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Everything posted by Boudicca

  1. Boudicca

    The Weather

    ^^ kens School holidays I'm ↖↗↘↙↩↪ between Gatwick and Inverness. Going to bed whenever you want to It's a luxury right enough.
  2. Boudicca

    The Weather

    Worth a daydream I suppose Let me know if you want the thread tag changed and I'll do it.
  3. Boudicca

    The Weather

    Snowing hard again in the S.E and I've been told off for quoting Robert Frost. I hope my children get stuck at school / college overnight. It'll do them a power of good. Builds character.
  4. Boudicca

    The Weather

    Played hockey in deep snow at school. The ball was lost after a few minutes. Random running about. "Oh we won three nil Miss" Deathray's link reminds me of our IYG getting mixed up in hurricane Rita and Anubis the Jackals classic comment
  5. All this attention Roey is getting reminds me of the days of Banshees Scream. Now there was an interesting individual...
  6. I was going to post a lengthy approving reply to that but seeing Radguy now uses the word "cuntos" there's nothing more needs adding.
  7. Lolololol and I thought charon was the bad cop. Kick him while he's down SC why don't you? Er, there was some summer of love inspired jumping over broomstick action with best pals sister. He wanted to marry me but was very much out and this was our logical response. We were seventeen. Happens. I thought most people my age were married in wiccan ceremonies?
  8. I was a wiccan once, I still have my spellbook etc, I grew out of it (and may well still be married to my gbf#2's sister) Of course nobody is trying to encourage Joey to post with questions / updates / stats. That would be horrible. ETA cross posted with Joey there. Your contributions are not unvalued. I've been here since time began but can't imagine DL without you in it tbh.
  9. How's the not posting going @Joey Russ I'm on a bit of a roll myself but staying under the radar for years is possible I'm not suggesting we all keep asking Joey questions so he has no choice but to post btw. That would be very unhelpful.
  10. Boudicca

    Valentine's Day

    Twins? Respect. They can run off in opposite directions! Nope. Non. Nein, Nyet.
  11. Boudicca

    Where Will The Next School Massacre Be?

    Londoners just give freely when a machete is wielded ime. In a surreal almost polite business-like exchange. Not too bad a plan. Hassle free. Hospitals overcrowded etc
  12. Boudicca

    Where Will The Next School Massacre Be?

    Absolutely agree.
  13. Boudicca

    Where Will The Next School Massacre Be?

    Any weapon is apparently unreasonable force if someone if is your home and you're asleep. FFS.
  14. Boudicca

    Where Will The Next School Massacre Be?

    Sorry if already posted but : "From about 150 feet away, Nembhard watched as authorities handcuffed Cruz and put him into a police cruiser. A few minutes later, authorities took him out and put him into an ambulance" Good work for a change.
  15. Boudicca

    Valentine's Day

    I'd quite like to swap him for her most days sometimes. But don't all teenagers act like angels in other people's houses? Sorry Grim but with three grown (nightmare how did you do it?) you are a valuable resource!
  16. Boudicca

    Valentine's Day

    Eek. Awkward. I generally have no worries. He's an adorable boy, former performing arts student, embraces his Princess side, may find he wants a completely different lifestyle in a year or so, good luck to him. I'd be very proud if he was mine whatever he decides. I'll be a bit more worried when she starts to go for the challenging / unpredictable types I'm known for
  17. Boudicca

    Valentine's Day

    You can. It doesn't register on my radar
  18. Boudicca

    Valentine's Day

    Given the fact that my daughter received £££ of presents from the BF, really thoughtful ones as well, and got him a packet of Jaffa Cakes from the garage as an afterthought, I'm not sure we should be encouraging such luxuries ETA I'm thinking of the price of chicken before anyone suggests otherwise. Also, how did it go, poster previously known as Radguy?
  19. Boudicca

    Valentine's Day

    Don't ask him to elaborate. Suffice to say that should be known as "Saturday" in normal relationships. Friday is for fish supper. Sunday, roast. ** I realise both of these may be wildly misinterpreted
  20. Boudicca

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    I had no idea. Just tried to like your post just now and "sorry you have used them" ffs I'll sort it
  21. Boudicca

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    I've used up my reaction quota (this will be discussed ) but like like like! They are perfectly baked. Not insipid not overcooked. Fab.
  22. Boudicca

    Valentine's Day

    Rum chocolate? Oh dear Radguy. Hope she comes through with something better later
  23. I'm a bit lost in this but I'm anti anycunto who wants to separate me from coffee
  24. Wait I get that all the time msc is that really not normal? I thought that was just "life" tbh.

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