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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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Everything posted by Lord Fellatio Nelson

  1. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Conspiracy Theories

    The John Titor story is now part of internet folklore. IIRC, His story is at least a decade old and, it would appear, has been embellished and bullshitted so that he has predicted even more than he did when he first came to peoples attention. A good story but a load of bollocks.
  2. Lord Fellatio Nelson


    The fucking c**t...........
  3. Lord Fellatio Nelson


    This is what has been missing from the forum. Its almost like the old days on here when I had hair and could maintain a healthy erection.
  4. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Kate And Gerry

    I take it all back, i take it all back!!!
  5. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Kate And Gerry

    My guess is the mobile phone records don't match the mccann's version of events . ......and your point is? In spite of all the shit and flack they have taken, they have kicked, bollocked and bit for a full and in depth reinvestigation. Im fairly sure that, had they been less than honest about what had happened to their daughter, they would have welcomed the shambolic Portugese investigation they way you would welcome a toilet when you really need to have a shit. They didnt do nufink. The Portuguese investigation was pointing towards the mccann's. For example in one video kate says gerry never sent or received text messages before maddie was taken yet 14 were taken and received on the day maddie went missing. Why lie abotu that ? The phone records http://www.dailymail...e-vanished.html go to 1.05 for them saying it. Not to mention they deleted the phone records and call logs in their mobile phones , why would they do that ? If ALL what you say is fully documented fact and not WWW speculation/heresay/bollocks then Id ask the blindingly obvious question that you still havent given an answer to. Why see the Prime Minister and why demand that the British police investigate her disappearance when, if what you speculate is true, they were to blame and have got away with it ( they havent been charged with anything 6 years later) because the Portugese police completely fucked up the whole investigation? What they have done is the Turkey asking to be eaten at Christmas scenario, right? What part of all of that makes perfect sense? well if they just quietly disappeared and never put any effort into finding maddie it would look obvious wouldn't it , they are hiding in plain sight again like jimmy savile did. Also they are leading the police on a wild goose chase. I hold my hands up and admit maybe just maybe their is a small chance someone abducted her a 3% chance by the statistics , 3% of all kidnappings are by strangers the other 97% are by people that know the child or is family of the child. But that is before the DNA evidence . Sad thing is we may never know for sure what happened to maddie , this new push IMO is either the police are onto the mccann's or the mccann's have used this as a perfect smokescreen to cover the libel trial in portugal (which they are losing btw). 3 big questions is : 1) why did a cadaver dog react to the apartment where maddie was sleeping and on various things belonging to maddie and her family (clothes etc) ? 2) why did a blood dog find traces of blood in the apartment ? 3)why was maddie's blood and dna found in the mccann's rental car boot (which they were airing out on a regular basis) ? http://www.dailymail...-Madeleine.html The tests were even done in a UK lab to dismiss the mccann's accusations the Portuguese were incompetent. This isn't www/heresay/bollocks these are scientific facts. You know the mccann's response to these questions , first response was 'ask the dogs'. Their publicist answered the hire car query with ' can you prove it you don't have a body'. what sort of answer is that? If you don't believe her parents took her then what you think happened to her? I'll answer the last question first. I have no idea, nor does anybody else. I admit to being old and cynical but everything ive read, yes, i read the reports about what the dogs found, were via the press ( not the most reliable of sources) not from the Police. Maybe there is official confirmation but ive not read the official Police report into the investigation so Im happy to be corrected. Maybe you can direct me to the translated official Police documents online, particularly the bits about what the Dogs actually found? Im also curious as to why the Police didnt even attempt to bring charges, you can do that here without a body, mebee you cant do that in Portugal. I dont recall Jimmy Saville demanding that his Police friends investigate the rumours that surrounded him at the time. Six years on, nobody would be THAT stupid to demand such an investigation just to throw people off the scent, bloody hell, they have never been charged with anything so why take such a stupid risk? That defies logic, right?
  6. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Kate And Gerry

