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Lady Die

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Everything posted by Lady Die

  1. Lady Die

    Room 101

    Assistants in shoe shops who come back with silly alternatives if they haven't got what you want. Customer: Have you got these in black in size 7? Assistant goes away to find out & comes back 10 mins later holding a pair of brown shoes. Assistant : We've got these in size 6.
  2. Lady Die

    Room 101

    Brilliant, Lady Die, I totally concur, wholeheartedly....and people who water their b****y gardens when our country is on water restrictions! Ditto! And parents who go to the supermarket together and take their children. One parent could stay at home with the kids....
  3. Lady Die

    Room 101

    People who say "haitch" and people who don't hold a knife & fork properly.
  4. Lady Die

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Here's the link. It's benign and he'll be fine.
  5. Lady Die

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Heard on the radio this morning that Russell Watson (crap tenor) has just had surgery for a brain tumour. Can't find a web link though.
  6. Attend the reburial of the Tsar's mother
  7. Lady Die

    Rebecca De Winter

    Does that include me? I have been too busy with work to do too much posting.
  8. Lady Die

    Steve Irwin

    Is she right about running with a pencil? Has anybody ever died because they were running with a pencil? I can't think of a less spectacular death although I do know someone who died in a bowl of soup (actually a heart attack before his head slumped in said bowl of soup). My great uncle lost an eye when he was trying to un-knot a shoelace with a fork & it slipped.
  9. Lady Die

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Lady Clarissa Richmond, I have a question. Why is it that you only post in the Richard O'Sullivan thread? Well, it's like this - I am a huge fan, in case you missed that, and I was directed to Deathlist by Google. Read the entire thread, realised that it wasn't just about death, so I registered. I then became intrigued by some of the members. I really love the sharp, witty banter, makes my blood pump, it makes me feel alive. I have actually posted on the "predicting your own death" (?) thread once....are you flirting with me? I'm enjoying your company very much. I wouldn't be suprised if you were more lovely then your avatar. But it does get annoying since you only post in the Richard O'Sullivan thread. Of course I don't mind, if that's your thing i'm for that. It makes you like no other Deathlist lady ' You only post in the Richard O'Sullivan' thread. I think you have alot of potential around here, and just as you are intrigued by many members, i'm intrigued by you. Anyway it's good meeting you. Talk with you soon. WOW. . .See me lost for words.....at least for a minute.....the flattery is not lost on me.....don't stop.....so, here's the thing - you may have read this on previous posts, not to blow my own trumpet but, when I was younger people used to say I looked like a cross between Ava Gardner and Audrey Hepburn, which was hugely flattering as I consider Ava Gardner to have been the singularly most beautiful woman ever to have been born (and I say that as a heterosexual woman). However, I did allow for the fact that said people may have had vision problems! I don't look too bad for someone my age, I guess....I suppose it has crossed your mind that I could be old enough to be your mother.....so tell me what you look like....if you want to, of course.....if you resemble Richard O'Sullivan in any way, consider me your new best friend - ha ha...I will endeavour to check out all the other threads here and post if I find them stimulating enough - maybe that might please a few people... I sense the first DL marriage could be on the cards.
  10. Lady Die

    Steve Irwin

    According to Irwin's wife, film of his death will never be shown. Killjoy.
  11. Lady Die

    Numero Neuf

    I voted for Lady Bird Johnson.
  12. Lady Die

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Carlos Menem, ex president of Argentina.
  13. Lady Die

    Byron Nelson

    At last! Numero huit!
  14. Lady Die

    Damn, won't anyone die?

    Maybe we'll get three in 8 days like we did last year. Hope springs eternal..
  15. Lady Die

    Damn, won't anyone die?

    It's 95 days now since the last death. I'd say that this year is turning into a failure BTW is 95 death-free days a DL record?
  16. Lady Die

    Richard Hammond

    It may have already been said (I can't be arsed to read the whole thread), but what a shame it wasn't Jeremy Clarkson.....
  17. Lady Die

    Richard Hammond

    Might be handy for the music at his funeral.
  18. Lady Die

    Richard Hammond

    I'm really sorry to hear about this. I hope Richard makes a full recovery.
  19. harrrrrh harrrrrh harrrrrh
  20. Lady Die

    The Kings Of Tonga

    His funeral has taken place today. I bet there was plenty of food at the wake. It says his coffin was "carried by 1000 men". Bloody hell, I hadn't realised just how fat he was.
  21. Lady Die

    Pope Benedict XVI

    I'd like to be the next Pope. How do I apply? (I promise not to make any nasty comments about Islam)
  22. Pieces of Eight Pieces of Eight
  23. Ooo arrr, shiver me timbers me hearties Mad Dog Bonney Part crazy, part mangy, all rabid, you're the pirate all the others fear might just snap soon. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr! (didn't see the pirate thread .. please could a mod move this - ta) [Done - ff]
  24. Lady Die


    I don't really "do" opera, but I am partial to a bit of operetta a la Gilbert & Suillivan. HMS Pinafore is my fave. What's any of this got to do with Deathlist?

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