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Posts posted by Toast

  1. OFAH should have ended with the finally-becoming-millionaires episode, it was just tiresome after that.


    I did quite enjoy the prequel though - unlike some, I wasn't expecting it to be more of the same. Didn't like Rodney playing his own father - decent performance from Nick Lyndhurst, but too distracting.

  2. Who, exactly, is Coleman kicking? Is the kickee some kind of masochist who gets off on this juvenile behaviour? Why the hell haven't the phone-tap happy Murdoch press got onto this geriatric assualt scandal?


    You're not confusing him with Frank Bough, are you? :)

  3. MARTIN, JR., Tony (60), of Frazier Park, California.

    Survived by his wife Liv Lindeland-Martin of almost 30 years and his father Tony Martin, Sr. and brother Nico Charisse. Angeleno Mortuary-Van Nuys (818) 778-1788

    I thought that said his brother's name was Nico Charisse Angeleno Mortuary-Van Nuys.


    That would have been cool. :)

  4. First Cut on Channel Four this coming Friday - 4th - at 7.30 is running a programme on people who are terminally ill. Bearing in mind the Cancer Diaries a few years back this could rocket one or two of the participants to a level of fame garnering them fleeting tabloid mentions when they go.


    Ah but don't DL rules stipulate that a person cannot be included if they are famous solely because they are about to die?


    You've missed it anyway, so no need to worry.

    • Like 1

  5. Christopher Halliwell is only on remand at the moment, but will he make it to his trial?


    Gypsies are said to be behind a £150,000 bounty on the head of the cabbie accused of killing Sian O’Callaghan.


    Irish travellers have clubbed together to offer the cash to anyone who bumps off Chris Halliwell behind bars, even though he is yet to stand trial.


    They have laid bets of up to £25,000 on how long the 47-year-old taxi driver will survive.


    Most money has gone on him not surviving long enough to stand trial.


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