    When I read your posts on this subject it reminds me of that Blackadder scene when he talks about a famous Barrister who could get anybody off a murder charge. You put such detail into your posts RA, if you told me that she had been kidnapped by Ian Krankie to be a Doppelganger for Wee Jimmie Krankie, id consider your evidence to be 100% factually correct. Meticulous as usual.
  7. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Kate And Gerry

    My guess is the mobile phone records don't match the mccann's version of events . ......and your point is? In spite of all the shit and flack they have taken, they have kicked, bollocked and bit for a full and in depth reinvestigation. Im fairly sure that, had they been less than honest about what had happened to their daughter, they would have welcomed the shambolic Portugese investigation they way you would welcome a toilet when you really need to have a shit. They didnt do nufink. The Portuguese investigation was pointing towards the mccann's. For example in one video kate says gerry never sent or received text messages before maddie was taken yet 14 were taken and received on the day maddie went missing. Why lie abotu that ? The phone records http://www.dailymail...e-vanished.html go to 1.05 for them saying it. Not to mention they deleted the phone records and call logs in their mobile phones , why would they do that ? If ALL what you say is fully documented fact and not WWW speculation/heresay/bollocks then Id ask the blindingly obvious question that you still havent given an answer to. Why see the Prime Minister and why demand that the British police investigate her disappearance when, if what you speculate is true, they were to blame and have got away with it ( they havent been charged with anything 6 years later) because the Portugese police completely fucked up the whole investigation? What they have done is the Turkey asking to be eaten at Christmas scenario, right? What part of all of that makes perfect sense?
  8. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Kate And Gerry

    My guess is the mobile phone records don't match the mccann's version of events . ......and your point is? In spite of all the shit and flack they have taken, they have kicked, bollocked and bit for a full and in depth reinvestigation. Im fairly sure that, had they been less than honest about what had happened to their daughter, they would have welcomed the shambolic Portugese investigation they way you would welcome a toilet when you really need to have a shit. They didnt do nufink.
  9. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    He did - its called Camilla. In that case it may be a good idea to start referring to her ( on here anyway) as Chlamydia Parker Bowles. It sounds better anyway.
  10. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Room Lovely, Look You.

  11. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Name Shame?

    Why faff about getting names changed? Just create another account with your new chosen name and...... Its not like nobody ever does it, right?
  12. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Fidel Castro

    FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY DO I DO IT EVERY TIME? ......because it makes me chuckle when you do. I SO like you Lardy!!
  13. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Fidel Castro

    Is he dead yet?
  14. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Dora Bryan

    Fucking tragic. Life really is a total c**t.
  15. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Reality TV

    Well, it takes all sorts because I'd rather kill myself than appear on reality TV. I kinda like CDWM purely because of the commentary by Dave Lamb, a style that has been copied to death in a piss poor fashion. Reality TV is the refuge for the wannabes who want fame without having to work for it, ya know, circumvent due process or summat. Anybody watch that "Embarrassing Bodies" cobblers? Fucking shocking stuff, there was a woman on it who had breasts the size of prized marrows, I had to watch it several times to believe what i was seeing. I was off for a week afterwards with a broken fuggin wrist!
  16. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Nelson Mandela

    Or, as the article you linked makes very clear indeed, NOT dead. To be clear, being kept alive for nefarious purposes = not dead. Its a fairly cut and dried state of being this whole 'life' thing if one discounts the philosophical and concentrates on the physiological, as i understand the deathlist is in favour of doing. So he joins Ariel Sharon as one of the slabbers with vital signs, then. Still think he'll check out before Sharon, and probs in a matter of weeks. Jan 1st or thereafter would be too much to hope for amongst those of us who didn't pick him this year, right? After another shit day at work I can always rely on you to cheer me up. I love you Mary, you legend!
  17. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Nelson Mandela

    FFS, do bears shit in the woods? He lost "awareness" ages ago, that archive footage they keep rolling out, him sitting there at the dinner table with his family, clearly shows a very old man who has not a fucking clue about whats going on around him and has all the reactions of a heavily botoxed sloth. Fuckity fuck.
  18. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Hooroo, Mate.

