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Everything posted by Yvonne

  1. Yvonne

    World's Oldest

    We may have some redundancies going shortly If you are interested you can join our morbid little club
  2. Yvonne

    World's Oldest

    Yes but we all pay £1 per week collected quarterly it used to be 50p so a lot dropped out, I can get the exact figures tomorrow but I reckon it is about 100
  3. Yvonne

    World's Oldest

    Thank you for the input - no great Uncle Jack was not on the list it has to be celebrities i.e. film stars or sports personalities. We do not have any say in the matter we just pull names out of the bag and that is how I ended up with my four - one for each family member. If, however, you do not like who you pull out of the bag you can throw them back in when there is no money left in the kitty i.e. when somebody croaks, I suppose it sounds morbid there are a few people at work quite disgusted by our little "snuff club" as we call it but then the same people get quite envious when somebody wins a lot of money like last week when a colleague won £1,500 for Al Martino and the time before that it was £3,000. I have already thrown away Claire Rayner, Betty Boothroyd and Petula Clark in favour of the four I have got now and I am still wondereing whether to hang on to Michael Collins. Please nobody tell me that the three I have thrown away are good candidates ?
  4. Many happy returns of the day - hope it was a good one
  5. Yvonne

    World's Oldest

    No Michael Collins was born in 1930 - he is an astronaut
  6. Yvonne

    World's Oldest

    Never heard of him. Was he on your DDP and has Ocky confirmed your post as a qualified UK obit? Who is "Ocky" please excuse my ignorance. I have four on my list: Joss Ackland Burt Trautman Arnold Palmer Michael Collins Does anybody know their staus at the present time?? There is quite a lot of money riding on them.
  7. Yvonne

    World's Oldest

    My colleague's Great Uncle Jack was a good age: On Tuesday, October 13, 2009, peacefully, John Robert (Jack) aged 106 years. Dearly loved father, a much loved grandfather and great grandfather, a dear uncle. He will sadly missed by all his family and friends
  8. What a lovely poem HANDREJKA
  9. Many happy returns of the day - hope it was a good one :D


  10. Yvonne

    Poetry Competition

    Christmas this year will be like no other I lost someone very close could have been my brother Patrick Swayze will be in charge of the dancing having the time of his life while the reindeers are prancing With Patrick McGoohan mooching about some believe he may have had too much stout Farrah Fawcet is the angel so sweet waiting by the purly gates for the new members to greet Stephen Gateley is singing the carols round the tree and later will sit on Al Martino's knee Keith Floyd volunteered to cook the Christmas lunch it is likely that the pudding will be packed with a good brandy punch Michael Jackson dressed as Santa Clause Is bound to have a lot of applause But poor Mollie Sugden really misses her pussy cat and those unkind angels call her a daft old bat So here is that gift, it's price beyond worth... May you and your loved ones, enjoy peace on Earth.
  11. Yvonne

    John Kettley

    John Kettley has added me as a friend on Death List. OMG that is amazing because I do not have any friends let alone famous friends, why add me what have I done? The question is I suppose is this the real John Kettley or is he an impostor? http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&q=john+...971cfd95a28cf9b I am sure that the moderators will know. Anyway John welcome to this forum - pleased to have you with us.
  12. Yvonne

    John Kettley

    What happened to my poem - who deleted it??
  13. Yvonne

    John Kettley

    Yes Michael, of course you can be my friend
  14. Yvonne

    John Kettley

    Ok added you - but I think my friendship is pending approval Why do you lot all have daft names? I don't know what to call you. You can call me John. Ok John - what sort of winter are we going to have weatherwise??
  15. Yvonne

    John Kettley

    Ok added you - but I think my friendship is pending approval Why do you lot all have daft names? I don't know what to call you.
  16. Yvonne

    John Kettley

    A friend is like a flower, a rose to be exact, Or maybe like a brand new gate that never comes unlatched. A friend is like an owl, both beautiful and wise. Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost, whose spirit never dies. A friend is like a heart that goes strong until the end. Where would we be in this world if we didn't have a friend.
  17. Yvonne

    John Kettley

    Yes but is he the real John Kettley?? John Kettley is a weatherman and is on television every day. I did not realise that you had added me as a friend - where do I find my friends??
  18. Yvonne

    John Kettley

    I truly dont know whether to congratulate an existing members genius in the creation of "Yvonne" or whether to feel a deep sense of sadness for a "real" Yvonne sitting alone at her computer, cats meowing around her feet.............. Sod it.........Yvonne sweetie, you have another friend.
  19. Yvonne

    World's Oldest

    I am not really sure that I understand what the question is ??
  20. Yvonne

    World's Oldest

    Thank you Devon Death Trip that is a really nice thing to say - I feel very touched
  21. Yvonne

    World's Oldest

    Why are you lot so charming ?? I've never really thought about it but guesty accepts your compliments on behalf of the DL community. Whilst we are asking such searching questions, tell me, why are you so lame at poetry? I think you are a guest in disguise
  22. Yvonne

    World's Oldest

    Why are you lot so charming ??
  23. Yvonne

    Dear Abby...

    Dear Abby, What sort of advice do you give?? I feel that my life is ebbing away and I have done nothing with it - what should I do??
  24. Yvonne

    Norman Wisdom

    You had better leave Norman alone or you will upset Jacqui http://uk.imdb.com/name/nm0936295/board/th...41654#137641654
  25. Yvonne

    Patrick Swayze

    Oh dear are you choking??

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