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Posts posted by maryportfuncity

  1. Re the training: They're doing a spacewalk today, checking flailing sealant on the underside. There is nothing in the manual about this work.


    One thing lots of training does give you is plenty of experience checking things. The astronauts in the Challenger disaster in 1986 were working pointless but very hard to bring their terminally wounded craft under control, following their training. That cockpit voice recorder would make an interesting listen.

  2. All of which means with some genuine shitheads in the ranks that the academically challenged division who're in it for the intimidation, beatings and respect/fear this generates will struggle to find a role. Other than maybe killing the people who forced real politics on them. Adams is smart enough to realise how suicidal these acts are so - I guess - deserves some resepect.


    Wonder if he's got a plasma TV or his wife has a Prada handbag.

  3. According to reports this weekend it's believed the whole country of Australia will have stopped smoking in a quarter of a century. I know it's a bit off topic but will this habit really die down under?


    Frankly, born and bred in the manly, rugged and shamelessly intolerant west of Cumbria I feel a kinship with certain Aussie values and feel this fanciful claim to be complete crap.

  4. Just a hunch, they're non speaking extras who don't have a proper part. Their faces may not even appear.


    Your sympathy might be better directed at Simon MacCorkindale who'll forever be remembered for starring in the brainless stab at ground-breaking drama that was 'Manimal.' Luckily nobody has ever placed a paper bag over the man, if they had he'd be trapped forever trying to act his way out. Why he now regularly acts alongside children in 'Casualty' - losing every scene in the process - is anyone's guess.


    If he didn't have the compensation of sleeping with Susan George on a regular basis the shame of his existence might have put him in our sights alongside that other mighty thesp....Richard O'Sullivan


    Incidentally, ICELAND!!!!!


    Was this a 25th anniversary attempt to get them back for the Cod War?

  5. His wheezing of late has been more pronounced. Either he's making some underhand statement about the continued need for tobacco money in F1 or his remarkable resiliance in the face of neck-down paralysis is finally melting.


    I remember a medically minded friend commenting when quadraplegic Curtis Mayfield made his last album that it'd better be good cos there wouldn't be another.

    Would those with more medical knowledge than me care to comment on long term survival for those injured to this extent?

  6. Typhoid


    The weird thing is I thought it shite - I'm just using the word again cos I've found a swear word that doesn't attract muthaf*****g asterisks all the time - but I do remember clearly that this is the story where the driver swills whisky round his mouth to fool everyone into thinking he's washed up.

  7. Typhoid


    Can't argue with your selection of heroes but their habit of early and - in two cases - never fully explained deaths suggests you could find better role models. As I've dug around in the history of sport I've become fixated on a few enigmatic characters. Chris Amon for one, a driver so spectacularly unlucky you wonder if he had issues or a curse.

  8. I worked on a book with a guy who'd done advertising work for performance sports cars and photography for F1 in the sixties. He told me some great stories including one about finding Carroll Shelby in bed with two women - neither of them being Mrs Shelby. Maybe there's a lesson in longevity in there somewhere.


    Re the Way to Dusty Death, I started it, thought it complete shite, ditched it and have clearly misrembered the title. I apologise for the error. If someone moderating this can change the subtitle at this late stage it would be welcomed.

  9. Re the gay thing: I thought some closet would have fallen open by now.


    Are there any photographs of him and Patrick Moore together? If there are we could start a rumour if there aren't........maybe they are one and the same.

  10. Unregistered Dave has a point. Damn shame he hasn't registered. I mean, there are hundreds of thousands of Dave's in the UK so we've no idea who to thank.


    I too was suspicious of the profile being given to this performance and Big Patrick's lack of movement and his somewhat slurred speech in the trailer. It's his kiss off from the BBC and - probably - something they can hold as a 'tribute' and roll out a few weeks/months later when his skepticism about the afterlife will have been given the one test that really counts.

  11. Mister Lawrenson


    I think your dedicated DL work has given more to the world than your assured performances at the heart of the Liverpool defence twenty years back. It is surely the duty of others hereabouts to peruse the list and consider how many are famous enough to qualify for the big run down next year.

  12. Rebecca - or was it Rachel? - Sadler from Holby City fell pissed from a balcony whilst her cocaine snorting boyfriend hung around enjoying the spectacle, allegedly.


    Not sure the McLaren chef was quite in the same circumstances. Either way, we've gone from drivers, to marshals to bit part players making up the spectacular body count from F1. Any of the old timers still looking in must think it's a wimps game now.

  13. Surely she qualifies on the 'right place, right time' basis, like Sister Lucia. Also cos she's written a book and promoted it with some success.


    Hell, we won't be able to list old Nazis for too long anyway, let's get in there whilst we still can.

  14. They are alive because they could produce documents to prove it. Any other version of 'alive' - like being in possession of intelligence - clearly doesn't trouble the DL because Gerald Ford is on there.

  15. Check Cyril's thread - currently on the next page of the DL - where a link from the last post tells you everything.


    It's instructional to us young 'uns here to see how once household names fall for ever off the radar. The whole of London theatre knew her once.

  16. I know we speculate about people here but - as an interesting diversion - will Veritas die in 2006? Robert Ego Silk has just jumped ship from the party he founded cos nobody else would let him run anything. Presumably the annual paid up memberships and the rest will keep it - just about - on life support past Christmas, making it a kind of second string candidate for DL next year.


    How about listing it as 50A?

  17. I know I kicked off a thread about these two ages ago but the latest peace statement ups the stakes. Some of the IRA are gangsters running local rackets for financial gain and enjoying their hard man status in local communities. These people have just been ordered to work by exclusively peaceful means. I don't see the massive Sinn Fein re-training scheme to turn murderous thugs with psychopathic traits into pleasant local government types and in some cases that's the level of change they're demanding.


    McGuinness in particular is something of an ambivalent figure to the rank and file, having risen from the active end of the ranks to hang around with politicians.


    Good outside bets the pair of them.

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