept, but I think we can do without the limited claim to fame categories or have some more clarity as to what can fit in each category. Like for example, would astronauts be considered a part of the scientists category even though that's not their primary expertise, because they have some involvement in that field? And what about missed categories like journalists, writers, artists, other non-world leader politicians, royalty, military etc? So much potential in those categories which will be missed because of the current limited list of claim to fame categories.
  6. The Immortal

    Captain Tom Moore

    You know whenever I see cases like these, the first thing the comes to mind is a quote my gran would tell us often. "If you ever become rich or successful, whatever you do, never let it get into your head." When my uncle became a relatively successful person, he remembered his mother's advice and as a result he's not only still successful but is also level headed and doesn't make rash decisions.
  7. The Immortal


    Well, another hit for me. This time it's my joker pick, Horst-Dieter Hottges who died on June 22nd.
  8. The Immortal

    Death By Numbers 2023

    Horst-Dieter Hottges is a hit for me. This should qualify as an obit https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/22903411/horst-dieter-hottges-dead-germany-world-cup/
  9. The Immortal

    Ideas and possibilities for 2024

    Because there is no thread for Vietnam war vets yet (surprisingly) and the Medal of Honor recipients I'm mentioning here right now all served in Vietnam and not Korea, I have to give the update here. So Roger Donlon being the immortal that he is, attended another event just last month and I found a short video clip of him at that event. His Parkinson's looks to be worse than ever, hands constantly trembling through the video and it seems like he's barely able to move and talk at this point. I also managed to find somewhere that recipient Jose Rodela is now frail and suffering from dementia and heart disease so you might want keep an eye out there. Clarence Sasser has become frailer too and isn't able to walk without mobility aids.
  10. The Immortal

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    That's pretty much what I've decided to do, created a throwaway account for Twitter hoping the site doesn't get paywalled.
  11. The Immortal

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    You can still access Facebook pages and public profiles just fine as an anonymous user, same with Instagram to a lesser extent and there are a handful of 3rd party websites and apps that allow for you to browse Instagram accounts pretty easily. With Twitter, you have to log in to even access the site.
  12. The Immortal

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Well folks, I think it's safe to say Twitter is as good as dead at this point. Not too long ago I posted here about Twitter disabling search access to anonymous users and lurkers, I had a feeling that it wasn't going to stop there and that eventually they would disable anonymous access entirely and sure enough, they have done it. Twitter have completely disabled their site towards anonymous viewers and you are now forced to log in just to view the site. Twitter was one of my primary sources to find out info about the status of lesser known famous people who've not been around in the public eye such as B List NASCAR drivers or club level Spanish footballers, so with the site now inaccessible it just becomes harder to do that. Elon Musk is claiming that it's "temporary" but I have a feeling it's just another one of his BS statements, it was clear for a while now that this is the direction that Musk was going to take the site towards. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a paywall for Twitter next.
  13. The Immortal


    Alan Arkin is a unique hit for me.
  14. The Immortal

    Death By Numbers 2023

    Posting my replacements here just in case (originally sent via PM) since I won't have the time to post them later. Replace Naina Yeltsina with Yuriko, Princess Mikasa Replace Kate Keltie with Ryan Minor Replace Buzz Aldrin with Henri Pescarolo Replace John Devitt (Swimmer) with Zoleka Mandela Replace Christina Applegate with Johnny Ruffo
  15. The Immortal

    Deathless Days

    Today's been pretty quiet. 9 deaths listed on the 22nd and nothing today as of now.
  16. The Immortal

    The Chequered Flag

    Pescarolo didn't attend due to a hospitalization and sadly seems to be quite ill now with multiple health issues, sounded very weak in a phone interview in which he explained why he missed the event. https://www.ouest-france.fr/sport/24-heures-du-mans/24-heures-du-mans-2023-henri-pescarolo-ne-sera-pas-present-au-centenaire-847bade4-043d-11ee-ba53-20eb6006433b On a side note, I don't believe that Larrousse was there either. Not sure what's up with him, but he's 83 so very possible he might not be in the best health either.
  17. The Immortal

    Internet Celebrities

    If there's anything I've learned over the many years I've spent on Youtube (and the internet in general), it's that you never know what the person is truly like behind the screen. Even if they seem to be nice and friendly on the outside, you never know if that person is genuine or is hiding something. My cousin found out the hard way that his once favorite childhood Minecraft youtuber (SkyDoesMinecraft/Adam Dahlberg) turned out to become a monster.
  18. The Immortal

    Titanic Survivors

    Seeing how crudely built the vessel (OceansGate Titan) is, I'm surprised it had as many successful voyages as it did, considering it looks more like an underwater coffin than a submarine. I'm guessing the submarine suffered a hull failure and imploded/disintegrated, resulting in a quick death for the crew.
  19. The Immortal

    Who are the immortals?

    Some personal suggestions for immortals. Ike Schab - Pearl Harbor Veteran. Hospitalized at least 4 times since 2022 from pneumonia, COVID-19 and other respiratory issues. In poor health for years. His last wish was to make a visit to Pearl Harbor for its 80th anniversary, back in 2021. He's still alive at the age of 102. Roger Donlon - Has had "end stage Parkinson's disease" since 2018 and the Parkinson's is supposedly because of Agent Orange exposure. Still attended the most recent Medal Of Honor recipients convention (though his wife mentioned it's most likely his last) and still tries to be involved military related events despite being extremely frail because of the Parkinson's. Fred Lorenzen - Old NASCAR driver who was diagnosed with dementia 10 years, but reportedly had symptoms since the 1990s. Seems to have rapidly declined in the last few years. Cresencia Garcia - Another WWII veteran (lot of WWII veterans seem to be immortals). Was in critical condition in the ICU with COVID when she was 100 years old and lived to tell the tale. Now 103, looked skeletal in her most recent appearance a couple months ago. Derek Draper - Suffered from a severe COVID-19 case which he has miraculously survived thus far despite being in a coma for months and in intensive care for at least a year, suffering multiple other complications like sepsis twice, kidney damage that required surgery and multiple organ failure. His recent photos clearly show he's a testament to immortality.
  20. The Immortal

    Crazy Eight Dead Pool Mk.II

    Cresencia Garcia (WW2)
  21. The Immortal


    Here. Also an Inter Miami fan because of my connections to said city so hearing the Messi news is like an icing on the cake.
  22. The Immortal

    Law And Order

    Has filed a lawsuit against her colleagues.
  23. The Immortal

    MMMDP 2023

    Congrats AFB. Great obscure pick selection as well.
  24. The Immortal

    Last appearances

    As we wait for the death of a certain U.S President so that we can post his last photo on this thread, here is supposedly the last known photo of U.S President Warren Harding (on the left in the photo) to keep us occupied for the time being.
  25. The Immortal

    Jane Fonda - Controversial Princess of a Hollywood Dynasty

    My uncle lives in Miami and I go there to visit him on occasion and I've never seen what you describe whenever I'm at the airport there. I've only seen staff offer wheelchairs to elders (and other people for that matter) who have medical conditions, require some kind of walking assistance like a cane, or who are in otherwise clearly in need of one.

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