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Everything posted by Handrejka

  1. Handrejka

    They deserve to die

    Didn't notice that Anubis. Lol Every summer there seems to be a story about someone dying of a bee sting. Any one know if any celebs have bee sting alergies?
  2. Handrejka

    They deserve to die

    The story about Catherine the Great is an urban myth http://www.snopes.com/risque/bestial/catherine.asp
  3. Handrejka

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    Ron Moody might be a good bet. I heard him on a radio show recently and he sounded rather shaky. Bill Pertwee was on it too and he didn't sound too good either.
  4. Handrejka

    WW1 Survivors vs Titanic Survivors

    I know they're illegal in most places (hmm, wonder what the legalities on the Isle of Man are for them). However they still exist and from what I've heard all the fashionable set are dying to get in them.
  5. Handrejka

    WW1 Survivors vs Titanic Survivors

    No. I've heard they arecoiming back into fashion though, so perhaps we'll be hearing it more often.
  6. Handrejka

    WW1 Survivors vs Titanic Survivors

    When I saw the subtitle to this thread "Last one standing takes the lot" I thought all the WW1 vets and Titanic survivors where entering a tontine.
  7. Handrejka

    They deserve to die

    I agree with Tempus Fugit. Middle Management, especially if they have fake tan.
  8. Handrejka

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    Anyone any news on John Cole, the former BBC Northern Ireland correspandant. He's still alive (Born 1927) but no health news. Michael Sheard (Mr. Bronson of Grange Hill) is apparently quite ill. He's had to pull out of a couple of conventions due to poor health and normally he'll go to the opening of an envelope. Don't know what's wrong though.
  9. Handrejka

    Brinsworth House and Denville Hall

    Dickie as in Richard O'Sullivan I think. I believe Alan Freeman is there as well.
  10. Handrejka

    Michael Foot

    Son Paul's death Paul was his nephew not his son. As far as I know Michael Foot never fathered any children.
  11. Handrejka

    Roger Taylor

    I thought Freddie was bisexual not gay. He lived with Austrian actress Barbara Valentin for years. She was known as "The German Jayne Mansfield " because she was blonde with big boobs and not because she was almost decapitaed in a xar accident. Quite why she called German when she was Austrian is unclear.
  12. Handrejka

    Who's up next to die this year?

  13. Handrejka

    A Joke

    The only racist I've ever laughed at A man wants to change his nationality to Irish so he goes to the doctor who tells him that it's a risky procedure as means removing 50% of his brain. The man is sure he wants to go ahead. At the end of the op the doctor speaks to him "I'm afraid there's been a terrible mistake sir. Instead of removing 50% of your brain we've removed 80%. I'm so sorry" The man replies "Fair dinkum no worries mate" Now two rude ones Old man to his wife "F**k you" Wife "F**k you too" Old man " You know I just don't get why these young folk enjoy this oral thing" Why are men like kebabs? They seem like a good idea when you're drunk but when you wake up in the morning you've got a nasty taste in your mouth and yoghurt down your leg
  14. Art Linkletter, Billy Graham
  15. Handrejka

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    Thanks about the Oompah Loompahs. I think all the surviving ones are male so it must be Rudy . Thanks again
  16. Handrejka

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

  17. Handrejka

    how did you come here

    That's me, morbid but fun.
  18. Handrejka

    Which candadates will SURVIVE the year

    Castro, Liz Taylor and Solzhenitsyn
  19. Handrejka

    William Gladstone Stewart

    Do you mean his guy? http://www.bbc.co.uk/antiques/tv_and_radio...ml#henry_sandon
  20. Handrejka

    William Gladstone Stewart

    Nicholas Parsons must be about 80 by now. Any health news on him?
  21. Handrejka

    how did you come here

    Discovered it via DDP, which I discovered by having a livejournal and playing in dead pools there.
  22. Handrejka

    James Doohan

    Just heard a rumour that he died last night. Can anyone confirm this?
  23. Handrejka

    Near Misses for 2005

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4697299.stm Former BNP leader found dead.
  24. Handrejka

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    Ricardo Montalban might be a possiblity. He is in his mid-eighties now and wheelchair bound with some sort of spine disease. He is only doing voice work now.
  25. Handrejka

    Edward Heath


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