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Everything posted by themaninblack

  1. themaninblack

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Well, considering how humungously fat he was, it can hardly be a surprise... He did seem a touch large in the picture they showed...apparently the paramedics had to break in... Along with my dubious obsessions with European Royal history and Formula 1, I'm a Doctor Who fan as well. I never read any of Hinton's books, as the reviews I saw said they were no good. One book was called "GodEngine" - the reviewer in Doctor Who Magazine said it should have been called "GodAwful". Hinton was the Comic Book guy from the Simpsons, though thankfully without the pretentiousness. Not that the Doctor Who book authoring world is short of the pretentious. One (former, I may add) Who novelist, Lawrence 'Mad Larry' Miles has spent his time filling up a website with bitter denunciations of the new Doctor Who TV series, apparently because the producers turned down his scripts. When I read of Hinton's death on Outpost Gallifrey, I thought at first it would have been AIDS (Hinton, in common with an awful lot of Who fans, was gay), but the "Who (writer?) ate all the pies" pictures of him said otherwise. Apparently, Craig was good at hard living and bad at looking after himself. The last few months had been not good for him and his friends are not saying any more. Just one more peculiar note. There was, in the 80s, a short-lived Doctor Who companion called Kamelion, who was a robot. It failed because the only bloke who knew how to operate it died tragically in a speedboat accident. The man who voiced Kamelion, Gerald Flood, died soon after. The failed robot made one more appearance in Who to be written out. The writer of that story died of leukaemia in his forties 6 years later. The poor actor who had to be daubed in silver paint to play a more mobile version of Kamelion died in 1992, aged 45. It was about this time that fans started muttering about these coincidences - calling them 'The Curse of Kamelion'. Now, to get to the point. Kamelion was not popular, and has been neglected by Doctor Who spin-off novelists. The first book, and only one to have Kamelion as a major part of it was 'The Crystal Bucephalus', written by Craig Hinton. Spooky.... Yeah, I remember the 'Godawful line'. He used to review Dr Who books himself didn't he? Back in the days when it was unfashionable... Note to Russell T 'don't bring back Kamelion if you value your life'. And not forgetting the producer who thought it was a good idea to have Kamelion in the show in the first place, John Nathan-Turner - died 2001...
  2. themaninblack

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    I pretty much have most of my 2007 DDP, HDP and PoolOfDeath lists complete. For the DDP, I am trying to decide my last 2 selections out of 4 people. Lots of pondering to do. Sigh ... I'm sure your list will be as good as the one for 06... I'm down to 30 possibles/probables for DDP (I'm only doing that and the DL 'shadow' list). Had a bit of a scare with the new rules, but it makes for a more interesting list. Deathlist.net could have problems if 06 list is anything to go by - they're all ancient!
  3. themaninblack

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    An absolute bloody disaster. I lost a night's sleep for that! Shane Warne should be knighted though, he is a great among greats...
  4. themaninblack

    Near misses 2006

    Oh fiddlesticks! I was reading about him in Wikipedia only the other week and thinking that he could be a candidate... I wonder if that might clear up the 'Thunderball' controversy?
  5. themaninblack

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    You should have kept it to yourself and place it in your DDP for 2007. Under 50 - megapoints!!
  6. themaninblack

    31. Louis Farrakhan

  7. themaninblack

    Poll: 2007 Deathlist Names

    Freud's been mentioned.... The two artists and Somers would be good each-way DDP picks....
  8. themaninblack

    General Pinochet

    As my old man used to say 'would you f****n' credit it!"..... Yes, it worked again. I'm sure the old geezer will be up and doing his old mischief tomorrow. regards, Hein What's the deadpool equivalent of a prick-teaser?
  9. themaninblack

    General Pinochet

    As my old man used to say 'would you f****n' credit it!".....
  10. themaninblack

    Poll: 2007 Deathlist Names

    I can't speak for the Deathlist, but I can imagine some of the names you mention are relatively obscure (although Brett Somers rings a bell). Best to try DDP, where they'll have anybody...... P.S. Thanx for the Kervokian tip..... Just out of curiosity, which ones seem obscure? And yes, I did go to DDP and I've submitted all those names to my list. Bob Barker, Charles Nelson Riley, Dorothea Tanning, and Leonora Carrington. I'll look on Wikipedia...
  11. themaninblack

    Poll: 2007 Deathlist Names

    I can't speak for the Deathlist, but I can imagine some of the names you mention are relatively obscure (although Brett Somers rings a bell). Best to try DDP, where they'll have anybody...... P.S. Thanx for the Kervokian tip.....
  12. themaninblack

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Well, considering how humungously fat he was, it can hardly be a surprise... He did seem a touch large in the picture they showed...apparently the paramedics had to break in...
  13. themaninblack

    General Pinochet

    Nah, it's pointless having him in next years DDP - he's over 90. I've got him this years DDP and if he goes he goes and if not, he won't in my 2007 list coz he's too old and well known. Nonagenarians in the 07 list would have to be relatively obscure so as to pick up a unique pick point Points are still points. Five dead 90 year olds are still worth more than three dead 60 year olds. If you think he's likely to die, you should put him on your list, unless you think there's 20 younger people who are more likely to die. Thinking about it, if Pinochet does survive into 2007, it puts me in a quandary over whether to have him in the DDP or to choose a better scoring candidate. That said, I'm not going to get all 20 next year, and points are points as you say CP (albiet only 3..)
  14. themaninblack

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Doctor Who New/Missing Adventures author Craig Hinton has died aged just 42... Link
  15. themaninblack

    Milton Friedman

    Can he say something similar about Harold Pinter and Ronnie Biggs? Please? regards, Hein I've got a whole list of people Rummy could mention...
  16. themaninblack

    The Augusto Pinochet Poll

    When I wanted it editing, I kind of wanted of the overlong strapline and referring to him as 'her' kind of edited out...... Oh, the POWER of Moderators..... get rid of the whole thing...the f****r's gonna die soon anyway...
  17. themaninblack

    General Pinochet

    Nah, it's pointless having him in next years DDP - he's over 90. I've got him this years DDP and if he goes he goes and if not, he won't in my 2007 list coz he's too old and well known. Nonagenarians in the 07 list would have to be relatively obscure so as to pick up a unique pick point
  18. themaninblack

    General Pinochet

    Politicians always steal the spotlight - look at Blair...
  19. themaninblack

    Not Exactly Famous...

    There is no meaning to it....
  20. themaninblack

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Me too...
  21. themaninblack

    You Write The Headlines . . .

    Late contender for Pinochet in case he goes... Coup d'eadtat!
  22. themaninblack

    General Pinochet

    No it isn't...
  23. themaninblack

    General Pinochet

    Here's another link... Pinochet recieves last rites The doctors say that the proceedure was ''successful''.... ...wasn't that said about Diana Coupland?
  24. themaninblack

    General Pinochet

    Heart bypass is risky at that age... I'll think he'll be gone soon - DL hit 11 and DDP hit number 8 for me...
  25. themaninblack

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    To be fair, this thread has mutated more into a possibilities for Deathlist and various other deadpools (notably the Derby Dead Pool). The DDP have a less strict criteria for inclusion (as long as there's some sort of death notice on bbc.co.uk or national newspapers, you win points. Deathlist have a more subjective idea on who is 'famous' enough to be a candidate on their list. I have a list of possibles that I would believe would in theory appear on the DL, if you're interested GR...

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