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Posts posted by BonScott

  1. 12 minutes ago, Sly Ronnie said:


    Muslims make up approximately 6% of the population, I think you might be overestimating their electoral impact a tad. Reading too much of the Tory press perhaps?

    Its more about where they are than the sheer % of them, muslims tend to settle in cities in particularly the midlands and north, in vast numbers, plus east London, Labour’s core vote is in Cities so if they lose the muslim vote they are in big trouble


    I spent 6 months in the West Country during lockdown and the summer lockdown ended and I saw 1 muslim type person in 6 months, go to Rochdale, Rotherham, Stockport, Leicester, Brick Lane, Tower Hamlets, Blackburn etc you will think you were in Baghdad or Karachi


    Labour won’t win the election unless they win the muslims back 

  2. 2 hours ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

    Can't decide which one will be more enjoyable. Him or 30p Lee

    Lee will retain his seat with an increased majority, so will Gullis


    Anti tories have been predicting filibuster in chief Philip Davies to lose his seat every election, all 4 elections he has increased his majority


    Lee is loved in Ashfield area, has bought huge funding to the area

  3. 1 hour ago, TQR said:

    At least one of those horrible cunts are going to lose their seat, most probably both.


    Feel free to bookmark this post.


    P.S. K****berg means I'll not be watching BBC's election night coverage.

    Not a chance, there will be a small(ish) tory majority or a hung parliament with tories largest party


    Muslims and non muslims who support Hamas are deserting Labour in droves over Hamas, what happened last night in Rochdale will happen in every constituency where significant numbers of muslims live


    Even 3 muslims I know locally, all professional people/business owners say they will never vote Labour again


    Sir Keith will not be PM 

  4. 2 minutes ago, TQR said:

    Cool. I'll just carry on as I was then.



    Sorry to hear that, but not sure it is something to boast about. It reeks of you wanting to surround yourself with nodding dogs and blot out all diverse opinions, whatever floats your boat I guess


    Can only speak for myself but many of my very best friends online/offline are gooners, Lewis Hamilton fans, lefties, or a combo of the 3,  if I had them all on ignore because they disagreed with me I would have about 20 less friends and about 100 less good nights out

  5. 37 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    He had cancer for a long time. Doing a little bit of Googling before opening your Von Trapp would've told you that.

    Do you have a link to this? I googled “Thomas Kingston cancer” and could not find a single article to find he had/died from cancer, everything been “died suddenly’’ “family in shock” etc, if he had cancer and died from it it would be a tragedy for his family/friends but not a shock

  6. 4 minutes ago, arrowsmith said:

    I think it’s worth mentioning that the world population has quadrupled since 1900. This increase coupled with the major expansion in types of fame in the last 100 years (television, social media, etc.) means there are a larger number of well-known individuals each generation. Some portion of these are going to die young and some portion of those are going to be well known. Also, as @Toast pointed out social media and the 24 hour news cycle means more attention is paid to these deaths than in years past. Get over your conspiracy theory that more young people are dying which we all know is shield for peddling your ridiculous anti-vax views. 

    Not just famous people though, 3 facebook acquaintances have died suddenly this year aged 35, 46, 56, all collapsed and died, I don’t know if they were vaccinated, in our convos I never asked, nor is it my business, but just a few years ago I remember being shocked at Alan Rickman, David Bowie etc dying in their 70’s (shocked at dying so young) now dying in 40’s, 50’s, 60’s etc seems to be almost the norm, something is going on defo


    Letting an experimental drug loose on society with barely any safety checks/no trials was russian roulette, undoubtedly the vaccine will take more lives across the globe in the coming years than ever died from covid, but that does not mean every early death is vaccine related no, equally there has been some suggestions that covid can damage the heart


    It typically takes 10+ years and multiple trials for a drug to get FDA approval but for the vaccine that was shelved, a fox was let loose in the chicken coop of life



    • Facepalm 12

  7. @arghton I was not implying it was vaccine related, just a general observation that so many people are dying in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s etc in recent years with no public knowledge of ill health, very sad stuff whatever the reason, when you are born you should expect 70, 80 years of life unless cancer, road accident etc

    • Like 1

  8. Would imagine its a lot of fuss about nothing, he likely didn’t want to be at the same event as Andrew knowing all the media attention would be on Andrew so made his excuses not to be there


  9. 2 hours ago, Windsor said:

    Quite serious. 

    Old age is fucking shite. If I die when I’m 50 I’ll be content with what I’ve achieved and happy to have indulged. 

    Am 58 and agree 100%, both my parents lived to ripe old age but spent their final 2 years having carers do everything for them, I would rather enjoy my wine, steaks, burgers, and have a fatal heart attack at 60 having fun than live to 90 and have a carer wipe my ass

  10. He should be freed immediately, the public has the right to know everything and anything our elected politicians get up to in their working lives, Julian Assange is a hero, a true beacon for the free press we deserve

    • Like 2

  11. 2 hours ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:


    Pic of him last week




    12-18 months I'd say 

    Won’t see 2025 imho, sounds like going downhill fast, be very surprised if he makes xmas

  12. 32 minutes ago, Insane said:

    I believe that’s what happened 

    LPA’s can be overturned if someone was of sound mind when they consented to having a DNR order, ALS affects the muscles more than anything as far as I know as opposed to the mind so docs should go to court for the right to overturn her selfish wishes

  13. 12 minutes ago, Insane said:

    He had a DNR but his wife ignored it.

    Surely the doctors have to give priority to a legal document signed by him as opposed to what his wife wants? unless she had power of attorney at the time he signed it its a legal no brainer 

  14. 1 hour ago, MortalCaso said:

    There is no proof when he died, how he died, or if he has actually died.

    He was fine when his mother visited him on Tuesday and he was fine when he was shown on video for his court appearance the day before he died so whatever it was it was pretty sudden, unlikely to be a sudden heart attack without anyone else being involved at his age, poisoned or injected with a drug that killed him adds up 

  15. Seems pretty obvious to me he was poisoned either by a drink or something in his food, the authorities are probably waiting for all traces of poison to disappear before releasing the corpse 


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