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La Tombe

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Everything posted by La Tombe

  1. La Tombe

    Ideas and possibilities for 2025

    Here is the first draft of my DL 2025 : - Jimmy Carter (1924) - Eva Marie Saint (1924) - Dick Van Dyke (1925) - David Attenborough (1926) - Mel Brooks (1926) - Jim Lovell (1928) - Noam Chomsky (1928) - Earl Holliman (1928) - Frank Gehry (1929) - Vera Miles (1929) - Berry Gordy (1929) - Tippi Hedren (1930) - Gene Hackman (1930) - Robert Wagner (1930) - Joanne Woodward (1930) - Clive Revill (1930) - Clint Eastwood (1930) - Sonny Rollins (1930) - Caroll Baker (1931) - Raul Castro (1931) - Angie Dickinson (1931) - John Williams (1932) - Valentino (1932) - Ellen Burstyn (1932) - Petula Clark (1932) - Yoko Ono (1933) - Quincy Jones (1933) - Joan Collins (1933) - Michael Caine (1933) - Akihito of Japan (1933) - Frankie Valli (1934) - Shirley MacLaine (1934) - Giorgio Armani (1934) - Julian Glover (1935) - Tenzyn Gyatso (1935) - Mahmoud Abbas (1935) - Norman Foster (1935) - Robert Redford (1936) - Ursula Andress (1936) - Harald 5 of Norway (1937) - Renzo Piano (1937) - David Hockney (1937) - Vanessa Redgrave (1937) - George Lazemby (1939) - John Cleese (1939) - Daniel Baremboim (1942) - David Bradley (1942) - Timothy Dalton (1946) - Sam Neill (1947) - Bruce Willis (1955) subs : Abdoulaye Wade (1926) Paul Biya (1933) King Albert 2 of Belgium (1934) Jean Chrétien (1934) Abdou Diouf (1935) Michael Shumacher (1969) Denis Law (1940)
  2. La Tombe

    French Deathlist 2024

    His death is a shock ! In April, it was his last public apparition :
  3. La Tombe

    Thoughts On The 2024 List

    Absolutely not agree with Daniel Barenboim, the famous conductor has had many health issues during these past years. These year, he had to cancel some concerts : https://www.radioclassique.fr/classique/concerts-festivals/daniel-barenboim-renonce-a-nouveau-a-des-concerts-pour-raisons-de-sante/
  4. La Tombe

    1. Jimmy Carter

    He has never been so close to die at this point. His condition right now is painful to watch. May he rejoins his beloved Rosalynn soon !
  5. La Tombe

    24. Jean-Marie Le Pen

    Le Pen still going strong at 96 years old, by seeing him singing with his far-right friends. https://x.com/cerfiafr/status/1840743708158812523?s=46&t=Z3xGa2L8Qt2f3EwhmhklDw
  6. La Tombe

    1. Jimmy Carter

    HB to Jimmy…The last I hope seeing the lastest picture of him !
  7. La Tombe

    1. Jimmy Carter

    I think he will die before new year eve.
  8. La Tombe

    Harry Potter

    Sorry to be depressing but…..Who do you think will be the next to pass away among the Harry Potter films left actors ?
  9. La Tombe

    41. Brigitte Bardot

    Happy Birthday to BB….she turns 90 today ! She still lives peacefully on the French Riviera…but still complains a lot about usual life. Since a few days, many French newspaper made their headlines about this anniversary including this local one published in the area where she lives. And by the way, she is the last French icon known worldwide after the passings of J-P Belmondo in 2021 and Alain Delon in 2024.
  10. La Tombe

    Maggie Smith

    What did I say one year ago, exactly at the same time in 2023, we lost Michael Gambon (Albus Dumbledure), and now it's her !!! Rest in peace legend, you marked my childhood for ever. I need to watch Downton Abbey her other major role in her last years. Just to know, how many main actors from Harry Potter movies, are still alive ?
  11. La Tombe

    French Deathlist 2024

    I just found out the instagram account of legendary French actress Anne Vernon (b 1924) : https://www.instagram.com/anne_vernon_artiste/ WHAT AN ARTIST SHE IS ! I love her paintings ! For a centenarian woman, the recents photo of her show that she can live one or two more years easily ! She will see 2025 !
  12. La Tombe

    French speaking deathlist

    Elodie Constantin, première épouse de Jean-Paul Belmondo et mère de trois de ses enfants (dont le célèbre Paul Belmondo) vient de mourir à 90 ans. L'annonce vient de Paul directement sur son compte Instagram / Elodie Constantin, french dancer, first wife of Jean-Paul Belmondo and mother of three of his children (including the famous Paul Belmondo) hast just passed away at 90. The announcement comes directly from Paul himself on a post of his Instagram Account. Condoléances à la famille Belmondo / Condolences to the Belmondo family (legendary family in France with Paul the patriarch who was a famous sculptor, Jean-Paul, the son who was a famous actor, Paul, the grandson who is race driver, and Victor the great grandson who is also an actor) https://www.instagram.com/p/C_245qmgFQu
  13. La Tombe

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    HB to my grandpa…now 85.
  14. La Tombe

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Robert Marcy, a centenarian French actor dead at 104.
  15. La Tombe

    James Earl Jones

    Delon is my saddest year of the year for me !
  16. La Tombe

    French Deathlist 2024

    From your predictions two months ago : Delon is dead, and I'm pretty sure JMLP and Bernadette Chirac will not see 2025.....Around September or October, Bernadette Chirac could die (her husband, former French President Jacques Chirac died almost 5 five years ago at the same period). Bernadette Chirac is in poor health for many years now. She has been unseen in public since pre-Covid and all I know is that she moves only in a wheelchair. December could be a good period for JMLP since Delors and him have been DL picks and Delors an other famous French politician died in December last year.
  17. La Tombe

    Alain Delon

    I’m absolutely shocked ! I thought that he would celebrate his 89th birthday while his health was declining ! Finally he died as the same age as Belmondo died in 2021. 2024 is really a dark year for French cinema…and the year is even not finished yet !
  18. La Tombe

    French speaking deathlist

    Charles Juliet est mort fin juillet à 89 ans.
  19. La Tombe

    French speaking deathlist

    Dans les prochaines personnalités politiques à décéder : - Fin 2024 : André Chandernagor, Bernadette Chirac, JMLP - 2025 : Gaston Flosse, Pierre Joxe, Edouard Balladur - 2026 : Edith Cresson
  20. La Tombe

    French speaking deathlist

    Je suis bien content de ce choix….pourtant il avait l’air d’avoir la forme…je le voyais atteindre 2025.
  21. La Tombe

    French Deathlist 2024

    Exactly Edith Cresson, and Balladur of course !
  22. La Tombe

    French Deathlist 2024

    J’ai bien fait de choisir le doyen des président de l’assemblée nationale dans ma deathlist cette année. Encore une personnalité politique de premier rang qui nous quitte ! (Sorry for the post in French)
  23. La Tombe

    French speaking deathlist

    Pascal Danel, chanteur des années yéyés est mort à 80 ans ! RIP !
  24. La Tombe

    1. Jimmy Carter

    Carter Center will tell us when but it’s not for now
  25. La Tombe

    The 5th Death of 2024

    Around this autumn or winter, I think for him, I mean more later in the year.

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