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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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Everything posted by Lord Fellatio Nelson

  1. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Dead Of 2014

    Years? Doesn't belong in the 2014 thread then, does it. Nor does this Toastie but, to be fair, if the twathead guest had posted this link, which was on the same page, they would have had more cred!!! This is just utterly brilliant!!! http://www.dailymail...-make-rich.html LOL Mental! By the way, did they ever find that bloke's dick in Middlesbrough? I dont think so. Mind you the science is there to replace it.They have managed to grow an ear on the back of a mouse, im guessing they are trying to grow a cock on the back of a hamster as we speak......
  2. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Dead Of 2014

    Years? Doesn't belong in the 2014 thread then, does it. Nor does this Toastie but, to be fair, if the twathead guest had posted this link, which was on the same page, they would have had more cred!!! This is just utterly brilliant!!! http://www.dailymail...-make-rich.html
  3. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Deathlist Howto

    C'mon then you fuggin old carrot cruncher!! Pud em up, pud em up.......
  4. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    William Thickey

    Those smart enough would have seen that the plan was to bump all the threads back to the top to make the million dead shit thread disappear off the face of the Earth. Unfortunately, you contributed to keeping the fucking thing near the top by entering into a discussion with that genius, fucking up my plan to save the World and all that. Never mind, eh.
  5. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Hare's Death Pool

    You cannot possibly be any worse than old Thread Killington, the more threads you start the more they will overwhelm his, thats gotta be a good thing!! Did somebody poison your cheerios or are you generally this much of a windbag? No, you just irritate the shit out of me.
  6. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Hare's Death Pool

    You cannot possibly be any worse than old Thread Killington, the more threads you start the more they will overwhelm his, thats gotta be a good thing!!
  7. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Hare's Death Pool

    It's been a bit quiet round here recently.. As Prince Charles once stated , not necessarily verbatim, "You are a monsterous carbuncle on the face of a dear friend." This thread is massively shit and Im perplexed as to why its been left to fester by a Mod. I realise that the good old days were not always the good old days but, fuck me, it was never as bad as this. I think the 11 entries speak for themselves, some people are happy with this game let them play it. At least we know we'll last the full year out and are prepared unlike that Deathrace crap. I was actually refering to the million dead thread. Obviously, I stuck the fucking post onto the wrong thread, never mind, I could have posted in on anything you "created" because, undoubtedly, it would be shit. Unfortunately I'm not a mind reader so there was nothing "obviously" about your post being in the wrong thread, and your entitled to your opinion on threads I start - using the word "create" to refer to internet threads demeans the very word, "create" is about the bringing into existence of something either a work of art, a cure for cancer or a deadly virus we shouldn't demean that. Obvious to me. If you were a mind reader, you would have got the message that your threads are shit. I apologise for using the word "create" when referring to your threads, how I managed to type create instead of vomited up, I shall never know!!!!
  8. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Hare's Death Pool

    It's been a bit quiet round here recently.. As Prince Charles once stated , not necessarily verbatim, "You are a monsterous carbuncle on the face of a dear friend." This thread is massively shit and Im perplexed as to why its been left to fester by a Mod. I realise that the good old days were not always the good old days but, fuck me, it was never as bad as this. I think the 11 entries speak for themselves, some people are happy with this game let them play it. At least we know we'll last the full year out and are prepared unlike that Deathrace crap. I was actually refering to the million dead thread. Obviously, I stuck the fucking post onto the wrong thread, never mind, I could have posted in on anything you "created" because, undoubtedly, it would be shit.
  9. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Hare's Death Pool

    It's been a bit quiet round here recently.. As Prince Charles once stated , not necessarily verbatim, "You are a monsterous carbuncle on the face of a dear friend." This thread is massively shit and Im perplexed as to why its been left to fester by a Mod. I realise that the good old days were not always the good old days but, fuck me, it was never as bad as this.
  10. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    William Thickey

    .............a thread so utterly shite.................
  11. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Conspiracy Theories

    ....and slowly but surely..............
  12. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Hare's Death Pool

    bump...............everybody bump...
  13. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Fidel Castro

    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=fidel+castro+dead FYI he's not. That wasn't aimed at you. There are times, dear Toastie, when you know that, even though you are pissing into a strong headwind, you still see a small victory in not getting yer shoes wet, or summat...
  14. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Deathlist Howto

    You could have just asked for the word "Prick" That would have covered all bases. And I'm assuming you'll be getting yours changed to "Massive Cunt" then? No, massive cock. No, I'm sure you wouldn't want a trade description filing! No chance of that happening..........................none at all.
  15. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Deathlist Howto

    You could have just asked for the word "Prick" That would have covered all bases. And I'm assuming you'll be getting yours changed to "Massive Cunt" then? No, massive cock.
  16. Lord Fellatio Nelson


    I give it 5 minutes before LFN is 'relaxing in a gentleman's way'..... Julie Newmar is one of the sexiest females walking Planet Earth, shit, she is almost 80 and is STILL sexy as... Any young male who first saw her as Catwoman would have got wood, even Pinocchios knob would have grown instead of his nose. I admit it, I LOVE Julie Newmar!!
  17. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Fidel Castro

    Is he dead yet?
  18. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Deathlist Howto

    You could have just asked for the word "Prick" That would have covered all bases.
  19. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Dead Of 2014

    Could somebody explain how it's possible to hang yourself from a doorknob? (Especially if you're very tall.) Shouldn't you have to jump off something, or summat. Open the door, tie a rope or summat around the knob that is on the other side of the door you are standing against, drape the rope over the top of the door, make a noose, stand on a chair, put the noose around yer neck, kick the chair away and yer dead, or summat. Ah, the other side of the door, I see. That's still quite tricky for someone who's 6' 3", surely. Not a nice way to go, I'd imagine. Erm, actually in the one film I saw it happen in, it was just a really, really short noose/piece of rope that you tie to the doorknob on the same side you're on........ no slinging a rope over the door or anything like that. Pretty simple really. I also saw it used in an episode of The Wire as a murder method, when some character was killed for being a prison snitch (I think, can't be bothered to double check). The auto-erotic accidents (like Hutchence) were short ropes on the same side. Choking and wanking isn't the same with an open door and passers by getting a look in! Oh I dunno. Some people would get off on that. Yes..............................me!!!!!
  20. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Dead Of 2014

    Could somebody explain how it's possible to hang yourself from a doorknob? (Especially if you're very tall.) Shouldn't you have to jump off something, or summat. Open the door, tie a rope or summat around the knob that is on the other side of the door you are standing against, drape the rope over the top of the door, make a noose, stand on a chair, put the noose around yer neck, kick the chair away and yer dead, or summat.
  21. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Ukraine Crisis

    To be fair to guest-guest, there's one or two members seem to have the same problem... Only one or two? You are being generous to a fault.
  22. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Patrick Macnee

    Diana Rigg has recently stated ( cant find the article) that his body is fine but his mind is not.......or summat.
  23. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Sid Caesar

    Are you talking about premature ejaculation?
  24. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Ukraine Crisis

    Well thats it then, I may as well go on a monumental cocaine and "if it moves fuck it, if it doesnt, fuck it till it does" binge. No point going out without a bang, aye.
  25. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Ukraine Crisis

    Im hoping that Russia decides to chance its arm further West and start dropping troops into Glasgow or summat and................

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