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Tuber Mirum

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Everything posted by Tuber Mirum

  1. Tuber Mirum

    Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness

    Quite. Without wanting to anthropomorphise Tony Blair more than is strictly necessary, he seems to be one of the first PM's to have enough gumption to admit that Ireland should be given back to the Irish to mess up by themselves as they see fit. Which is no doubt what will happen one day. It is at times like this that I wish I had a bottle of Hendrick's.
  2. Tuber Mirum

    Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness

    It could be an awareness of historical guilt. If Yorkshire, like Ireland had been colonised and exploited by the English, then you would be sure to find much more support for the Josco's Yorkshire Freedom Army or whatever. We are brainwashed to forget that acts of brutality and terrorism, though rarely justifiable, tend to be motivated by some genuine (and often very severe) grievance or injustice. Nobody volunteers for a dangerous mission just because there is nothing good on telly that morning, for example. One makes one's own bed, and then one lies in it. As Mr Blair knows, and Mr Bush would keep from us.
  3. Tuber Mirum

    Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness

    Ha! Disagree, Mr Josco? Fair enough. Actually I didn't mean The IRA, I meant Sin Feinn. Of coures they are all a bunch of hypocrites, just like the rest of us, but my (possibly mistaken) impression is that Paisley is more obstructive to progressive negotiation than the others. Look at the progress in Palestine since Arafat died, just because the Israelis don't have to negotiate any more with somebody they can't stand. Of course the Americans will screw it up again. Probably.
  4. Tuber Mirum

    Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness

    I suspect the death of Ian Paisley will be the next event to make a significant difference in Northern Ireland. Stubborn old git that he is, once he is out of the way the IRA is more likely to take a more conciliatory position.
  5. Tuber Mirum

    Jimmy Griffin

    Now, now, Captain. Pushing the boat out a bit aren't we?
  6. Tuber Mirum

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    That's what I said, isn't it?
  7. Tuber Mirum

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Jings, crivvens & help ma boab. fits gang oan here then. ( A bit too Aberdonian I think, I'll come further south) That's nothing like Aberdonian! Sounds more like Oor Wullie (who is from Dundee or Bathgate or somewhere) apart from the word "fits" by which I presume you mean the Aberdonian word "fit's". Aberdonian would be: Michty me! Fit in 'e name o' creation are ye greetin aboot onywye? Pretty convincing Glaswegian though.
  8. Tuber Mirum

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Perhaps, if St. Josco were to publish an image of himself here it would have the effect of eliminating any misconceptions which may have arisen as to which celebrities he does or does not resemble.
  9. Tuber Mirum

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    I must ask, do people write in accents? Can you see mine? (to be read with a Scottish-German accent) Israeli-Texan. Plain as day.
  10. Tuber Mirum

    Fidel Castro

    I know it now though because you just told me. Does that mean you could help me to get hold of a cheap second-hand bicycle?
  11. Tuber Mirum

    Sister Lucia

    What we need is a charismatic figurehead. Someone slightly aloof yet overtly benign. Commanding the respect and love of his innumerable devotees. Any volunteers? Death Watch Beatle? (The tax benefits to being a religion can be impressively huge. )
  12. Tuber Mirum

    Executioner's Club

    How about: Impaler Disemboweller Weatherman Kissinger Dr. Crippen Pontius Pilate Schwarzenegger Lucretia Borgia or even: Milk Snatcher?
  13. Tuber Mirum

    Fidel Castro

    Wait a minute! Communism is bad ergo capitalism is great? That's like saying that just because Jim Callaghan was utterly useless, Mrs T. was absolutely wonderful. Anyway, suggesting that Castro is not going to die soon is in no way defending communism. What I am trying to say in a roundabout sort of way is that you are talking CRAP!
  14. Tuber Mirum

    Norman Wisdom

    Mr Josco, your postings regarding the Leader of the Conservative Party would be more credible if I didn't happen to believe that you have, in your time also expressed support and admiration for some of his predecessors. My opinion is that since the early 70's no prime minister has been better or worse than his or her opponent might have been if he had won the election instead. Bliar is a transparently stupid twunt as you imply. But from my safe standpoint abroad, it looks like Mr. Brown has done the country some good. And he obviously dislikes Blair intensely which wins him a couple of extra points with me. Also, I met him once on a train. Travelling 2nd class. Impressive
  15. Tuber Mirum

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    A Google search for Weatherman90 reveals a couple of his favourite hangouts. If anyone wants to stalk him, that might be a good start. But I suspect there are probably laws against that sort of thing. Common sense would also suggest finding something else less stupid to do instead.
  16. Tuber Mirum

    Michael Jackson

    And if he didn't? It's not a question of if he did it or not. It's if he is found guilty or not. Anyone here seriously think he might not have done it?
  17. Tuber Mirum

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    I'm a bit confused by this recent concern for W********n's whereabouts. Is it not enough that he is not here? I get the feeling Mr 007 is a bit of a masochist, if he wants The Annoyoying One to return merely so that he can try to drive him off again. Fun for Mr 007 perhaps, but not nice for most of the rest of us. If I never see that blood-boilingly irritating Avatar again it will be too soon. Let sleeping Twunts lie, I say.
  18. Tuber Mirum

    Amanda's Avatar

    Pleased to make your aquaintance, Miss Australia. I am Mr. Universe.
  19. Tuber Mirum

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    That link doesn't work HCW you have "http" in the address twice
  20. Tuber Mirum

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    I'm pleased to see Miss Amanda is now in the club. And its all thanks to Mr. Josco and his little man.
  21. Tuber Mirum

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    You could do that Miss Amanda, all you have to do is go to page one and click edit. Is it really possible to change the title of a thread one has started? I can't seem to manage it.
  22. Tuber Mirum

    Amanda's Avatar

    Probably waiting for his call up into the witness box at Mr Jackson's trial. Brilliant! I love it! Well said Mr. Honez! ;) Perhaps it is because there are ladies present?
  23. Tuber Mirum

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    So in deleting Mattd007's sig. they were "only obeying orders" then?
  24. Tuber Mirum

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    Funny! I used to consider myself one of those when I was about 12, So what happened? Why am I not one now? Was I demoted? Or de-modded? Or even De-mo-ped?
  25. Tuber Mirum

    Amanda's Avatar

    Must get over there sometime. My grandfather lives somewhere in Canada. Not that there isn't enough snow here at the minute. Having travelled the length of Germany and back in the past week, if I never see snow again it will be too soon.

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