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Everything posted by VSBfromH

  1. VSBfromH

    The Dead - 2007

    Calvin Lockhart Bahamian-born actor has died aged 72. Appeared in "Cotton Comes to Harlem" and as the character Biggie Smalls in "Let's Do It Again" (starring Bill Cosby and Sidney Poitier), then many "blaxploitation" films in the 70s. Also was an actor in residence with the RSC in Stratford for a time. Later appeared in "Dynasty" and had minor roles in "Coming to America," "Wild at Heart" and "Predator 2".
  2. VSBfromH

    The Dead - 2007

    It's "Michael Dibdin", actually. Just thought I'd point that out so that someone searching will see this post and not duplicate! I see ones of his novels is entitled "And Then You Die" ... ... he's "dibdin" his chips, zen!
  3. VSBfromH

    The Dead - 2007

    "Maurice Flitcroft, the former Vickers crane driver who conned his way into the Open Golf Championship and shot a record high round of 121, has died at the age of 77." http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/o...icle1576926.ece Nice story! The guy obviously had balls! (excuse the golfing pun!) He has a Wikipedia entry also. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Flitcroft
  4. VSBfromH

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Well, at the risk of splitting hairs it actually says he died of hypothermia. But assuming there's even a shred of truth in a news story that uses the line "Most likely....." before the writer just makes something up, nice effort from the owl. I was merely quoting the headline. I agree, the particular link looked somewhat dodgy (can't think what "harrypotter" has got to do with it, unless that's the owl's name). However, some seemingly more trustworthy links have now appeared, such as this one
  5. VSBfromH


    Joel Brodsky has died aged 67 "Iconic rock photographer ... who famously captured the likes of Aretha Franklin, Jim Morrison and Isaac Hayes for classic album covers"
  6. VSBfromH

    Coleman Falls?

    Let's not forget Gerald Sinstadt. Still does reports from around the various grounds around the country, and seems pretty chipper, considering he turned 77 last month.
  7. VSBfromH

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Russian man killed by owl he tried to steal: http://www.mosnews.com/news/2007/03/22/harrypotter.shtml That's weird! I dreamt there was an owl in my bedroom last night...
  8. VSBfromH

    The Dead - 2007

    It's obviously a day for fathers of the famous: Woody Harrelson's father dies in prison "Charles Harrelson was convicted of murder in the May 29, 1979, slaying of U.S. District Judge John Wood Jr. outside his San Antonio, Texas, home. Prosecutors said a drug dealer hired him to kill Wood because he did not want the judge to preside at his upcoming trial."
  9. VSBfromH

    The Dead - 2007

    Any chance I can have Banshees as a late pick for 2007 please?! Cheer up mate!
  10. VSBfromH

    The Dead - 2007

    Swiss tenor Ernst Haefliger has died aged 87: http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/c...1&cset=true
  11. VSBfromH

    The Dead - 2007

    "TELEVISION and film director Stuart Rosenberg, whose best-known movies include the prison drama Cool Hand Luke, and hit chiller The Amityville Horror, has died of a heart attack at age 79, his family said today." Link
  12. VSBfromH

    The Dead - 2007

    Alphonsin, your post was moved to the cricket thread. Chill out, everything will be OK I have some sympathy with Alphonsin here. For the shock death of one of England's foremost openers to be relegated to a thread under the "extra-curricular" heading is surely a little strange! Correct me if I'm wrong (it won't be the first time!) but I thought the threads in that section all related to stuff which was indeed "extra-curricular", i.e. not directly death related (such as discussing who supports the crappiest football team, what you had for breakfast, etc.)
  13. VSBfromH

    The Dead - 2007

    Prolific comic book cartoonist Bob Oksner has died at the age of 90: http://www.newsfromme.com/archives/2007_02_18.html#012954 Worked for Marvel Comics and did a lot of work on comic books based on popular US TV series ("The Adventures of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis", "Sgt. Bilko", "I Love Lucy") and also some work on "Superman", "Wonder Woman", "Supergirl" and "Lois Lane"
  14. VSBfromH

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    The dangers of Pot Noodles: http://mdn.mainichi-msn.co.jp/national/new...0na016000c.html
  15. VSBfromH

    Fascinating Creatures - Squids

    "Starlight Squid" by Camden Reeves: http://www.art.man.ac.uk/MUSIC/media/mp3s/...20(extract).mp3
  16. VSBfromH

    Dead Pop Stars

    I note that the site contains the following entry: "Paddy Milligan (Patricia Milligan) - Died 2-?-2007 in London, England - Illness - Singer and actress - She was the 2nd wife of comedian Spike Milligan - Mother of actress, Jane Milligan." ... a little confusing, as she actually died in 1978! Any ideas where this confusion might have arisen from, or should we take this site with a pinch of salt?
  17. VSBfromH

    2007 Deathlist picks

    Here we go again! Did anyone have 13th Feb in the sweep as the date of the first "what a crap list, how come no-one's died yet?" post?
  18. VSBfromH

    The Dead - 2007

    Marianne Fredriksson, one of Sweden's best known and most translated authors, has died at the age of 79
  19. VSBfromH

    Mikhail Gorbachev

    I suggest "Dick" would be a more apposite nom-de-plonker
  20. VSBfromH

    The Dead - 2007

    There used to be a thread for Nobel Prize winners, but I can't find it. Hey-ho! Nobel chemistry laureate Alan MacDiarmid has died: http://www.kltv.com/Global/story.asp?S=6056149 "MacDiarmid was one of three joint winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2000 for the discovery that plastic can be made electrically conductive -- an advance that led to improvements in film, TV screens and windows"
  21. VSBfromH

    Animal Antics

    Randy Bull has died: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/norther...and/6337529.stm "The Irish Times has something of an obituary for a bull who went by the initials GMI. He has died at the age of 15 - but not before he became Ireland's most prolific father. He's thought to have fathered more than 100,000 offspring." Any takers for what "GMI" might stand for?
  22. VSBfromH

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    Five-time Olympian Willye White has died: http://www.usolympicteam.com/11611_51182.htm "The United States Olympic Committee learned earlier today of the passing of five-time U.S. Olympian and two-time silver medalist Willye White. An athletics legend, she remains the only American to have competed on five Olympic track and field teams"
  23. VSBfromH

    Frankie Laine

    Ahem! Someone appears to have moved most of the posts from the "The Dead" thread into the "Frankie Laine" thread...
  24. VSBfromH

    Dead Drummers

    Mike Clark has died aged 63. "toured as a drummer with Sam Cooke, Smokey Robinson and the Drifters"
  25. VSBfromH

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Once again, apologies for not finding a more appropriate thread for this one: Woman dies in the back of towed car "An elderly Vancouver woman has died in hospital, days after she was accidentally left overnight in a car that had been towed... Almost 24 hours later -- and after a frigid night -- an employee of Busters Towing discovered the woman, after scratching off some of the frost to check the vehicle's identification number. " Maybe the esteemed mods might start some sort of "odd ends" (or even "odds and ends") thread for these kind of stories.

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