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Everything posted by themaninblack

  1. themaninblack

    Joseph Barbera

    How´s that for a Christmas present! This is themaninblack here, live from Spain, enjoying his 11th hit of the year (unfortunately not on the DDP though..) Season´s greetings.....
  2. themaninblack

    2007 DL Nominations Please

    What about Blue Christmas? I'll get my coat....
  3. themaninblack

    2007 DL Nominations Please

    All right, I'll have a go.... 21,000 (global), 542 (UK).... I think I might change my name, it was never the most original moniker....
  4. themaninblack

    2007 DL Nominations Please

    Who? Christopher Isherwood. Wrote 'Goodbye to Berlin', which inspired the film 'Cabaret'...
  5. themaninblack

    2007 DL Nominations Please

    I don't think Messner would be famous enough to merit a place on the Dl. However she is a cult figure and is thus fair game on the DDP.. Upward is a writer and was an associate of Christopher Isherwood and so would clean up in the British obits...whether that is enough for the DL..?
  6. themaninblack

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    He's on my CPDP though. I don't think I had the strength to put him on DDP, for more personal reasons than any other. After Regga's loss today, we can ill afford to lose any more Ferrari greats. If I'm really lucky, I may end up with 8 unique picks, and all good candidates, but I doubt it will end up being that many. I'm aiming for a couple of uniques at least as well as some certainties and some possibles....a good balance...
  7. themaninblack

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Well it wont be Phil Hill, as that's been broadcast. I'm looking forward to your DDP list though, Octopus. You're sure to have an interesting selection, as will current DDP leader Football Fan....
  8. themaninblack

    Margaret Thatcher

    I wouldn't be too sure of that. Yes I suspect there will be a good deal of cheering going on but she was the UK's first female PM and the only one with any balls to take on the unions. Discussions have already taken place about whether she will get a state funeral and the Brits being the Brits will suffer from short memory syndrome and turn out to mourn her in droves. By balls I suppose you mean the Security Services, the Police, the Special Branch, numerous financial allies, a recession-inducing economic policy, a divided Opposition and North Sea Oil revenues?
  9. themaninblack

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    What is it about you and present/former African leaders? Do you have an inside track?
  10. themaninblack

    Ahmet Ertegün

    Its a familar(ish) name. Depends on whether one knows the ins and outs of the music industry... Have you heard of Geoff Travis for example?
  11. themaninblack

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    This should be the headline (at least for a broadsheet).. Australia walk naked into the Pavillion as England show the full Monty!
  12. themaninblack

    A Joke

    I wish there were more SINBADs in the world...
  13. themaninblack

    Tim Johnson

    Now why would you go ahead and tell everyone about that. Not too much to worry about I suppose. What he has, he'll likely either die before 2006 or plod along slowly for the next several years. UK obit virtually assured though, since his death would have a significant impact on the makeup of the Senate... You can hardly keep that one a secret, it's all over CNN at the moment Too late in the day for me to start ambulance-chasing. You can't pick 'em all...
  14. themaninblack

    Near misses 2006

    Oh! Congratulations instead... Trouble is, with more and more competitors, there's less chance of unique picks. And of course you don't that certain choices will be unique picks when you enter... However, it pays to be part of this website. A cursory look at the scoreboard and it's upper reaches are dominated by members of the Deathlist! It helps to be in the know
  15. themaninblack

    Tammy Faye Messner

    A load of toadying civil servants who don't deserve it. I'd like to see both Victoria Wood and Julie Walters get Damehoods personally. Hmm..possible. I think with it being 'in' at the moment, Blair could cash in on the current popularity of Doctor Who and knight one of the Timelords. Sir Tom Baker sounds rather good...
  16. themaninblack

    Near misses 2006

    That's now four in a day or two - Lamar Hunt, Ellis Rubin, Kenneth Cummins & Anton Balasingham, who was my joker. Five if you include Pinochet this week. Six if you include Allen Carr. Eight if you count Grove & Sewell for other reasons. To lose Carr & Balasingham is a grevious blow. I did, however, see a news report on Monday saying that he (Balasingham) was near death, so I can't be too surprised. Please Tammy Faye, just a bit longer, otherwise my previously strong entry is going to look pretty f**ked. Kenneth Cummins? You'd have got peanuts for him in the new DDP! Nine if you include Ferenc Puskas... ...and we'll all be picking Tammy Faye Messner anyway... You're a bit unlucky OoO. I've seen your previous DDP efforts and you are about a year or two ahead of time with some of the picks, and then you don't pick 'em in the year they actually snuff it! Keep the faith...
  17. themaninblack

