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polar duck

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Everything posted by polar duck

  1. polar duck

    The 7th Death of 2023

    I'm guessing Joanne Woodward is going before all of her belongings.
  2. polar duck

    Shadow DeathList Competition 2023

    Rolf Harris is a major hit. Superstar Billy Graham is also a hit.
  3. polar duck

    British Character Actors

    Am I missing something? I haven't heard of any other celebrities dying today or yesterday.
  4. I haven't been able to find anything on Greenspan since January. Is there anything going on with him aside from being really old?
  5. polar duck

    Your Personal Survivors

    2022 (not on DL; 15/18): Bob Barker (died 8/26/2023) Henry Kissinger Norman Lear Jimmy Carter Alan Arkin (died 6/29/2023) Roman Polanski David Attenborough Randy Quaid Rosalynn Carter Raul Castro Bill Hayes Dick Cheney Sandy Koufax Rosemary Harris Joanne Woodward
  6. polar duck

    Salman Rushdie

    He is appearing in public again.
  7. polar duck

    1. Jimmy Carter

    Prominent Jimmy Carter aide Hodding Carter III dead at 88.
  8. polar duck

    Thoughts on 2023 Deathlist

    Nelson appears to be getting his act together.
  9. polar duck

    Henry Kissinger

    One month until he hits 100. Can he pull it off?
  10. polar duck

    6th crowdsourced hit

  11. polar duck

    how long till' the next hit ?

    April 27.
  12. polar duck

    The 6th death of 2023

    Woodward again
  13. polar duck

    Shadow DeathList Competition 2023

    Harry Belafonte is a major hit.
  14. polar duck

    Most Surprising DeathList Celebrity Omission

    I'll gradually add names to this when I remember the people this site forgot: Early misses: 1987: Rita Hayworth (senile), John Huston (on oxygen) 1989: Emperor Hirohito (just look at him), Irving Berlin (centenarian) 1990: Sammy Davis Jr. (throat cancer) Obscure nonagenarians: 1991: Lazar Kaganovich (more frail than the Soviet Union) 1994: the Lubavitcher Rebbe (stroke) Expiring Americans: 1988*: Billy Carter (pancreatic cancer) 1991: Lee Atwater (horrific brain cancer; is also the namesake of the Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool) 1996: Barry Goldwater (recent stroke, Alzheimer's) 1998: George Wallace (the guy was practically a ghoul) 2011: Sargent Shriver 2012: George McGovern Last updated October 19 2023
  15. polar duck

    how long till' the next hit ?

    I'm sticking with this.
  16. polar duck

    how long till' the next hit ?

    April 18th
  17. polar duck

    The 4th Death of 2023

    Same here, but I'm losing confidence.
  18. polar duck

    Henry Kissinger

    I don't think he has much competition in terms of impact.
  19. polar duck

    Deathlist Dreaming

    DeathList entered my dreams again last night. This time, it was Paul Ignatius who died.
  20. polar duck

    Deathlist Dreaming

    Don Hastings kicked the bucket in my dream last night. I woke up lamenting my awful shadow list.
  21. polar duck

    Non-British Royals

    His surgery is scheduled for today. Wishing him luck! Update: he was discharged from the hospital on the 24th in stable condition.
  22. polar duck

    42. Raul Castro

    Castro earlier this month.
  23. polar duck

    1. Jimmy Carter

    The Jimmy Carter National Park has been doing this for weeks. Personally, I'm glad they're posting wholesome stories instead of morbid health updates.
  24. polar duck

    Ideas and possibilities for 2024

    That's a generous understatement
  25. polar duck

    17. Joanne Woodward

    Most of Woodward's personal belongings are being auctioned off this June. It seems like she won't be needing them for much longer.

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