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Everything posted by TAFKAG


    Saddam Hussein

    They're going to hang Chemical twice, just to be sure.

    Nigel Kneale & Judith Kerr

    Recent article on Judith Kerr. Lady Shirley Beecham, widow of Sir Thomas, can top Lady Sue in the marrying-a-randy-old-goat stakes. She's in her mid-eighties, but Tommy would be 128 if still alive. Not a definite obit, though. Edit: this post has been ripped kicking and screaming from the Widow Shopping thread to help create a mutant Kneale/Kerr monster, if anyone's wondering what Shirley Beecham has to do with the price of fish.

    Damn, won't anyone die?

    I hate to have to do this, but desperate times call for desperate measures and it worked last time. Only a month to go and the potential record is slipping from our grasp. Come on Norman, do something!!!!

    Deathlist 2011

    dead So the Sydney Opera House was finished in 1973, has been an iconic piece of architecure for essentially all of its 35 years, and the miserable git stayed in such a strop he never went and saw it in person? He can claim his rightful place in the list of longest running Scandinavian sulks, along with: Greta Garbo Bjorn Borg Ingmar Bergman The blonde one out of Abba I expect King Cünt Cnut threw his teddy out of the pram when the waves ignored him. Mika Hakkinen ran away from F1 when his car turned crap. Anita Ekberg refuses to go back to Sweden and makes Bardot look like a sweet old lady. Edvard Munch was a basketcase and probably did his fair share of pouting, and I'm sure Ibsen wasn't the life and soul of the party either.

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    The other literary William Gibson has died.

    Adam West - Batman

    Bruce Wayne is dead.

    Rolf Harris

    Rolfy's been jumping out of frying pans into fires recently. Time to tie your tongue down, sport.

    Claude Levi-Strauss

    Allez Claude, I knew you could do it. Not quite Dunn, but a DL legend in his own little understated Frenchy way. Now die, you twat, and be quick about it.
  9. I hate to bring this to such a premature conclusion, but... Ah, carry on shipmates.
  10. So you're suggesting that thinking about something to be done with your skull after your death is something to do before death? Well that's what he did and, yes, that's why I posted it here. Sometimes I see things and think: "Ah, that's quite interesting, I wonder if fellow deathlisters would be interested? Now where could I post it? Ah! I know, I'll put it in "Things you could do..." although clearly this is something to do after death so I needed to use the "think ahead" contrivance to make it fit. Is that a clear enough explanation for you? And it's a damn sight easier than thinking about something to be done with your skull after your death after death.
  11. TAFKAG

    The Dead Of 2008

    Kenny MacLean, bassist with 80s Canadian glammy new wave types Platinum Blonde. They were big in Canada, I guess.
  12. Post of the f*****g year. It even mentions Star Crossed. Maybe it is Star Crossed. Or dear old Stanley Unwin's ghost.
  13. TAFKAG

    The Dead Of 2008

    Conductor Richard Hickox has dropped the baton at 60. That was a terrible pseudo-euphemism, it's lucky StarCrossed isn't around to excoriate me.
  14. TAFKAG


    entire cast of Hollyoaks
  15. TAFKAG


    I gave Claude Levi-Strauss a bell and he assured me the answers are: 1. Only if you are wearing sunglasses. 2. Reply hazy, try again. 3. Bulgaria. 4. Nurse! It's that crank caller again.
  16. You could always boil up the carcass and the spare flesh for some some delicious munchkin soup the day after, just like momma used to make. I'm sure Carol Ann has a recipe.
  17. TAFKAG

    Ask A Deathlister

    I suspect you are starting from a false proposition here. No, most people I know put them away upside down. Maybe I just know the wrong type of people. But thanks for such a prompt and thorough answer all the same. I quite like this deathlist site.
  18. TAFKAG

    Ask A Deathlister

    Why do (most) people put their (wine) glasses away upside down? Surely it's less hygenic to have the rim left on a surface, even though it stops dust and other detritus getting in? Of course, if you never put your wine glasses away there is less of a problem. In a diverse but similarly rhetorical vein, why do indie bands (unfailingly, British ones) feel that employing an orchestra will somehow elevate their pointless drivel to the heights of sublimity? Why do people like Coldplay? I could go on.
  19. TAFKAG

    The Dead Of 2008

    It's the end of the line for the world's oldest polar bear. Debby does dying.
  20. TAFKAG

    Art For Death's Sake

    Grace Hartigan, abstract expressionist and a drinking buddy of Pollock, Rothko and the de Koonings, has died. Rolf Harris has yet to comment on the sad news. Apparently, she once said...
  21. Maybe it's time we gave up and let the spammers win. They're bound to eventually. They even got to Donald Sutherland in the end.

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