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Posts posted by Toast

  1. If he managed to get over the death of his granddaughter last year, I'm pretty sure he can cope with deaths of elderly friends.


    Given that he is 93, he is probably used to the idea of his contemporaries dying...


    That's what keeps some of them going, I reckon .... outlasting other people. :D

  2. Azzopardi's solicitor Tim Bittlestone did, however, confirm that his client had spoken to police and told the Mirror: "Myself and Azzopardi attended Kentish Town police station.

    Myself deplores this particular example of bad grammar, which myself encounters very frequently nowadays. Myself would expect better from a solicitor, who, myself presumes, should have had a reasonably good education.

  3. she's heading for no 1 in the charts-we're going to hear nothing but Amy Winehouse records on the radio for months to come.Brace yourselves!


    There aren't that many Amy Winehouse records to start with and most people who want them already own them, add in the ease of stealing said music and we're more than likely looking at the sprint to #1 followed by the dropping like a stone we saw for "My Sweet Lord" when George Harrison died.


    True, Mary, but word is that her long-awaited third album is ready for release, and was only held back because she was clearly in no state to tour and promote it. Obviously she is now permanently in no state to promote it, sadly. But as we all know, in the music industry death is a terrific promotional tool.

  4. Anyways, The Guardian are saying that "sources" are stating it was a drugs overdose. Not very surprising.



    Oh. Amy Winehouse is here.



    WTF? Lying cow told us it was a chip pan fire. RT @SkyNewsBreak: Sky Sources: Amy Winehouse died from a suspected drug overdose




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