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Everything posted by Kain

  1. Kain

    The William Shatner Forum

    I thought I'd check out Mr Shatner's health on google so put "shatner ill" in and hit search...with quite surprising results http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ill+shatner an ill shatner is another way of saying that you need to take a crap dayum my tummy hurts. i really need to take an ill shatner
  2. Kain

    Ruby Muhammad

    It's a bit sobering when someone who's nearly 110 has fewer forehead wrinkles than yourself, and I'm fairly wrinkle free for 34 too... She looks and sounds in fine fettle. True, but do we know how long ago this picture of her was taken? It might have been snapped when she was a sprightly 50 years old. And if that's how she looked when she was 50, can you imagine what that chin must be like now? a scrotum? (sorry - answering rhetorical questions is a major fault of mine)
  3. Kain

    Ruby Muhammad

    There were four centenarians on last year's list, and only one of them (25 %) snuffed it. The succes ratio on the entire list was 26 %, so picking the extremely old is actually decreasing the odds, though only slightly. don't be stupid... I won't, thank you. You obviously did not get my point, so I'll give it another try. Picking a 100-year-old celebrity just because of his age has not proved to be a 'guarantee for succes' as Mr Macabre stated. In fact, if we take last years' list, the odds of a centenarian dying have turned out to be even slimmer than those of the list as a whole. This is, of course, not because centenarians can not be expected to die soon, but because most of the other picks were selected because of their frail health, life-threatening diseases or specific habits that tend to shorten their life-expectancy. The examples of Ruby Muhammad and Brooke Astor prove that some centenarians might still have some years to go. They must have been quite strong and healthy just to have made it to their impressive age, after all. Edit: Of the seventeen centenarians that were picked on the last ten lists, seven died in that particular year. Quite a good score, you might say, but we only scored heavily with them in 2003 and 2004, with 5 hundred-years-old dying in that particular two years (out of 8 picks). Age must be a factor, as must no. of appearances - Clive Dunn is heading towards a very precarious number of appearances (think 13 is most?). I reckon, over 100, over 10 appearances and a recent serious illness would put someone in the Dead Cert category. Perhaps there is a formula that applies - e.g. Age + (2 x appearances) + bonus if recently serious ill.
  4. Kain

    Ken Russell

    Thinking that meself.... Hmm, that's a toughie. I don't think a death would do them much good in the long run. I think he's in there because he's half a name desperate enough to do it and he's lost touch with reality to the point that he'll make for entertaining television. I doubt they'll shed tears if he dies in the months afterwards, it'd be a disaster if he died in the house this week, for them anyway. Does anyone have him as a deadpool pick this year? I reckon he's trying to get on next year's DL - they all have their own agenda's for going for BB and his seems most likely to be searching for posthumus fame
  5. Kain

    Rowdy Roddy Piper

    saw evel kneivel was given 3yrs to live 2 yrs ago - may be worth a shout

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