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Posts posted by maryportfuncity

  1. The WW1 people outnumber the Titanic survivors but the Titanic crowd were babies and young children. Since none of them are really famous enough on their own we could pit them against each other in a kind of unofficial competition to find the last one standing...or being pushed around, or in receipt of life support... ;)

  2. Aye, but Ray Gosling isn't 93. He's also something of a drama queen under all the journalistic pretence, his documentaries tend to feature him and his emotions centrally, even when he's investigating teddy boys or out of the way places. He once did a documentary on a Cumbrian town called Maryport! I can see how the harder and more commercial world of 21st century television has marginalised him. His style and politics haven't really moved on from the mid-seventies.


    By contast Studs has a self-depreciation that is really strong. He has been widely quoted as saying he never saw a petition he didn't like!


    93 or not, I think he'd be a long shot next year. A bit like Les Paul, his work is his life.

  3. Oral historian......nowt to do with denistry, he's noted for a kind of participant observation journalism where he gathers stories from 'ordinary' people and turns out books that cast light on the workings of the world. If you're British think Ray Gosling....assuming you've ever heard of him.


    Anyway, Studs' latest collection - Hope Dies Last - is garnering justifiably great reviews. Maybe made a little kinder by the fact the man himself is 93.

  4. It wasn't just that Tessa Wyatt dumped Tony for Richard, she also rubbed his nose in it by appearing in Robin's nest with her new bloke and Tony celebrated by having an on air nervous breakdown on Radio 1.


    Great days!

  5. Nah, the present generation of F1 cars are for pussies. I refer you to the thread on F1 where we've even included guidance to clips of newsreel footage showing great motor racing accidents.


    Maybe if they sacked Massa next year and brought back De Cesaris as Schuey's team-mate.

  6. Since there are clearly DL'ters who know where the great man is holed up how about one of them ringing the rest home and making a polite enquiry because they're researching his career. Might help us judge whether he's a lingerer or shuffler offer.


    Bet Tony Blackburn is spotted dancing on his grave if he goes soonish.

  7. He's not eighty yet and the cigars are something of a social prop. Given the thousands of miles he's run and the lack of pork about his body I'll bet his heart and lungs are in fine shape for a bloke in his late seventies. Plus he's got the kind of money that buys private health care and nips pre-canerous cells before the get malignant. Long shot I'd say.

  8. Ronnie my man, I take your point but 'Ass backward' countries to the generation currently making up the worlds oldest living people also includes parts of the USA and Europe.


    Sonny Liston - an American probably born in the 1920s - has no birth certificate. He - apparantly - never knew his true age. His official ages listed as he registered as a boxer disagree with each other. Either way, were he still alive he'd be mid seventies at the oldest

  9. Cautious as I am this one is in the bag for 2005. The only way the Home Secretary would release him is to let him die and it looks like the release is immenent. Letting him die in prison looks cruel, letting him out when he's not going to die right away looks soft. Even the restrained broadsheet press in the UK are saying he could die anytime.


    Not like Ernest Saunders the Guinness guy with his hand in the till. If memory serves me right he avoided jail becuase of medical evidence suggesting he had the preliminary signs of dementure only to make a miraculous recovery.

  10. Doesn't mean the thread is a total wipe out though. C'mon people. How many mega famous climbers are alive and ancient?


    Isn't Edmund Hilary still alive?


    A bit like the surviving F1 drivers discussed hereabouts these people have a high mortality rate at work and a hell of a life span if they survive their careers. So there must be a few out there, old and about ready to fall off the mountain for good.


    At least it'll give us SUMMIT to talk about, arf!

  11. If Shane MacGowan is a speed freak I'd hate to see him off the stuff. I mean, his work rate is hardly impressive as it is.


    I hope Lemmy survives to the British leg of the 30th anniversary tour, I've already bought my ticket. Saw the last tour and they were brilliant.


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