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Posts posted by Ulitzer95

  1. you lot are completely sick

    shes an innocent person and you have no heart i just hope something very bad happens to all of you hu wrote these sik notes on this site


    1) Learn to spell properly - people make take you more serious that way.


    2) Hoping that something bad happens to us is just as "sick", if not more considering most of the members here probably work hard and ultimately make less money than Goody who earns millions from doing absolutely nothing other than appearing on Big Brother and becoming ill.


    3) If you don't like what you read, go somewhere else.


    Thanking you.

  2. Only eight left now.
    Did a bit of research on the net... and there's at least 14 still living


    Mickey Carroll, Ruth Duccini, Jerry Maren, Margaret Pellgrini, Meinhardt Raabe and Karl Slover are the most well known ones as they're always making appearances on TV, at malls, Oz festivals etc. etc.


    Then there's Olga C. Nardone... who well refuses to join the above 6 in making any appearances and has become a reclusive in her home in New England (perhaps due to a fear of "big people" :(... who knows)


    In addition, an article in the LA Times mentions the names of four living child actresses from the film who were among about 12 girls who played munchkins as there weren't enough actors with dwarfism around to do the scene justice.


    They are: Betty Ann Cain, 77; Priscilla Montgomery, 79; Ardith Dondanville, 78 (only recently discovered) and Joan Kenmore


    Several Oz fansites mention Eva Lee Kuney, 74; Patsy May, 74 and Shirley Ann Kennedy as still being around..


    There are also another 2 child actresses mentioned on the net: Viola White and Valerie Shepard.... there doesn't seem to be any info on whether they're still living but I'm presuming if they were then they'd only be in their mid-to-late 70s...

  3. Added... I never even knew he was still alive tbh ;) can't find any recent pictures of him but I think we can presume that if there are no reports of failing health, then he should outlive Wendy Richards...


    So the upshot of this little exercise is that Dilys Laye has tipped the balance from an even 50/50 split of alive/dead Carry On Stars, and given the advantage to those no longer with us. EXCEPT that the great Robin Askwith (Girls) has been omitted, as has Anna Karen (Camping, Loving) and Johnny Briggs (Khyber, Behind, England), along with (presumably) a number of the gratuitous totty essential for making a Carry On film what it was. On the minus side, Roy Castle and Cardew Robinson (both appeared in Khyber, neither is living) were also omitted. Conclusion then? Who knows. But it appears my statement that there aren't many left now was not strictly correct.


    One thing's for sure though - the number still living can only go one way.....

    Added... if you find anymore just say....

  4. We should get back to discussing the real issues e.g. "How hot was Maggie the Great one in the 80s? " or "What do we think was her hottest outfit ?" or "who was hottest...Maggie or Di ?"....etc
    You have a strange taste in women grobler... I'm sure that can be classified as a fetish but hey whatever floats your boat is fine with me as long as I don't have to watch you and a saggy 83 year old bitch get it on :rolleyes:

  5. In summary:


    DEAD (54)


    Kenneth Williams

    Joan Sims

    Charles Hawtrey

    Sid James

    Kenneth Connor

    Peter Butterworth

    Bernard Bresslaw

    Hattie Jacques

    Patsy Rowlands

    Jack Douglas

    Terry Scott

    William Hartnell

    Bob Monkhouse

    Bill Owen

    Eric Barker

    Norman Rossington

    Wilfrid Hyde-White

    Joan Hickson

    Ted Rau

    Carol White

    Esma Cannon

    Irene Handl

    Frankie Howerd

    Stanley Unwin

    Jerry Desmonde

    Dilys Laye

    Ed Devereaux

    Anton Rodgers

    Judith Furse

    Renee Houston

    Donald Houston

    Cecil Parker

    Richard Wattis

    Eric Pohlmann

    Victor Maddern

    Jane Lumb

    Jon Pertwee

    Francis De Wolff

    Harry H. Corbett

    Dany Robin

    Phil Silvers

    Betty Marsden

    Brian Oulton

    Derek Francis

    Roy Stewart

    Imogen Hassall

    Amelia Bayntun

    Jimmy Logan

    David Lodge

    Peter Jones

    Beryl Reid

    Roy Castle

    Cardew Robinson

    Wendy Richard

    Peter Rogers (producer)


    ALIVE (51)


