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Everything posted by Bennett_Cerf

  1. Bennett_Cerf

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Oh that was simply darling Tempus Fugit. Did you pen it yourself?
  2. Bennett_Cerf

    Brooke Astor

    I absolutely abhore, loathe, detest, despise philanthropists. Such a disgraceful waste of money, any of these miserable persons who performs these allegedly charitable deeds should be ridden out of town on the freight rails.
  3. Bennett_Cerf

    Death Links

    Well, although I suppose I knew someone did, I had never thought prior to this that it would be mentioned anywhere. Good show Lady Die, good show!
  4. Bennett_Cerf

    When Deathlisters Go Shopping

    They were out of my favorite cereal the other afternoon at the local market. I was forced to trek another quarter mile to reach a place which could satisfy my needs. It made me quite sad and as evening approached my trusted valet, Diego offered to massage my feet and calves. I gladly accepted, thank goodness for help such as Diego, although his wife Marta is a pain to contend with, though she is a wonderful cook and housekeeper. Any suggests on how to rid my home of Marta and keep Diego? Gavin also loves Diego's foot rubs and would be devastated, positively devastated if Diego were to leave our employ. It could return Gavin to St.Joseph's for another year.
  5. Bennett_Cerf

    Kirk Douglas

    Kirk Douglas, actor. Oh that is far too humorous for words! Although I suppose he is better on screen than that vapid son of his.
  6. Bennett_Cerf

    Holiday Thread

    Gracious me! Oh I do feel somewhat ignorant now and am miffed that I had not noticed his banning. *and thank you also Magere Hein for the help on the other post and its subsequent deletion.
  7. Bennett_Cerf

    Holiday Thread

    I'm not sure I get what you dear folks are driving at. Did something happen to IYG?
  8. Bennett_Cerf

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    I was unaware that there was electric power in Afghanistan much less computers. So how is this part going? Has said thread or topic been yet created?
  9. Bennett_Cerf

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Was that salvo aimed at me? I have already been accused of being too post happy, to which I respond: Ouch!
  10. Bennett_Cerf

    60 Minutes

    Well, according to a news search this very morn; I find that Mr.Scheiffer has just received the Fred Friendly First Ammendment Award through Quinnipiac University. Come October 3rd of this year he is scheduled to meet the roasters at the 18th annual Spina Bifida Association roast. It is said that he will be the Roastee, which Mr.Schieffer adds is for a good cause. In the same article I was able to cull more information, including that Mr.Schieffer began his news carreer as a reporter for the Fort Worth-Star Telegram at a whopping salary of One hundred and fifteen dollars weekly. Would anybody know his current salary or net-worth?
  11. Bennett_Cerf

    Richard O'Sullivan

    I for one am greatly enjoying this topic. There is so much to be harvested from it with regard to poster personality. It is wonderful that something such as this has endured and given so much, may it continue to do so.
  12. Bennett_Cerf

    Ariel Sharon

    Less than seven and one-half months left to see if he will endure through to the end of our year.
  13. Bennett_Cerf

    Most Hated...

    True, so very very true!
  14. It is wonderful to finally have the opportunity to see you here Tempus Fugit. I had heard so many wonderful things of you, that I was becoming abysmally saddened that I arrived here after what appeared to be your departure. Quite elated that you are not departed from this realm.
  15. Bennett_Cerf

    Abdelaziz Bouteflika

    I know that I for one have come here to see where my contributes can aid and assist this lovely forum. Now, can we all return to discussing the aforementioned Mr. Bouteflika and his health? The news seems silent as to his being this sunny morning.
  16. Bennett_Cerf

    DL Members' Secrets

    I once swiped a box of candy from the local five and dime, and there was the time I pilfered a box of male birth control devices. Other than that I have led a nearly exemplary life.
  17. Bennett_Cerf

    Awful Anagrams

    I could not find any suitable anagrams of my name. It almost makes me wish I had selected a different on upon entering this forum but that would be unfair to Uncle.
  18. Bennett_Cerf

    Most Hated...

    I must disagree with your use of vulgarity, but I support your right to say it.
  19. Bennett_Cerf

    Richard O'Sullivan

  20. Bennett_Cerf

    Eli Wallach

    What a pleasant and extraordinary surprise to find Mr.Wallach listed on your candidates slate for the year. I have often times thought people are negligent in their respect to old time actors of his great caliber. True it would be sad to see him go, but he would be going out on top since being added to your listings.
  21. Bennett_Cerf

    Joseph Barbera

    The same planet as who (or should that be whom?)? I am unsure as to what you are asking Pulphack, please elaborate.
  22. Bennett_Cerf

    Billy Graham

    As of yet, have you discussed this with your Pastor or other spiritual guide?
  23. Bennett_Cerf

    Pope John Paul

    I would not have thought this 3 years ago or even a year past, but Pope John-Paul2 was one of the best there ever was. Compared to the withered old woman currently doing the job it would be hard to find any fault with John-Paul2.
  24. Bennett_Cerf

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Hi Bennett, Thanks for your 40+ posts today. A good rule-of-thumb on the DL might be "if I've nothing good to post, don't bother posting". That tends to help ensure that the threads are more fun for others to read. So thorough are we on DL, that there's a whole thread dedicated to this very subject. Glad you're enjoying it so much but, like the countryside, let's leave the DL just as we found it... I did not mean to upset you. I would venture to say that at present I am just so enamored and intrigued by everything which I see here that I cannot help myself but to post when I see something of interest. Would not a moderator or other administrative official message me if I were straying from allowed guidelines? Again, I am sorry Star Crossed if I have offended you, this was never my intent.
  25. Bennett_Cerf

    The William Shatner Forum

    I thought Mr. Shatner professed to be of the heterosexual persuasion. If this incident of him being on one Mr.Ross proves to be true it could well upset his (Shatner's) career. I hope this is just an unfounded piece of senseless gossip.

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