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Dave to the Grave

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Everything posted by Dave to the Grave

  1. Dave to the Grave

    The Death Penalty

    You can now love your neighbour's wife in Iran without getting stoned.
  2. Dave to the Grave

    Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    I've always enjoyed his work, however I have only read someone elses translation of his books. Being unable to read Russia I couldn't comment on his prose or style. I can't read Russia either. Or France for that matter. '...dull prose and bad style. Never a good writer.' Could of course be said about me.
  3. Dave to the Grave

    Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    I've always enjoyed his work, however I have only read someone elses translation of his books. Being unable to read Russia I couldn't comment on his prose or style.
  4. Dave to the Grave

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2009

    Probably just a nasty Gough.
  5. Dave to the Grave

    Charlton Heston

    Some famous Heston film
  6. Dave to the Grave

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death... 2008

    Try and keep everyone happy on Just in case.
  7. Dave to the Grave

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2009

    is worth a look at since some god fearing folk own guns, and bombs.
  8. Dave to the Grave

    Son Of Picture Association

  9. Dave to the Grave

    Charlton Heston

    Well you've convinced me. I now fully support Iran, North Korea, Cuba and any other country having a nuclear bomb. Especially a small, easily hidden one. What this has got to do with football I don't know, but since we're going off topic I thought I'd chip in . Thanks Dave. It's always comforting to know that common sense or rational thought don't need to be part of an argument. A backhanded slap at the US will always suffice. No, thank you Deadsox, I couldn't have put it better myself. Unfortunately, because of this, the US gun laws will remain unchanged and the 'War on Terror' will continue. Given the colossal error of invading Iraq, the war on terror is an easy target. But if you mean to imply that there is no danger from radical Islam, you are sadly mistaken and I sincerely hope for the sake of you and your family that you never see the consequences of your mistake. Yes, the US gun laws will remain basically unchanged, but that is fortunate. Zyxt.
  10. Dave to the Grave

    Work Or Home?

    While I do not believe in the concept of the 'golden age of DL', or anything for that matter, I do miss the old day-time crowd. Lady Di and SttG would post something about animals. Josco, Baldrick, or Gunjaman5000, would post something amusing, while Vilebody and Anubis would post something rude. I find myself with more time during the summer months, when I am a pool-boy, wine taster, and bikini inspector, so my posting habits are not 'work or home', but seasonally effected. A bit like Monty Don. Things are quiet on here at the moment. Perhaps it has something to do with the credit crunch?
  11. Dave to the Grave

    Room 101

    I remember some discussion about names in Room 101, and I was tempted to put this in Room Lovely, but calling a child Violence is not right. Perhaps our member from New Zealand has joined in this craze? We have recently had some fantastic guests (in the stumbling around together at wine tastings sense of the word) from New Zealand, who dispite tracing their ancestry to England had chosen to call their sons by, in their words, 'ancient Scottish names'. A part of me still thinks, why not? Fish and Chips , I wonder what they call their goldfish?
  12. Dave to the Grave

    Charlton Heston

    Well you've convinced me. I now fully support Iran, North Korea, Cuba and any other country having a nuclear bomb. Especially a small, easily hidden one. What this has got to do with football I don't know, but since we're going off topic I thought I'd chip in . Thanks Dave. It's always comforting to know that common sense or rational thought don't need to be part of an argument. A backhanded slap at the US will always suffice. No, thank you Deadsox, I couldn't have put it better myself. Unfortunately, because of this, the US gun laws will remain unchanged and the 'War on Terror' will continue.
  13. Dave to the Grave

    Slobodan Milosevic

    No. Thank you. I've got to go to SttG's parents house for dinner, so I'll be sure to use it when discussion turns to Slobodan. I often bring up war criminals when I go there for dinner, but then, her cooking is awful.
  14. Dave to the Grave

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2009

    Peaches Geldof has had to be given mouth to mouth by a friend. Probably just having a snog.
  15. Dave to the Grave

    Charlton Heston

    Well you've convinced me. I now fully support Iran, North Korea, Cuba and any other country having a nuclear bomb. Especially a small, easily hidden one. What this has got to do with football I don't know, but since we're going off topic I thought I'd chip in .
  16. Dave to the Grave

    Fidel Castro

    To be serious for a moment. The French philosopher, Patrick Hernandez, once said, 'We were born, (born, born, born) to be alive.' I think we can all take something from this. You don't need a god, just 'a suitcase and an old guitar and something new to occupy my mind (mind, mind)'.
  17. Dave to the Grave

    Holiday Thread

    Yes, and where exactly are you going? The link isn't providing. Anubis's post deleted, Tried to repair it, but no luck. You'll just have to keep guessing like the rest of us Banshees. Here perhaps?
  18. Dave to the Grave

    Ask A Deathlister

    Hmm. I only asked because Im sure I read somewhere that this spot was a prime location for bonking couples to be "observed" by men ( who, purely by chance, were coming from miles around to walk their dogs). I do appologise if I gave the impression that men only went there to practice the ancient art of fudge packing. Nothing to do with the practice, like Richard Gere, of sticking a dog up your fundament then. Or was it Germaine Greer and a ferret?
  19. Dave to the Grave

    Should He Stay Or Should He Go?

    I voted to keep him. I was afraid he'd give me verbal if I did otherwise. Keepers 2 Ousters 1
  20. Dave to the Grave

    Paul Newman

    I think , is an even better choice. For what, I forget.
  21. Dave to the Grave

    Son Of Picture Association

  22. Dave to the Grave

    Ask A Deathlister

    Perhaps he is a silly tucker.
  23. Not wishing to justify hooliganism, but perhaps these rivalries fulfill a human need for a sense of community, 'them and us', with the added spice of risk taking. A wise man (a Rabbi I think) once wrote, 'We didn't have the bulls of Pamplona, but once a year, we had the North Bank Highbury'. It could of course just be an excuse for a punch-up. I wish we could all just be friends.
  24. Dave to the Grave

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death... 2008

    Reflect on the position of Turkey within the European Union, while listening to a A bit long but the last 20 seconds or so, says it for me

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