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Everything posted by VSBfromH

  1. VSBfromH

    Room 101

    Adverts that SHOUT AT YOU!!! Especially on the radio. Do they really think I'm more likely to buy something if they tell me I've got to HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! I don't bloody like hurrying, and I'm even more inclined to take my time just to piss the bastards off if someone who sounds like Shane Richie's less talented brother is SHOUTING HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! at me. I don't care if they've ONLY GOT A LIMITED STOCK!!! of whatever it is, they should have got more in in the first place, stupid W**nkers!
  2. VSBfromH

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Silvio Varviso Swiss born conductor has died Aged 82. Conductor at various times of Basel Opera, Opéra National de Paris, Stockholm Royal Opera. Conducted 147 performances at the New York Met over the years.
  3. VSBfromH

    Ted "Double Duty' Radcliffe

    He already got a mention. You really do have me on ignore don't you? Apologies CP! How very rude of me. Unfortunately, I did do a search, but as the name hadn't been included in the post it did not find it so I assumed I had a scoop. I will make it up to you when I come over to Canada. Is there anything I can bring from the UK as a token gift? Marmite? Jaffa Cakes? Terry Wogan (please, please take him!)?
  4. VSBfromH

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Woman dies next to her own grave "The woman, aged 65, had had her name inscribed in the headstone but no dates as yet. In the woman's handbag were details of her funeral arrangements including the music to be played at her funeral"
  5. VSBfromH

    Near misses 2006

    (Robert Dougall voice) "Here is the news from the BBC": Link
  6. VSBfromH

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Jo Jo Laine Former model has died aged 53 after falling down some stairs. "The former wife of Wings guitarist Denny Laine". "She lost her virginity to guitarist Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock in 1969 and counted Rod Stewart and Jim Morrison among her many lovers" "In her later years, she became a "wifelet" of Alexander Thynn, the infamous Marquis of Bath" Wow!
  7. VSBfromH

    Ted "Double Duty' Radcliffe

    Silas Simmons, aged 111 I think there was another fairly recent death mentioned in the "Near Misses" thread, but this chap certainly deserves a mention due to his age. Found it: John "Buck" O'Neil
  8. VSBfromH

    Near misses 2006

    'Course it's on Wikipedia. I put it there Sheesh! So apart from some manky Hammer Horror site, we still don't know if he's passed on? Wait for the BBC.... Here you go (hopefully we can trust "The Independent"): Nigel Kneale, creator of cult TV figure Quatermass, dies aged 84
  9. VSBfromH

    PW Botha

    "The Big Crocodile" is now just "The Big Crock"
  10. VSBfromH

    Near misses 2006

    Hardly a near miss, sh*t for brains.... ..or possibly for BRiainS?
  11. VSBfromH

    Near misses 2006

    Ghulam Ishaq Khan has died. He was President of Pakistan, 1988 - 1993
  12. VSBfromH

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Dur-dur, dur-dur, dur-dur... (accelerando) Tommy Johnson Not the former Aston Villa striker, but the man who played the tuba for the "Jaws" theme. Also a member of the Los Angeles Philharmonic
  13. VSBfromH

    Steve Irwin

    MPFC, maybe you are underestimating the man: "He is recognized as one of the most intelligent members of the hip hop community" That is from his Wikipedia entry, so it must be correct (says iain).
  14. VSBfromH

    Steve Irwin

    RAS KASS HITS BACK OVER STRINGRAY RAP "I am a hip-hop artist. Hip-hop is like any other art form; nothing is sacred, nothing is off limits. As such, I have used historical events and current events as metaphors to express a greater perspective to certain ideas and points. At other times, I myself, have been referenced - be it in a positive or negative light. That is part of the creative process and the nature of what rap music is. I in no way have, or have had, any ill will towards the late Steve Irwin." ... what sort of rap is that? Couldn't he have interspersed it with a few "uh! uh! uhs!"? Hang on a minute though, maybe we should use the above statement as a stock reply to the ranters (replace "hip-hop" and "rap music" with "death list", and "Steve Irwin" with the appropriate name). Cheers* RAS KASS (* trans = respect)
  15. VSBfromH

    Not Exactly Famous...

    In a similar vein: Base Jumper dies Apparently this guy (Brian Schubert) was one of the founders of base jumping. Not an activity I intend to take up in the near future. Getting up out of a chair and fetching another beer from the fridge are exciting enough activities for me! "Thousands of people attending the festival watched the fatal jump" - as they say in those parts "Way to go, Brian!"
  16. VSBfromH

    Near misses 2006

    Sad to hear of this chap's demise. Very solid and dependable actor. I saw him on stage once, though the particular play he was in escapes my memory. It was around the same time as he was starring in "Telford's Change" on TV. It may have been a fine play, but I'm embarrassed to admit my overriding memory of it is that Stephanie Beacham got her baps out. Update: Just found the following: "1979 (Dec): CAN YOU HEAR ME AT THE BACK? - Brian Clark (Piccadilly) Peter Barkworth, Hannah Gordon, Stephanie Beacham, Michael Maloney, Edward Hardwicke; dir:Barry Davis" - sounds about right. As I suspected, written by the same guy (Clark) and starring 3 of the same thesps (Barkworth, Gordon & Maloney) who appeared in "Telford's Change"
  17. VSBfromH

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Nelson de la Rosa Diminutive actor (2' 4") reportedly the world's smallest man, and "good luck charm" for the Boston Red Sox has died aged 38
  18. VSBfromH


    Oh No! Father Bruno's been at the Toilet Duck again!
  19. VSBfromH

    Steve Irwin

    Irwin manager takes aim at US rapper Quote: "During the track, Kass takes aim at The Game with the line "You're the waste of LA ... you the Crocodile Hunter, I am the stingray". " How terribly disrespectful!
  20. VSBfromH

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Just read the above: "He appeared to clean up the bathroom a lot after he did it,"
  21. VSBfromH

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Driver killed by 'flying roo'
  22. VSBfromH

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Spectacular stuff! "THE brother of Lightning Seeds frontman Ian Broudie has died after plunging from the top of Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral"
  23. VSBfromH

    Ross Davidson

    Link Quote: "I never saw him act but that's irrelevent"
  24. VSBfromH

    Death List Convention

    This place Would seem appropriate (read the accompanying caption - there's quite a few such places in the Emerald Isle).
  25. VSBfromH

    Not Exactly Famous...

    TV comedy writer Jerry Belson dies at 68 Writer on such shows as "The Odd Couple", "The Dick Van Dyke Show", "The Lucy Show", etc. Another link

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