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Everything posted by VSBfromH

  1. VSBfromH

    Near misses 2006

    Ryutaro Hashimoto Former Japanese PM "who retired from politics last September citing poor health" - would have been a good pick for this year then!
  2. VSBfromH

    Frosties Kid

    Isn't number 5207 David Cameron?
  3. VSBfromH

    Frosties Kid

    The story (true or otherwise) seems to be spreading Quote: "U heartless mongs u obviously dont realise that that boy did that advert becuz he had cancer and it was his final request. He is dead so he aint likely to appear on tv agen*! U shud be ashamed for speaking about him like that!!!" (Cross-reference with the "pet-hates" thread - people who use text-babble other than in text messages (where it's bad enough!)) * Plenty of live autopsy shows around these days surely?!
  4. VSBfromH

    Room 101

    Top marks to Cornwall County Council who have compiled a list of "silly names" found in their historical records here Oh! How I wish I was called "Strangewidge" or "Trampleasure"! ... or MAHERSHALALHASHBAZ TRYTHAL
  5. VSBfromH

    Room 101

    Re the New Zealand "song": A quote from the writer's website says: "Dave Dobbyn is regarded as a national treasure in New Zealand. It’s a Japanese expression used for people who have made such a contribution to a country’s identity and culture that their existence is a cause for celebration." Can someone explain to me what part of that sentence is being referred to as a "Japanese expression"? I wondered where I'd heard of him, and checked said site to see that he has done work with the excellent (but not so excellently named) Bic Runga. In some of his pics he looks like NZ's answer to Mick Hucknall - not something you'd want to publicise about yourself. By the way, NZ's a wonderful place, and doesn't need some crappy song, some fit skinny bird and George Clooney looky-likey on a boat to sell it - just show the pictures!
  6. VSBfromH

    World's Oldest

    Chicago woman who claimed to be 118 dies
  7. VSBfromH

    Jill Sinclair

    Hit her in the neck, eh? That a "close to the 'ead 'it" (I can hear your groans already!)
  8. VSBfromH

    Room 101

    I'm totally with you on that one CarolAnn! Combining the subjects of mobile phones and telemarketing, I was once contacted on my home phone by one of the big mobile companies (TMobile I think - are they still going? do I care?). The person asked me how much I spent per month on my mobile phone bill. When I answered (truthfully) "about £1", they said "no, per month, not per day". I reiterated "about £1". There was a hushed silence, which I translated as "how can anyone HAVE a mobile phone and not use it EVERY WAKING MINUTE OF THEIR DAY?". They then asked me whether there was anyone else in the house who had a mobile phone. Again, I replied truthfully "no". "Is there anyone else in the house who would like a mobile phone?". "Only my dog" I replied (this was in the days before Mrs. V had moved in) "I could ask him, but I don't think he'd be interested". In a somewhat bemused tone, they thanked me for my time and hung up. Sometime it helps to just say it like it is. A double glazing company once rang me up. I told them I was emigrating to Australia the next week. They told me how lucky I was and wished me well. So lying through your teeth sometimes works also. By the way, I would also recommend TPS. I agree that it doesn't work 100%, but we certainly don't get anything like as many as before.
  9. VSBfromH

    Room 101

    Thanks very much for that, Rick. To be honest, I DON'T watch BB, but it's still diffcult to avoid, unless I take your previous piece of advice, then I may have a chance, although I suspect there's going to be a law passed soon that makes mentioning Big Brother a set number of times compulsory on all other TV shows and web sites.
  10. VSBfromH

    Room 101

    - Those little plastic tags that hold the labels on newly bought clothes. You cut them off and they ping off somewhere you can't see them. Invariably, they end up in my socks! I am always very careful when cutting them off, making sure I have both pieces clamped securely between my fingers as I undertake the tricky operation, but Mrs. V is much more casual (and tends to buy a LOT MORE CLOTHES, being of the fairer sex), so I blame her mostly! - Most mobile phone ringtones - People who talk really loudly on mobile phones in public. If in the days of the good old red phone box you'd opened the door to earwig someone's conversation, imagine what abuse you would have got about "invading their privacy". Now people want to talk about their sex lives, Big Brother, their athlete's foot and all, and you have to listen to it!!! - Big Brother - Adverts for athlete's foot powder. There's one on at the moment, seeming to suggest that applying the stuff is some sort of erotic turn-on, which it BLOODY WELL ISN'T - and it always seems to be when I'm having my tea! - Terry Wogan (to be continued)
  11. VSBfromH

    Animal Antics

    Moose (aka Eddie) "Actor" who played Martin Crane's dog in "Frasier". Yes, I know I'm going to get criticised for putting him in this thread and he's already in the animal antics one, but what the hell! I think he's a lot more widely known than many others featured.
  12. VSBfromH

    Near misses 2006

    He was featured on Radio 2 in a documentary about Dusty Springfield just a few days ago. I would certainly have put him in the "Near Misses" thread based on his fame rating, but then it's all a matter of personal perception.
  13. VSBfromH

    Near misses 2006

    Bruno, your broken Spanish knocks spots off your usual broken English! I am troubled that Iain's original post has disappeared. Why, last December I remember thinking including in my research for this year's death list picks quite a number under the heading: "Hispanic-American sculptors I've never heard of who might be crushed to death under their own work"
  14. VSBfromH

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Ingo Preminger He produced the film "M*A*S*H". Brother of director Otto Preminger.
  15. VSBfromH

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Lula Hardaway Stevie Wonder's mum
  16. VSBfromH

    Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi

    They missed their chance to get "Binny" recently when he turned up at Edgeley Park and tried to start a Mexican wave:
  17. VSBfromH

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Bruno appears to have lapsed into coherence. Is he OK? Do you think we should send someone round to check on him?
  18. VSBfromH

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Patrick Garnett Architect whose company designed the revolving restaurant atop London's Post Office Tower, as well as lovely Scratchwood Service Station and lots of Butlins' buildings.
  19. VSBfromH

    Janette Krankie

    Shouldn't that be "AKA Wee Jimmy Krankie"? Sorry to be pedantic, but the entry exam for their fan club is pretty severe - didn't want Bruno to be embarrassed when he puts his application in!
  20. VSBfromH

    World War I Veteran(s)

    Leon Weil "Death of Leon Weil, 109, leaves France with six surviving veterans of World War I" Respect and gratitude to the guy, he sounds like quite a chap!
  21. VSBfromH


    Thanks for that info MPFC. Many years ago I was told "Ah'm gonna bottle ye Marra!" by a drunken squaddie when I refused him entry to a student disco. I assumed he was a geordie, but am now heartened to realise that he may have been a Cumbrian, and therefore just wanted to be my friend!
  22. VSBfromH


    Arnold Newman New York photographer famed for shots of the likes of Pablo Picasso, Marilyn Monroe, Ronald Reagan and Igor Stravinsky (see below) dies aged 88
  23. VSBfromH

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Another Isle of Man TT death Maybe we should have a sweepstake on how many will bite the dust year.
  24. VSBfromH

    Not Exactly Famous...

    James F Conway Sr. Mr. Softee becomes Mr. Stiffee
  25. VSBfromH

    Animal Antics

    Marvin Bush ... he was the clever one, apparently

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