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Our Sole

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Everything posted by Our Sole

  1. Our Sole

    A Joke

    An eskimo has his snowmobile break down while riding past a small town in Alaska. He takes it to the repair shop and is told to come back in about an hour. When he come back, the mechanic says: "It looks like you have blown a seal." The eskimo answers: "Err... No, that's just a little frost on my mustache."
  2. Please don't ever let it be David Beckham..........
  3. Our Sole

    how did you come here

    I was directed via a colleague at work many years ago after a notable death (can't remember who's it was ) and began checking the list after hearing of famous people who kicked the bucket....... I remember the good old days when they didn't have forums and their own URL and was(?) hosted at Daemon Internet. PS Cool Avitar deadornot
  4. Our Sole

    John Tyndall & Nick Griffin

    Couldn't find DL in the first three pages of Google searching so we should be safe from being stamped on by jack boots - that is if any of his followers are intelligent enough to know how to use a computer.
  5. Our Sole

    John Tyndall & Nick Griffin

    Confirmation here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4697299.stm
  6. Our Sole

    Former First Ladies

    Could this be the first slip towards the reaper?
  7. Our Sole

    Schapelle Corby

    Thats rather pedantic of you!
  8. Our Sole

    Schapelle Corby

    Josco, you have to bear in mind that although Daimler-Chrysler is a large corporation with which people associate the Mercedes Brand, the original Mercedes was named after the daughter of Emil Jellinek. I think that was a large enough helping of pedantism for today.....
  9. Our Sole

    Michael Jackson

    Desitnation Thailand perhaps.......?
  10. Our Sole

    Michael Jackson

    Given that most Beetles albums can be picked up for less than a tenner, he isn't going to get very much is he.....
  11. Our Sole

    Michael Jackson

    Looks like the German Magazine Spiegel (Mirror) is anticipating that MJ may be spending some amount of time in Corcoran State Prison. If convicted his neighbours will include the likes of Charles Manson and Juan Corona. It is not clear whether MJ will be afforded special protection from his potential new friends..... Sorry no English story, but for those who can..... http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,360255,00.html
  12. Our Sole

    Mark Felt

    Thats a good impersonation, but you might like to try it in a deeper voice......
  13. Our Sole

    Boris Yeltsin

    Shouldn't that be infirm favourite?
  14. Our Sole

    Pope John Paul

    Interesting to see that JPII is being described as "Lucid". Not being a Josco type wordsmith I had to check this out with dictionary.com which yielded the following: 1. Easily understood; intelligible. 2. Mentally sound; sane or rational. 3. Translucent or transparent. See Synonyms at clear. Having read that, I must admit I think numer 2. has to be a first for anyone from the church........
  15. Our Sole

    Pope John Paul

    Perhaps if they add some electronics they can create robopope, one who can last for an eternity........ ..... or until his batteries run out.......
  16. Our Sole

    Paul Hester, 46

  17. I think that you will find that there were no forums before 2003, either that or they were well hidden
  18. Our Sole

    Michael Jackson

    That's nearly as good as the one about the girl in the red cape who goes to visit her grandmother, but the grandmother is actually a wolf in disguise.......
  19. Our Sole

    Margaret Thatcher

    ..... and I thought she was a life-long member of the Conservative party......
  20. Our Sole

    Pope John Paul

    Is that the one that they tie (nail) altar boys to at Easter for that extra bit of fun?
  21. Our Sole

    Executioner's Club

    If this list is in terms of numbers killed then surely Stalin is chief devil at ca. 66,000,000
  22. Our Sole

    Near Misses for 2005

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/i...als/4314191.stm Legendary Dutch coach Rinus Michels, the man credited with developing "total football", has died aged 77.
  23. Our Sole

    Pope John Paul

    As it happens I pay my church tax to this very organisation and as I have not attended one of their services in some years, and therefore wish to recompense my membership fees in this manner.
  24. Our Sole

    Pope John Paul

    Perhaps he is trying to make sure he has the longest forum on this site before departing.........
  25. Our Sole

    Pope John Paul

    Perhaps the Catholics are hoping that he will follow the footsteps of his boss just in time for Easter......

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