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Tuber Mirum

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Everything posted by Tuber Mirum

  1. Tuber Mirum

    Death In Pixie Boots?

    And these are? Mr Weatherman's interests (aside from Rune Quest whatever that might be) appear to consist of finding ways to fundamentally irritate me (and presumably others) by posting about 10 irrelevant and childish items to the Deathlist per day. He is very good at this which suggests that he is probably as clever as he says he is.
  2. Tuber Mirum

    The Dead Pool

    As a kid, I had the honour of spending my summer holidays in Monkey-Hanging Hartlepool every year. I think I've been past that restaurant a couple of times too. Certainly rings a bell. I think there was a Tontine Road in Hartlepool too. It would seem that tontines are probably illegal in the UK. I shall do some research regarding the legal situation here in Germany.
  3. Tuber Mirum

    Karl Malden

    Losing your hearing, young Master Weatherman? Perhaps you've been listening to your Manilow tapes too loudly. Why not take a break. I know I could do with one.
  4. Tuber Mirum

    Near Misses for 2005

    So an all-round good egg, in other words?
  5. Tuber Mirum

    The Dead Pool

    I have an idea for a game. All competitors pick a candidate who is over 90 years old, but seems to have a few good years left in them. They then pay a fiver a month into the kitty until their candidate dies. They have then lost and withdraw from the game. The remaining candidates continue to pay their fiver until their candidates also die. Anyone who fails to pay in for more than two months on the trot without a bloody good reason gets disqualified and loses all his money. The player whose candidate lives the longest gets all the money. It could take 10 years and amount to a goodly sum. Players would be discouraged from murdering one another's candidates. It's a sort of tontine. Any takers?
  6. Tuber Mirum

    James Brown

    Why do you see the need to start a new thread for that?
  7. Tuber Mirum

    Mike Tyson

    Lossers??? Is this a new word, a cross between 'tossers' and 'losers' perhaps? I think we should be told... Your Capital City insularity does you proud, Teddy. Anyone with a basic knowledge of the Glasgow patois would be able to tell you "to loss" is standard Glasgowspeak. As in: "Anytime Partick Thistle versed Rangers, they lossed." Our man is obviously a Soap Dodger.
  8. Tuber Mirum

    James Doohan

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/film/3032052.stm Intereshting to note that we Shcots are also occasionally critishised for our foreign acshentsh. Inshidentally, as a small child growing up in Aberdeen in the early 70's I just assumed Scotty talked a bit strangely because he was probably from somewhere in the west of Scotland. Many canadians can do a passable Scottish accent, if they are, unlike Doohan, of Scottish descent.
  9. Tuber Mirum

    Margaret Thatcher

    Actually nothing, apart from the fact that she looks a bit like Margaret Thatcher. Wicked Witch............................................Thatcher Virtually indistinguishable from one another. they could almost be related. If the WWW will forgive the remark. Incidentally, someone voted for long life and prosperity for Lady T. I wonder who it was?
  10. Tuber Mirum

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    If he intends going for cold, he may likely do so before he gets into the clink, since he is currently out on bail, and as a doctor probably still has better access to pharmaceuticals than he would have behind bars. Assuming he would choose the same method for himself as for his alleged victims.
  11. Tuber Mirum

    Deathlist 2005

    I can think of a couple of ex primes minister of Australia: Bob Hawke Malcolm "Life was never meant to be easy" Fraser Harold "Just a friendly wave each morning" Holt and some others who weren't in Neighbours: Danni Minogue Pamela Stephenson Barry Tuckwell Paul Hogan Rolf Harris That is off the top of my head. With research I'm sure you could find one or two more. Perhaps even three.
  12. Tuber Mirum

    Cyril Fletcher Is Gone :+(

    Doesn't say exactly when he died. I assume it was already 2005.
  13. Tuber Mirum

    Margaret Thatcher

    Here's a chance to make your feelings known one way or the other about Britain's favourite vindictive old ratbag.
  14. Tuber Mirum

    Problem accessing "Discuss" area.