    Tammy Faye Messner

    It's a damn sight more informational (I'm not entirely convinced that's a proper word) than a lot of places. How many people can be arsed scanning obscure Pacific Island newspaper websites to see how certain politicians are doing, yet the information on their leaders' wellbeing usually ends up on here. I like discussing celeb deaths as much as I like guessing who'll get knighted in the New Year's Honours List. While I find the open active wishing of people dead a bit distasteful too (though I'm not going to bitch about it on a site like this as I get the point of the site - doh...) ultimately it's a bit of fun. If I were famous, or a once famous now faded star, I'd be quite amused to find myself discussed on here, as long as people weren't wishing me dead - unless I deserved it of course. And you'd be surprised how many such people are quietly amused, if only that people remember them. So who is going to get a Knighthood in the New Years Honours List Vinegar?
  18. themaninblack

    Near misses 2006

    Expect severe knashing of teeth by Octopus (although Octopi don't have teeth do they?).... They're not doing their civic duty and waiting till next year....
  19. themaninblack

    Ahmet Ertegün

    Ertegun recovering. No he ain't 18 days...
  20. themaninblack

    Derby Dead Pool 2006

    I'll set up my own little website, call it cowboyronnieuknews.co.uk, and it will consist of exactly one item - an obit on the living room fly. Interestingly, this will make said fly more famous than approximately 40% of the people selected on various DDP teams. I love satire me... I suppose Josie will make up for all the old codger's miniscule points... BTW folks, I've got the email re entry 07, have you?
  21. themaninblack

    Tammy Faye Messner

    I couldn't agree with you more. Thank you for saying what I was thinking. I stumbled onto this site by accident and find myself appalled at what I'm reading. All these heartless comments - It's no wonder why the world is in such a mess nowadays? Could it be the callousness of people??? Can't you folks find a better way to spend your time? Somehow I get the feeling that these ranters are just one person 'heartless comments' is a phrase that gets thrown in a lot by thses 'ranters'..... I hate to disappoint you, but we are not one person. There are a lot of us who just don't see the humor in betting on the demise of others. If you've ever been through something as horrible as cancer treatment, you wouldn't be making glib comments about it. I'm sure this will elicit some some snarky comment from someone but I really don't care. At least I know you're not British...no 'U's' you see...
  22. themaninblack

    2007 DL Nominations Please

    Not too bad. Following treatment he rejoined Aerosmith on tour but pulled out shortly afterwards - no serious reason, he just overestimated his strength and stamina and it was too much too soon. I don't think a real contender for 2007. Too much, too soon, rather like New York Dolls bassist Arthur Kane...
  23. themaninblack

    Tammy Faye Messner

    I couldn't agree with you more. Thank you for saying what I was thinking. I stumbled onto this site by accident and find myself appalled at what I'm reading. All these heartless comments - It's no wonder why the world is in such a mess nowadays? Could it be the callousness of people??? Can't you folks find a better way to spend your time? Somehow I get the feeling that these ranters are just one person 'heartless comments' is a phrase that gets thrown in a lot by thses 'ranters'.....
  24. themaninblack

    Tammy Faye Messner

    I couldn't agree with you more. Thank you for saying what I was thinking. I stumbled onto this site by accident and find myself appalled at what I'm reading. All these heartless comments - It's no wonder why the world is in such a mess nowadays? Could it be the callousness of people??? Can't you folks find a better way to spend your time? Whose to say we haven't had a 'loved one' taken from us.... Google shouldn't get rid of Deathlist, this isn't China you know...
  25. themaninblack

    J051e Gr0ve

    When it comes to it, there is no absolute rule for death, when it happens. If we start making rules for what types of people and what types of death shouldn't be in, then we are negating the very point of the death pool. Maybe there should be some sort of death arbitration panel, which would pass judgement on what would be acceptable to the DDP, DL or any other dead pool floating in cyberspace...

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