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Lady Die

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Everything posted by Lady Die

  1. Lady Die

    Robert Altman

    Bloody hell ... you guys are quick off the mark. BBC link
  2. Lady Die

    The Royals

    There's a pic of the Duchess of Kent in this week's Hello magazine at her son's wedding. I've certainly seen her looking better but she doesn't look like someone at death's door.
  3. Lady Die

    Mirza Tahir Hussain

    Mirza Tahir Hussain - Brit, scheduled to be executed in Pakistan on November 1st, but he's already had three stays of execution. Maybe a bit iffy on the famousness front.
  4. Lady Die

    Number 11 - Who Will It Be?

    I voted Alfredo di Stefano because we could be entering a "run" of dead footballers.
  5. Lady Die

    Lord Of The Dancing On His Grave

    Another link If he dies will he be the Lord of the Danse Macabre?
  6. Lady Die

    Near misses 2006

    I didn't know they made Bostik from dead horses. DL can be very educational at times.
  7. Lady Die

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Mahathir Mohamad, ex-PM of Malaysia has had a "mild heart attack"
  8. Lady Die

    Saddam Hussein

    I hope video footage of his execution finds it's way onto YouTube.
  9. Lady Die

    The Trumptonshire Trilogy

    Lovely. Looking at this has given me a warm nostalgic glow. My favourite was always Windy Miller, although I did always hope he'd be killed by the windmill sail.
  10. Lady Die

    Saddam Hussein

    He's back in court again
  11. Lady Die

    Poll: 2007 Deathlist Names

    I voted for Maggie Thatcher. I want her to die of course, but she's such a tough old bird she'll probably go on for years.
  12. Lady Die

    Ariel Sharon

    Fingers crossed. He's in my DDP squad. I wonder if his friends call him Shazza?
  13. Lady Die

    Room 101

    Maybe we should have a "Some people are sick of Awareness Days" Awareness Day?
  14. Lady Die

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Actress Adrienne Shelly has been found dead. Never heard of her.
  15. It's the Day of the Dead today.
  16. Lady Die

    Mollie Sugden et al

    When she does pop off it would be apt to bury her in a binliner.
  17. Lady Die

    Death List Convention

    I'll make sure I turn up dressed exactly like my new avatar.
  18. Lady Die

    Poll - Number 10 - Who Will It Be?

    Lady Bird Johnson. No particular reason ... just a gut feeling.
  19. Have a minute's silence for someone who's not dead
  20. Lady Die

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Roger Federer is "tired".
  21. Lady Die

    Ian Brady

    How does an "each-way" bet on someone dying work? It's obvious LD. The odds are poorer if he comes in third. I see I was thinking along the lines of a "win" being a death .... but I couldn't quite work out what a "place" would be. Neither could I. I added the "each way" because I liked the concept, not that I understand the concept or know whether there is a concept. But there ought to be one. Whatever....
  22. Lady Die

    Ian Brady

    How does an "each-way" bet on someone dying work? It's obvious LD. The odds are poorer if he comes in third. I see I was thinking along the lines of a "win" being a death .... but I couldn't quite work out what a "place" would be.
  23. Lady Die

    Ian Brady

    How does an "each-way" bet on someone dying work?

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