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Lady Die

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Everything posted by Lady Die

  1. Lady Die

    Margaret Thatcher

    Bliar definitely won't get one.
  2. Lady Die

    Near misses 2006

    I can't be arsed to read all that reigious twaddle. Maybe I'll just settle for some atheist fortitude.
  3. Lady Die

    Gerald Ford

    Shock! Horror! You are at work??!!??!! well, I'm occupying my desk. I've only got a small amount of work to do today anyway. It's only 8am here at the moment. Ditto. My boss is on holiday.
  4. Lady Die

    Gerald Ford

    Shock! Horror! You are at work??!!??!!
  5. Lady Die

    Near misses 2006

    I hope I can summon up some "Christian fortitude" if I get a terminal illness.
  6. Lady Die

    Gerald Ford

    Couldn't you just pop round there & try to find out what's going on?
  7. I hope they are going to give them snappier names. How about Micky, Minnie & Donald?
  8. Happy 51st birthday to Josco ... in 2 days time.
  9. Send somone a message in a bottle
  10. Lady Die

    Luciano Pavarotting.

    Apparently pancreatic cancer has one of the worst survival rates of any cancer. I'm definitely pencilling in Pav for my 2007 DDP team.
  11. Lady Die

    Luciano Pavarotting.

    He reckons the cancer is a "punishment for his good fortune". I never knew that's how it worked. You learn something new every day.
  12. Getting back on-topic, if I was a gambling person I would bet on Sharon.
  13. Lady Die


    Maybe Mr Unlucky should go & play for Crawley.
  14. I used to laugh at the little verses in the Deaths column of the local rag, especailly when there was a typo - e.g. Ours is just a simple prayer, May God keep you in his car.
  15. Lady Die


    Even Everton are better than Carlisle....
  16. Lady Die


    Being hit by a bus would be the humane option.
  17. Will you be going out and talking to real people?
  18. Lady Die


    This player is having a terrible run of bad luck at the moment. Maybe he'll get hit by a bus or something.
  19. Happy Birthday, Star Crossed! Hope it's a good one.
  20. Lady Die

    Animal Antics

    Are you sure it was that squirrel. He looks quite well all things considered. I can't be sure if it was that squirrel (photographed before the event) or some other squirrel. They all look pretty much alike to me.
  21. Lady Die

    Anonymous In Life...

    Become a suicide bomber. They only have "fleeting" fame. I was thinking of something more long-lasting.
  22. Lady Die

    Anonymous In Life...

    Reading this article about Jean Charles de Menezes made me think of all the people who've only become well-known after death. Some of them have even become "household names" - Holly & Jessica, Suzy Lamplugh, etc I wonder if it would be possible to contrive one's own death in order to achieve fame from beyond the grave. Committing suicide by some bizarre method might do the trick. Getting yourself murdered might work too. Any thoughts or ideas on what would be the best way to achieve posthumous fame?
  23. Lady Die

    Jane Tomlinson Killer Ride

    Either that or she's doing some kind of spin boo-hoo job to make us pay more for charity and coo how brave she is. She should be working for Bliar, really, not cycling. Severe pain in back, hip & pelvis? Well, I would imagine most people would have the same with that amount of cycling. Her weight has plummeted? Well, so has mine since I bought an exercise bike. I would imagine cycling in the heat does lose a few calories. Sorry, Jane, I ain't convinced you're ill until you go ahead & die. And the longer it has taken for you to do so, the more I fail to believe you. I wonder if I can make a substitution in my DDP team? I can't find anything in the rules about terminally ill people actually being perfectly healthy. If it turns out that she's made it all up, I put her on my list on a false premise. And all those people who donated money to charity should get a refund.

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