    Sorry for snapping like that. New Year's morning is never an easy time for anyone. Brilliant avatar by the way eejit!
  15. Tuber Mirum

    Deathlist 2005

    An unexpected omission indeed, but I doubt strongly that many folks will be hoping she hangs on long enough to get on the 2006 list.
  16. Tuber Mirum

    Problem accessing "Discuss" area.

    I expect that will be because the organisers haven't got around to creating the threads yet. Give them a chance, man. It's New year's day for crying out loud! (Please nobody cry out loud, that's only an expression, you know) Get well soon to all.
  17. Tuber Mirum

    John Inman

  18. Tuber Mirum

    More Ideas & Possibles for 2005

    He will be 77 next year. I recall reading that he isn't quite as big as he was, but I can't remember where I saw that. I gave him some serious consideration for my DDP entry, but he didn't quite make the grade. So according to Sod's Law, he will probably drop down dead next week sometime.
  19. Tuber Mirum

    Robert Mugabe

    That's not too much to ask, is it? I can't think of any country in the world that has all those things except perhaps Switzerland. The rest of us have to make do with "Freedom" and "Democracy". Perhaps if they discovered enough oil in Africa, the US could pop over there and show them how it's done. Economic opportunity is always there, if only for Haliburton. Mugabe is a symptom of humanity, like many other leaders before, present and yet to come. Some worse some less bad. Perhaps if he dies the next one will be no better. Most leaders fail on those fronts you mention because they lack honesty and vision, preferring greed and hipocrisy instead. If they are cunning enough and have the right connections they can get nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in spite of having murdered many more people than Mugabe ever will.
  20. Tuber Mirum

    Susan Sontag gets toe tag!

    Mr Yank, Here's the BBC version of the same story. Notable for not censoring the bits about her criticism of US foreign policy. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/arts/4130985.stm How considerate of those US news agencies. Not reporting anything which might offend folks' decency. That woman had her head screwed on. Shame I had never heard of her before she died.
  21. Tuber Mirum

    Arthur C Clarke

    "Paedophile" is quite a popular spelling in many parts of the civilised world.
  22. Tuber Mirum

    Viktor Yushchenko

    I was in the Ukraine in March and can vouch for the dismal state of the buses there as this snapshot shows. BTW: a word of advice to anyone planning a trip to Kiev: When there, don't have as much to drink as I did.
  23. Tuber Mirum

    Last Thoughts For 2005

    I'm not too sure about this one. He's certainly famous enough... but I can't really see him scaling the greatest peak of them all anytime soon. He was actually in Antartica only 3 weeks ago.... not the activities of a man about to go It seems to me that a prediliction for visiting Antarctica is offering an open invitation to fate to cut one off a little early. The man in the following link also appears to be courting an early demise. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/4124891.stm When he falls, which he probably will, I wonder if he could be persuaded to land fatally on another potential candidate? Two simultaneous deaths would be a first for the Deathlist, I believe. For preference Lady Thatcher unless anyone has a better idea? Merry Holidays NTAPTTO
  24. Tuber Mirum

    Nancy Reagan

    True. "14 years old" and "childish" are two completely different things. It is mere coincidence that Mr Weatherman seems to be both. To name but two of his many obvious qualities. For all we know, he may be 73 years old and his true name is Julie Andrews. Let us judge him (if at all) by the nature of his postings, and not by his purported age.
  25. Tuber Mirum

    Nancy Reagan

    This might be a good moment to reflect on the fact that about 75% of what you read on the internet is misleading or downright untrue. (Not counting the porn sites of course but definitely counting Fox News) It doesn't take any kind of special intelligence to come up with an opinion and claim it to be a fact. To come up with one such as "Ronald Reagan was great" suggests quite the opposite to many who were around in the 80's. In my opinion Reagan perpetuated and escalated the kind of Xenophobic Knee-jerk Paranoia which persists in many parts of the US to this day and helped make them unpopular enough in the world to have their enemies want to fly planes into tall buildings and stuff. To call him "idiot" is by far not the full story, but to me it is fully justified because of his blinkered confrontational approach and also for his admiration for Mrs. Thatcher. A man is a potato (God's own Truth!)

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