    This brought back memories for me, having lived in Australia in the early 80s, and it got me thinking about Mrs Mangel. Now, when I got divorced about 5 years ago, I changed my surname, but didn't want to go back to my maiden name, and so had the opportunity to pick whatever name I liked (Smith, for the record). Very soon after changing my name, I met my current fuckbuddy, . I have just had a conversation with him, and asked him if I had changed my name to Mrs Mangel would he have still fancied me, and he said no! IF ONLY I'D PICKED MANGEL! I used to like A Country Practice, Sons and Daughters and Young Doctors, quality Aussie tat. Thank you LFN. PS: I wonder if the wombat who played a supporting role in ACP is still alive. Anybody?
  19. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Mikhail Kalashnikov

    A brilliant picture. I can watch it for hours and still discover new details. The jacket with the medals stuck on it on the coat rack, the lamp in the right (my grandma had one of those), the portrait of mr K. in the far right corner... Do I see that correctly, twice Hero of the Soviet Union? Why's there an arrow sticking out of the large piece of wood on the desk? Thanks for posting. regards, Hein Try as I may, I cannot see anything beyond President Putins bloody awful facelift.
  20. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Very Blue Peter

    Well, either that or we get it back on track. Anyone know if John Leslie is still partial to a bit of the old Bolivian Marching Powder and - therefore - heading for middle-aged heart trouble? More than likely. I do know that Christopher Wenner (the boring one that only I seem to remember) was receiving treatment for throat cancer last year. No, I remember him too. Human mogadon IIRC.
  21. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Room 101

    I would think that the kind of shite that is on TV at the moment has more to do with creating a vehicle for the "star" than entertaining the public. Holly is, without question, utterly talentless and were she flat chested and married to a Dustman, would be working in Tescos. Having said that, attending that show would give you the opportunity to assess whether here breasts were REALLY that big and finally nail the myth that she is good looking. I think, in real life, her looks are more gargoyle than Marilyn Monroe, or summat. Anyway, spare the dislike for the saps that want their 5 mins of fame by getting their faces onto such fecal matter. If there were less wannabes there would be less crap like SS on the TV. Right?
  22. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Very Blue Peter

    I was going to post this,sad to say but IMO the bloke is going senile,at least Peter Purves had his marbles on that show With all these 1970s male tv celebs coming under fire from Operation Yewtree, I surprised Peter hasn't been under suspicion yet... especially with a relevant surname like his. No Peter will it seems shag anything in a skirt (I got that from his own autobiography) but I do not think there is any suscpicion that he did anything illegal. Including Valerie Singleton, although he did have to kick Joan Armatrading out of her bed first, so I'm told... WHAT THE FUCK? Aye, it shocked the nation, it did. Peter Pervy and his wandering cock, I mean, this was BLUE PETER!! Mind you, at her magnificent peak, who wouldnt have shagged Valerie?
  23. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Gough Whitlam

    Would it be possible for a kindly Mod ( should you exist ) to change this fellas name to 'C'ough Whitlam? Every time I see this fellas name Im having to hold myself back from trying to bring up a fur/phlegm ball. Its pissing me off. Help!!!!!
  24. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    American Football Players

    To bastardise the famous Mark Twain quotation. American Football is a good Rugby match spoiled. Amen.
  25. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Conspiracy Theories

    Where did you read this? Was the affirmation made by a reliable, attributable source? Seems like if you look hard enough/make something up, you could find a conspiracy anywhere. Well several people posting in forums saying they have sources . But if i read it in a newspaper would that really be anymore reliable they have sources too and maybe they can't print it? sounds about right to me too, hospital was 5 mins away but it took the ambulance 90 mins . Why do that ? If they wanted her to die they could of killed her in the back of the ambulance and delivered her. Why delay her arrival, would look more suspicious. They need her alive and to be alone with her for a chunk of time, the only explanation for this is she had information and they wanted to know where it was and then they killed her to make sure she never told. If you read it in the Sunday Times, it might give it some credence. If on the other hand you read it in the Sunday sport, then its up there with bigfoot on Mars and Jumbo jets on the moon. Sill, sells papers, and that's all that matters. Thats bullshit!! There were NEVER Jumbo Jets on the moon. It was a fuggin London Bus actually.

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