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Tuber Mirum

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Everything posted by Tuber Mirum

  1. Tuber Mirum

    Where Have All The Ranters Gone?

    He may be German but you ain't. Ubermenschen = supermen. Did you mean untermenschen? It's Übermenschen. OK? If you don't have an "Ü" on your keyboard, then write "Ue" This ain't Discworld here, you know! PS: Untermensch is a nasty Nazi expression.
  2. Tuber Mirum

    Paul Hunter

    While we're on the subject, would any of our ranters (welcome chaps, make yourselves at home) care to direct me to any other sick or disrespectful comments about Paul Hunter on this site? I'm sure I can't find very many. This thread is 90% ranters and members abusing ranters, and about 10% reports about his health.
  3. Tuber Mirum

    Parting Shots

    Brimley! I distinctly remember Maryport said "sober aesthetes".
  4. Tuber Mirum

    Brinsworth House and Denville Hall

    God knows how you find that out ATJ, but would there be a way of identifying if its a DL regular? Further investigation reveals that the poster may not actually be in Sheffield. The Innternet provider merely has offices there. As they also have in West Bromwich. A few guests and occasional posters have similar though not identical IP's. Can't be buggered analysing all of their posts for stylistic similarities. That's all top secret information by the way, so don't tell anyone, ok?
  5. Tuber Mirum

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Isn't every death a tragedy, then?
  6. Quiet Brimley, or I'll nail your other foot to the floor!
  7. Shame somebody deleted it. Such an excellent piece of obscenity ought to be carried proudly for all to see, like that big gob of spit on General Booth's uniform back then.
  8. What a spectacular post! First Harry comes back, and now this. The Golden Age has returned, I tell you!
  9. Tuber Mirum

    Holiday Thread

    Did anyone notice I haven't been in for a couple of days? Didn't think so. I was helping the Army with their inquiries. The bastards used their most advanced sleep deprivation techniques on me and not only that, they tried to poison me. Bastards. I also met a very interesting man named Adolf Shipman.
  10. Tuber Mirum

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    Happy Birthday Bruno! Hang in there now old man!
  11. Tuber Mirum

    Strip The Moderaters Of Their Meagre Powers?

    Think you might be barking up the wrong end of the stick there, Mary.
  12. Tuber Mirum

    Osama Bin Laden

    Pride comes before a fall, or so they say.
  13. Tuber Mirum

    Osama Bin Laden

    Someone remind me again of the name of the country which randomly dropped 240,000 tons of bombs on Cambodia, killing half a million people?
  14. Tuber Mirum

    Osama Bin Laden

    Bearing in mind that Mr. Blair talks a load of utter crap all the time, Banshees, which thoughts enter your mind as you read the preceding quotation?
  15. Tuber Mirum

    Rebecca De Winter

    What balderdash you write Banshees! The Good Lady has only ever posted in one thread to my knowledge. Hardly tearing up the forums, is it now?
  16. Tuber Mirum

    Richard O'Sullivan

    I quite like this thread. If anyone from Brinsworth House, or God willing even Mr. O'Sullivan himself were to read it (and we are told from time to time that they do look in from time to time) I think they'd see right away that we mean no harm and all we want to know is how the poor old fellow is doing. Perhaps they'll even drop us a hint one day. Our two new members' posts are certainly unusually long, and can be quite hard work to read, which is atypical for the forum, but why not? Theyr'e certainly enthusiastic about the subject matter of the thread. Welcome you two, and don't mind the professional grumblers.
  17. Tuber Mirum

    Hugo Bleicher

    Nah. I wonder if this old lady is still on the go? The pair of them were a hot item back then, it would seem. She might know where he is. Another place where they might know is at the Simon Wiesental Institute for Finding Old Nazis or Whatever it's Called. Or the FBI.
  18. Tuber Mirum

    Hugo Bleicher

    Of course did that immediately I read this thread the other night. there are three Hugo Bleichers in the phone book. One is a practising doctor, so he's unlikely to be our man. The other two are listed in the phone book so are unlikely to be our man. I'm not inclined to call any of them to see if they're in any way related. There is almost no mention of Hugo Bleicher on the German-language bit of the web.
  19. Tuber Mirum

    Near misses 2006

    The latter. Not as a loose term anyway. Comparing someone like Arnold, who was the last of the great British composers of his era, to some guy that shouted "tequila" in a pop song is like comparing William Shatner to Sir Laurence Olivier. One could say that Arnold was a great musician and Chuck Rio just a musician. Perhaps someone else might want to vehemently defend the opposite point of view. But they are both musicians, just as swedes and broccoli are both vegetables.
  20. Tuber Mirum

    Near misses 2006

    Also, calling Sir Malcolm Arnold a "musician" is a bit of a misnomer. Is that you pouring scorn on Sir Malcolm's compositorial abilities? Or don't you think composers count as musicians?
  21. Tuber Mirum

    Bush's Chance

    I wouldn't ever consider making someone a moderator who thinks "indefinatively" is a real word.
  22. Tuber Mirum

    Near misses 2006

    He was mentioned in the Opera Thread about 2 days ago. I said he didn't write any operas, a thing which I ascertained from Wikipedia, and which turns out to be wrong.
  23. Tuber Mirum

    Bush's Chance

    And there was me thinking you had grown sensible. How naïve can a man get before he turns into a potato?
  24. Tuber Mirum

    Brinsworth House and Denville Hall

    That's superb - as soon as it finished I watched it all over again. Its also given me an idea as to how I can get access ....... perfectly legally. Disguised as a piano tuner? Brilliant!
  25. Tuber Mirum

    Bush's Chance

    Excellent! Well said Weatherman90! Now what about Barry Manilow? Is he your fault as well?

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