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polar duck

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Everything posted by polar duck

  1. polar duck

    American Football Players

    The Chicago Bears have won their first game in 346 days.
  2. polar duck

    American Football Players

    Confirmed by Chicago Tribune
  3. polar duck

    American Football Players

    Wouldn't be the first time TMZ had a premature obituary
  4. polar duck


    Meanwhile, The New York Times had a Stephen Gould obit within days.
  5. polar duck

    Radio 4

    According to Susan Rae's son, her dementia is now "at mid-stage and if you didn’t know about her condition, you probably wouldn’t know anything was wrong. She continues to learn new things, has deep conversations, [etc.]"
  6. polar duck

    The deaD of 2023

    Lebanese singer Najah Sallam dead at 92.
  7. polar duck

    Ideas and possibilities for 2024

    Bruce Springsteen cancels all 2023 tour dates
  8. polar duck

    Ideas and possibilities for 2024

    Corman's not going anytime soon
  9. polar duck

    Henry Kissinger

    Kissinger's arm is in a cast.
  10. polar duck

    Shadow DeathList Competition 2023

    From what I can tell, you're missing Bert I Gordon, Arnaldo Forlani, and the Iron Sheik.
  11. polar duck

    Oldest Living State Leaders DP

    Jimmy Carter (not premature)
  12. polar duck

    Oldest Living State Leaders DP

    Jimmy Carter (premature)
  13. polar duck

    Shadow DeathList Competition 2023

    Giorgio Napolitano is another large hit
  14. polar duck

    Political Frailty

    Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) charged with six years in prison. If sentenced, the obese 69 year-old might be an alright pick by the end of the decade.
  15. polar duck

    1. Jimmy Carter

    Here's the key takeaway from the article:
  16. polar duck

    American Football Players

    Dartmouth quarterback and coach Buddy Teevens dead at 66.
  17. polar duck

    Law And Order

    Pauline Newman suspended for a year after refusing to undergo medical testing
  18. polar duck

    Giorgio Napolitano

    Dead according to one source. Just released, so we'll find out if it's true in a few minutes. To make up for this awful premature death post, here's a picture of him with Henry Kissinger and Hans-Dietrich Genscher.
  19. polar duck

    1. Jimmy Carter

    8 7 months in hospice!
  20. polar duck

    People Who Are Dead According To Wikipedia...

    Bereton C. Jones (wiki), former Governor of Kentucky, supposedly dead at 84.
  21. polar duck


    With all due respect, why did you bring back a thread from 18 years ago?
  22. polar duck

    U.S. Political Figures over 85

    Chuck Grassley is now the sixth ever nonagenarian to sit in the US Senate. The first five were: Theodore F. Green (D-RI. Retired in 1961 at 93) Carl Hayden (D-AZ. Retired in 1969 at 91) Strom Thurmond (R-SC. Retired in 2003 at 100) Robert F. Byrd (D-WV. Died in 2010 at 92) Dianne Feinstein (D-CA. Died in 2023 at 90)
  23. polar duck

    4. Alan Greenspan

    He was, at least, alive at the end of 2022. From what I can tell, that's the last time anyone has seen or heard from him.
  24. polar duck

    Mitt Romney

    For a man turning 90 this Sunday, Chuck Grassley is in outstanding condition! Romney himself said that he would have went for re-election if he would be as sharp as Grassley.

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