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Dying Probably

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Everything posted by Dying Probably

  1. Dying Probably

    Electoral Deadpool

    Yes. The Holy See is an observer state, good enough. Same goes for Palestine.
  2. Dying Probably

    Derby Dead Pool 2021

    Wait a sec - you can submit TWO THEME TEAMS? Shit. Never realized.
  3. Dying Probably

    Derby Dead Pool 2021

    Hamako Mori, 90-year-old gaming Youtuber is on many things of mine.
  4. Dying Probably

    how long till' the next hit ?

    January 2.
  5. Dying Probably

    The 21st Death of 2020?

    No... no.... not at the 29th, surely?
  6. I mean, they ought to add someone like Beverly Cleary or Marsha Hunt as the "token over-100" like de Havilland, Vera Lynn, Douglas
  7. I'm not making a thread for it but considering the stats, we usually have a bad year or equal it after a new record is set, so I predict the grim reaper is going to be 'like a super shit enema' in 2021
  8. Dying Probably

    Pierre Cardin

    He was actually on my shadow list for next year... I replaced him with Dukakis
  9. Dying Probably

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Michael Rosen followed my old account.
  10. Dying Probably

    Pierre Cardin

    WE DID IT! 20 HITS!
  11. Dying Probably

    Ghislaine Maxwell

    I'd be completely unsurprised if she dies next year. If she names any President or especially Andrew she's well and truly fucked.
  12. Dying Probably

    Electoral Deadpool

    Thank you, En Passant, for being the only one to use the numbering thing! Please use it and make my copy-paste life 100x easier.
  13. Dying Probably

    2020 Deadpooling Report Card

    Silver Screen II - still bloody nothing. F Oh wait, that's it.
  14. Dying Probably

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2021

    I know I put him on most of my lists but I wouldn't actually put him on the DL if you want a 50/50. He's just on mine for fun.
  15. Dying Probably


    Here's how OdH was placed if 100 = 1st
  16. Dying Probably

    Announcing "deathlist.net Members" Own Death

    All the best to you Cat, good luck.
  17. Dying Probably

    Olivia De Havilland

    Graph of De Havilland's place on the DL. 100 = 1st place. Interesting how she was higher in 2011 than 2017. Also posted in Statistics.
  18. Dying Probably

    Electoral Deadpool

    That's actually... a good question. I don't know but either way they count.
  19. Dying Probably

    Deaths of The Silver Screen Deadpool II

    @Bibliogryphon Just a warning I am now Elephant.
  20. Dying Probably

    Electoral Deadpool

    As per my name change, I am now Elephant with LPH.
  21. Dying Probably

    how long till' the next hit ?

    2nd January. Then 19th January, 15th February, 19th April, 20th June, 9th October and finally 31st December. I think it'll be a disappointing year.
  22. Dying Probably

    Name Shame?

    I'll put my old name in my signature, don't you worry.
  23. Dying Probably

    Name Shame?

    Can I ask to have my name changed to "Elephant"? Weird ask, I know, but it's just easier to remember.
  24. Dying Probably


    Here's a graph comparing the deaths and the records.

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