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Tuber Mirum

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Everything posted by Tuber Mirum

  1. Tuber Mirum

    Dicky O!

    Just got back after a day not online. It's clear as day why the thread got closed. A whole lot of posts about wanking and suchlike from individuals who would appear to be tabloid journalists or their intellectual equals. If we didn't have any standards here, we wouldn't bother having moderators whose job it is to keep them up. I'm sure there are plenty other places on the web where such vacuous crap would be better appreciated than here.
  2. Tuber Mirum

    Places With Silly Names

    I have been up The Old Man of Coniston on occasion I've been up Arthur's Seat. Not to mention quite a few Munros.
  3. Tuber Mirum

    DL Members' Secrets

    I wonder if it would have a similar effect on people? I have eaten fried pizza which has a similar consistency and is probably also lethal eventually. Irresistible it 'aint though.
  4. Tuber Mirum

    Near misses 2006

    Well "Mr. Propre" is the actual French product name for "Mr. Clean," but since I don't know much about French-Canadian politics, I don't quite get the joke. Great visual though I think. The German version of that stuff, Meister Proper has become a symbol for the Neo-Nazis. So most Germans would get it right away.
  5. Tuber Mirum

    Richard O'Sullivan

    As did mine, Herr Krüll. An, auf, hinter, neben, in, über, unter, vor und zwischen, Heinz Mit, nach, von, zu, aus, bei, seit, gegenüber. Not to mention FUDGEBOW. The Wifie Thomaneck.
  6. Tuber Mirum

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Here sign this. It's very important.
  7. Aye, Windsor. A little learning can be a dangerous thing. And History can be interpreted one way or the other, as your history professor will tell you. Or any Nazi.
  8. Christal tipps and Alistair? S**t, you are right. Always get those ones confused. Still, Hector looks familiar. One of Mary Mungo and Midge was a dog too, I think. It was ZaZa.
  9. Tuber Mirum

    Whom Are You Tarring With The Epithet "twunt"?

    Congratulations Mr Reaper on achieving Twuntdom. What goes around comes around, as they say.
  10. Naw, she's older than I am and I can faintly remember it. A Dog with freckles and a wee girl with triangular hair. The Clangers were good.
  11. Cannae abide broth, masel'.
  12. We have a Mr. Benn video too, scsi bought it for his niece for a birthday pressie when she was about 6 (she's 21 now), he borrowed it a year or two later and 'forgot' to return it.........Oops! New discussion: what was your favourite Mr. Benn character? Mine was the astronaut. I'll get back to you on that after I've watched the vid. I canne really remember at the moment. There was a caveman wasn't there? And a deep sea diver.
  13. I'm chuffed to F**k now, cos I just got a Mr Benn video on Ebay for 1.99. Smashing whisky, this.
  14. Drink and geography don't mix either, it would seem.
  15. On the The Glenlivet masel' The other half is having some too.
  16. Aye, aye Winnzer! Foo's yer neeps?
  17. Tuber Mirum

    New Here and saying Hi.

    Happy Birthday TWDNKM! Congratulations on the new fridge! Why not pop in and see us some time?
  18. Tuber Mirum

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    No, it just means that the Deathlist is alive and well and in a constant state of flux. For better or for worse.
  19. Tuber Mirum

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    I believe that in many of my posts i've said - That the times are changing around here. The golden age of the DL is now fading and members are joining left and right. Standards have gone, By August Tempus things may look and seem alot different around here. That's what we said back then when Tempus, Windsor and Millwall joined. Times change, but standards must be maintained. -Kipling
  20. Tuber Mirum

    Richard O'Sullivan

    The name sounds familiar. Could be this chap. Someone should tell The Reaper.
  21. Tuber Mirum

    Death Of My Country

    Standards slipping, Mr. J? Tut, tut!
  22. Aha! I was scratching my head about Jobmitte. A literal translation of Job Center/Centre. But not a German word by a long way. Although Arbeitsvermittlung does have a certain similarity to the trained ear.
  23. Tuber Mirum

    Kurt Waldheim

    I forgot to say, I went because of Mozart, I like Mozart, but even he got fed up with Vienna, I believe, preferring to work in Prague later in life. I can't help noticing Mr (I assume) Austrian lurker you use the word, Forbidden - verboten. And kosher, not a word I would use very often. Forbidden is one of the few German words I know. I learned all my German from Valient comic so I know the words for: "Forbidden", "quick", "Good God", "pig dog", "hands up" and "watch out, mines", just about enough I think you'll agree, to fight a war with. Keine Faxen, sonst Knallt's!
  24. Gentlemen, I give you the German Banshees Scream.
  25. Tuber Mirum

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    What about me, you bugger?

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