    Jim Dale

    Peter Gilmore

    Barbara Windsor

    Julian Holloway

    Valerie Leon

    Richard O'Callaghan

    Jackie Piper

    Shirley Eaton

    Dora Bryan

    Terence Longdon

    Leslie Phillips

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Rosalind Knight

    Liz Fraser

    Milo O'Shea

    Amanda Barrie

    Carole Shelley

    Bernard Cribbins

    Juliet Mills

    Angela Douglas

    Fenella Fielding

    Anita Harris

    John Bluthal

    Trisha Noble

    Nina Baden-Semper

    Bill Maynard

    Kenneth Cope

    Brian Osborne

    June Whitfield

    Frank Thornton

    Ray Brooks

    Gail Grainger

    Carol Hawkins

    Sally Geeson

    Margaret Nolan

    Windsor Davies

    Ian Lavender

    Sherrie Hewson

    Adrienne Posta

    Elke Sommer

    George Layton

    Larry Dann

    Patrick Mower

    Judy Geeson

    Diane Langton

    Melvyn Hayes

    Suzanne Danielle

    Robin Askwith

    Anna Karen

    Johnny Briggs


    Many are still living then ... but all the main ones are dead

  6. Sure... Thatcher was great... if you were rich..... if you were poor on the other hand the Thatcher government was the worst time to live in the UK. Thatcher did indeed defeat the miners but her true motives lied in the fact that she wanted to destroy trade unions. In Scotland, where i live thatcher was particularly despised she set us back 20 years and its because of the peoples' strong dislike of her that the Conservative Party does extremely badly in Scotland today... they always poll behind the SNP, Labour AND the Lib Dems. The Scottish people will never elect a Tory government to our parliament here, not in a hundred years...


    My biggest fear is that when David Cameron wins the next election... the Scottish people will be so outraged that when the Independence Referendum comes by... many people will vote to break away from the UK.. recent polls indicate that the desire for independence is pretty much 50/50... and to many of us who strongly oppose the idea of independence... there's very little we can do to keep the union


    I did fairly well once I started working in the eighties and my dad did extremely well under Thatcher, and we never voted for the Tories. In fact I've adopted voting habits from him. At the time we were living in William Whitelaw's - as in 'every Prime Minister should have a Willie,' - constituency. My dad voted against the Tories, even steeling himself to vote for the opportunistic mish mash of the SDP, who came within a few hundred votes of stopping David McLean replacing Whitelaw in 1983. The point of this rant being that it's a little simplistic to assume that propertied and/or fairly well off people are all natural Tories. Whitelaw's missus once came canvassing for her bloke to our house, and - child that I was at the time - it fell to me to open the door. Once she told me who she was I calmly told her there were no Conservative votes to be had in our house and 'no' I wasn't going to get my mum or dad to talk to her. She glanced back with a puzzled expression as she trundled back up our drive, and surveyed my old man's Jag standing there. She must've thought we were a shoo in as she was coming down that same drive.

    I'm in the same boat I'd say.... my family are pretty well off yet we're very liberal and wouldn't vote for the Conservatives (especially not Thatcher). There are so many idiots in the UK that think politics is simply about poorer people voting Labour... richer voting Conservative but it's far more complex than that, especially now with Cameron's f**ked up party who are quite frankly... MORE left wing on many issues than Labour are...


    I'd say politics in the UK in the past were far more straightforward but now they seem to be more or less all over the place. I'm really sick of ppl thinking Margaret Thatcher was some sort of Wonder Woman though.. history has preserved her legacy nicely.. but you have to look beyond people's overall opinions of her... examine what happened in the past carefully and listen to what her opposition at the time had to say...

  7. Sure... Thatcher was great... if you were rich..... if you were poor on the other hand the Thatcher government was the worst time to live in the UK. Thatcher did indeed defeat the miners but her true motives lied in the fact that she wanted to destroy trade unions. In Scotland, where i live thatcher was particularly despised she set us back 20 years and its because of the peoples' strong dislike of her that the Conservative Party does extremely badly in Scotland today... they always poll behind the SNP, Labour AND the Lib Dems. The Scottish people will never elect a Tory government to our parliament here, not in a hundred years...


    My biggest fear is that when David Cameron wins the next election... the Scottish people will be so outraged that when the Independence Referendum comes by... many people will vote to break away from the UK.. recent polls indicate that the desire for independence is pretty much 50/50... and to many of us who strongly oppose the idea of independence... there's very little we can do to keep the union


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