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Tuber Mirum

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Everything posted by Tuber Mirum

  1. Perhaps he was involved in an altercation with Windsor, and has left in disgust? That should be "last" Mr Josco. "Former and "latter" are used when there are only two things.
  2. Well he's just got some points on the HDP. Perhaps that'll bring him out of hiding. My £10 says he's gone on holiday. The following can also be had for £10: Given up, can't be bothered. Got a girlfriend. In prison. In hospital/otherwise too ill to post. Too drunk to post. Problems with his internet connection/phone line. Problems with computer. At a wedding. At a funeral. Or think up something yourself. Winner gets the pot.
  3. Tuber Mirum

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Excuse me! I'll have you know one of our most respected members also happens to be an Admin on The Royal Forums (sic). So mind your step, matey!
  4. Tuber Mirum

    Derby Dead Pool 2006

    I wonder if he'll get a UK obit?
  5. Tuber Mirum


    I'm not sure Fraserburgh is yet quite ready for the next Quentin Crisp.
  6. Tuber Mirum

    Paul Hunter

    He looked pretty ragged in the World Championship tournament. According to this article, he was in quite a bit of pain and almost withdrew from it. Australia's Robertson overcomes stricken Hunter Let's br frank. He played like sh*t. He played like Alex Higgins would if he were sober. Sorry Milwall, I disagree. To be able to play snooker at all after chemotherapy takes some doing. If I were him, I would have lost 10-0 on purpose just so I didn't have to go through to round 2. He displayed balls (or should I say ball, methinks one has been removed ) He's a madman to be playing in that state. I don't reckon his life's necessarily in imminent danger of ending though. What's making him feel so bad and not play well are the effects of the chemotherapy. Another effect of the chemotherapy may well be to cure his cancer and save his life. He's still No. 34 in the world apparently, so he can't be playing that badly. Not that standards appear particularly high generally, given yesterday's spectacle.
  7. Tuber Mirum

    Michael Jackson Poll

    And I am a Dutchman. (Which I'm not, incidentally. My great grandmother did pretend to be one for a while, but she was in fact a Russian.)
  8. Tuber Mirum

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Jammy bugger!
  9. Tuber Mirum

    The English Language

    I have a lot of annoying habits when I write. Such as using too many paragraphs. And starting sentences with "And", "But," or "However,", not to mention constructing the same sort of long, rambling formless sentences about which Mr. TLC has just written with lots of commas and stuff, and I say "probably" far too much. But I do it deliberately so it's all right. I think it was King Edward VII who was spotted wearing brown shoes with blue trousers, an unforgivable sartorial sin in those days. When confronted, he said: "Yes, but it's all right because I know." Who really, really get on my tits are the people who, when making an announcement always strongly emphasise "will be", or "there is" or suchlike.
  10. Tuber Mirum

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Perhaps this will help you, Lost Boy. Remember: Google is your friend. And deathlist is not Google.
  11. Tuber Mirum

    Near misses 2006

    Really? And who might this person be? Did he or she have a name? Names, Igorsaain always INCLUDE a f...ing name since the link may soon go cold. actually I included the name but for some wierd reason one of the moderators edited it out,so you'll have to get on to them about it! No you didn't. I repaired the link because you had screwed up posting it. The name was never there.
  12. Tuber Mirum

    The English Language

    I can't speak for LPIII, but I've been pretty busy of late. I've hardly had chance to skim through DL, let alone persecute anyone over their grammar or religious convictions. Unfortunately/fortunately* this isn't likely to change any time soon. Sigh. * Take your pick. Fair enough. I suppose if I'd written a bestselling smash-hit book and was consequently on Easy Street, I too would spend all day sipping on Pinas Colada and getting annointed with Coconut Oil by Willing Slave Girls, rather than toiling away on deathlist.net like a bloody fool. Must go now, got the Mods' monthly Jumble Sale to organise. No rest for the wicked.
  13. Tuber Mirum

    John Kenneth Galbraith

    that may well be the case,but as far as I can see his obituaries on tv are notable only by their absence! Perhaps you should tune into something other that the Disney Channel, iain.
  14. Tuber Mirum

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    What a lovely child! well done Mrs. and Mr. P! May she grow up to be unusual and exceptionally talented. And able to spell. Well there is this photo of Magere Hein, though I'm not sure how good a likeness it is. (PS: It was that chap from Queen on the background of the Freddie Mercury memorial stamp.)
  15. Tuber Mirum

    Pete Doherty

    According to the BBC he failed to turn up to a Babyshambles gig this afternoon. They are speculating that he may once again have been arrested.
  16. Tuber Mirum

    Saddam Hussein

    So he's getting on a bit. Daresay that fickle jade Rumsfeld doesn't send him a birthday card any more either. Perhaps it's time for Saddam to pull the "too ill to stand trial" card. I wonder if it's too late for him to strike up a friendship with Lady Thatcher?
  17. Depending on whom you believe, he has either "a serious head injury" or "mild concussion" Perhaps he has both.
  18. Here's a link to the story. Seems he an Ron Wood were trying to climb a palm tree. Presumably bleezing.
  19. Tuber Mirum

    Pete Doherty

    I love the way the last word of the article, BLOOD is written in bold capitals. Not to mention the use of the word "shocking" in the first sentence, so we know what to think in case it's too much of a challenge to read the whole story. What comedians those tabloid chappies are!
  20. Tuber Mirum

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    Happy Birthday Our Sole! A near neighbour of mine and one of the true Foundiing Fathers of the Deathlist Forum, who still pops in from time to time. Good on ya Mr. Sole. Mind and no drink too much of that nasty Altbier!
  21. Tuber Mirum

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    I've just finished reading "The Impeachment of Richard Nixon-A Call to Action. NOW!" by Leonard Lurie. Written in 1973 after Watergate but before proceedings were opened against Nixon, it paints a very different piccie of Tricky Dicky than the one on Wiki which was clearly written by a rabid loonie.
  22. Tuber Mirum

    The English Language

    I've met Joan just a few weeks ago, in Rouen, France. Nice girl, but she got rather upset when I asked her for a light. I guess there was a lot at stake. Well done, eventually. regards, Hein Not bad eh? Only took me 10 months to get it. PS: This thread makes good reading. It makes me nostalgic in a way. Whatever happened to Honez and LPIII?
  23. Tuber Mirum

    The English Language

    Good points from everyone (excepting Windsor of course ). If I may I'd like to add one more thing which I don't think has been said: Writing with proper grammar and punctuation is actually no harder than writing badly. Once one has made the effort to learn what is right, it comes automatically and doing anything else is unnaturallly difficult. Apart from the odd slip once in a while of course. The same goes for typing. Once you get in the habit of it, it's no effort to hit shift once in a while, and with practise it becomes automatic. In fact I find it a bit odd that Mr Pulphack can type faster without capitalising. For me it would involve extra effort to consciously leave out the capitals.
  24. Tuber Mirum

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen. regards, Hein انا اسف لكن انا اتكلم بس العربية --بؤل الكندي Bit like this, CP?
  25. Tuber Mirum

    Death Verse

    I used to have a similar book entitled "Grave Humour" by Fritz Spiegl. Here's the only one I remember, which is from a headstone in Aberdeen allegedly: Here lie the bones of Elizabeth Charlotte Born a virgin, died a harlot She was aye a virgin at seventeen A remarkable thing in Aberdeen.

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