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Everything posted by Terminator

  1. Terminator

    The Kings Of Tonga

    Is Michael Jackson also responsible for policing the Net now?
  2. Terminator

    Sister Lucia

    Yes, well.......keep taking the tablets. Anyhow, who would want to shoot the pope (give or take half the world's population, that is)? So it would not be beyond the bounds of possibility that some unnamed pope in some future year may end up being shot. The prophecy is then fulfilled. But what does that prove? Nothing. After a boozing session, I have witnessed many things wobbling (mainly me) and I could blurt out some nonsense (as I do) about some Prime Minister (not necessarily ours) being assassinated. It is likely that, in the fullness of time, this vague statement will occur. But, ultimately, it's meaningless. Nothing moves me? A vindaloo will do the trick!
  3. Terminator

    Sister Lucia

    Perhaps you should do a school project on mass hysteria (very common among ill-educated - and those willing to accept anything as a religious portent - people over the centuries). No, Einstein doesn't rock my boat. However, I do respect his dedication and persistence in developing his theories. After all, it was Einstein that gave us our most precious commodity......nuclear armaments. I couldn't identify the quote that suits me....unless, of course, it was along the lines of "God in human form".
  4. Terminator

    Sister Lucia

    Actually, there is some truth in the sun getting the wobbles from time to time. Here's an extract from the NASA site: "Jupiter's gravity does make the Sun "wobble" back and forth as the big planet revolves around it. Remember that Jupiter has 99% of the non-solar mass in our solar system, so none of the other planets produce much of an effect. This type of wobbling is what allows astronomers to detect possible large planets circling nearby stars. " ....but can hardly be said to be dancing. I should know the difference, I wobble on the dance floor, but I don't dance.
  5. Terminator

    Max Schmeling

    What have we learned so far about the late Max? a. He was German b. He lost convincingly to Joe Louis in their return match. c. He appeared in a number of photo opportunities with Herr Hitler d. He apparently engenders great symapthy/admiration from fanatics e. He is dead.
  6. Terminator

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Can you share the position with us?
  7. Terminator

    Max Schmeling

    Brace yourselves, lads! Incoming........
  8. Terminator

    Sister Lucia

    Yes, I suppose I do remind you of him.
  9. Terminator

    The English Language

    Perhaps we need to get a sewar flietr. Methinks "fwkicwut" may just have one too many "W's"?
  10. Terminator

    Sister Lucia

    Now that I would like to see! But what about Miss Baddy as the Pope instead, surely we have no discrimination issues with that? I am not sure Jade could handle the Italian accent. Perhaps Mel could reset the location to Turkey instead....that way she'd get away with talking about her "kebab".
  11. Terminator

    Sister Lucia

    Moving movies? That's a bit Americanised. Hopw about filmy films? I presume you have not yet come across tautology in your English classes. Moving images were recorded before 1900 and this new medium proved popular with the wealthy of that time. Had the sun wobbled (or whatever), then there should be multiple recordings from that time. The simple fact is there is no evidence (apart from the rambling of simple folk (bless), who could easily be led into a form of hysteria). If you do come across a moving movie of that time, can you let us know about it, please? Especially if there are any examples of scouring (or scourging). I can see it now "Mel Gibson's The Vision of Fatima", filmed entirely in Portuguese. Perhaps with Jade Goody as Lucia and Robbie WIlliams as the Pope?
  12. Terminator

    Max Schmeling

    Obvously the ramblings of a demented individual..... We have a well known expression for incompetence in this land of enlightenment. It's"(he/she/they) couldn't organise a p*ss-up in a brewery." I suppose the Germanic/Teutonic version is "Couldn't organise a detonation in a brewery" as an expression of incompetence. (In case you didn't know, Rockabilly. Elsner attempted to kill Hitler in the Munich brewery "Bürgerbräukeller".) It's always Germans and beer (or there's a brewery involved). The way I see it, Elsner was a bumbling alcoholic, whose focus was on the sauce and not on the detonation. I will not enter the football debate as it's pointless debating with a sore loser.
  13. Terminator

    Sister Lucia

    Hold on a minute...... Video recorded almost 90 years ago? Are you serious? Do you reckon it was a Betamax? You'd better a a detention to that rosary I set you earlier...
  14. Terminator

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Taking that quote out of context reminds me of my ex-wife.
  15. Terminator

    Houston, You Have A Problem!

    I hope you are not tempting fate........
  16. Terminator

    Pete Doherty

    The bible does refer to a motorbike somewhere..... I think the sentence was something like " the crowd heard the roar of his Triumph in the distance" I thought it was "Moses came down the mountain in a Triumph"
  17. Terminator

    Pope John Paul

    St Augustine? Sleeping with tons of women...? Now that's my sort of a saint. I take it he was priest and they were his nuns?
  18. Terminator

    Sister Lucia

    Has the Michael Jackson discussion thread somehow got merged with this one?
  19. Terminator

    Pope John Paul

    Well, while you are remembering me, can you also remember that there's also a missing "G".
  20. Terminator

    Sister Lucia

    Is "heave" a typo or are you going to chuck up the contents of your stomach when you arrive at the pearly gates? Please clarify.....
  21. Terminator

    Pope John Paul

    I neither know who this was aimed at or what you are even referring to! Anyway, scourging (surprisingly) is a verb that describes the act of using a scourge on a person. The non "Scourge" is described thus: A source of widespread dreadful affliction and devastation such as that caused by pestilence or war; or A means of inflicting severe suffering, vengeance, or punishment; or A whip used to inflict punishment. On the other hand "Scour" is described as: To clean, polish, or wash by scrubbing vigorously: scour a dirty oven. To remove by scrubbing: scour grease from a pan. To remove dirt or grease from (cloth or fibers) by means of a detergent. To clean (wheat) before the milling process. To clear (an area) by freeing of weeds or other vegetation. To clear (a channel or pipe) by flushing. Hope that clears things up. Ad tabernam festino
  22. Terminator

    Sister Lucia

    A tad arrogant there, I thought. You truly believe you are odds-on to walk through those pearly gates? Given a vast number of priests (for their particular activites and tastes) are heading for eternal damnation, I think it's a bit early to say you will have a guaranteed entry ticket come the day.
  23. Terminator

    Pope John Paul

    Well, I am hear to help..... Click here to read about it. While you're there, you may wish to edit the URL to alter the "...number2.asp" to another one of the sorrowful mysteries. How are you getting on with that Rosary? So, as the prophet so succinctly put it "Go forth and multiply".
  24. Terminator

    Max Schmeling

    That might be a little strong for our Deutscher revisionists to swallow......
  25. Terminator

    Pope John Paul

    It's not rocket science, Eileen, I even spell the word Dictionary for you and it's still just a bit too difficult (bless). Right, that's 3 Hail Marys. It was also not very christian of you to make assumptions about what I may or may not have watched. Actually, I have seen the film (and own the DVD). Another 3 Hail Marys. Given that I have seen the film (and know what scourging is), I would suggest that you have not seen the film. The Roman scourgers were not liberally dousing him with Vim and rubbing him with Brillo. That's worth a complete Rosary! Pax vobiscum (or, so you can read it, "Paks Vobiskem")

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